View Full Version : Seriously, Walker?

09-16-2018, 04:08 PM
Not everyone was a big fan but I liked the kid. He was good people. Hopefully he can recover from this and find an agency that will give him a second chance. Shame.

09-17-2018, 01:17 AM
Was he involved in a signal 4? PRPD is corrupt yet they x15 a deputy? **** them no more AOA for k-9.

09-17-2018, 01:41 AM
These m fers would eat their young

09-17-2018, 02:11 AM
It was NPRPD not PRPD. He hit a parked car and then fled, leaving a department issued firearm in his vehicle.

I am all for cutting a fellow LEO a break on a DUI, but they have to work with you. When they flee the scene after hitting a parked car, he is doing it to himself.

09-17-2018, 02:37 AM
NPRPD doesn't need your K9. If you come into the city and violate the law you go to jail. It doesn't matter if your a fire chief from PRPD or a Live PD star from PSO. We all must obey the law.

09-17-2018, 02:54 AM
It was NPRPD not PRPD. He hit a parked car and then fled, leaving a department issued firearm in his vehicle.

I am all for cutting a fellow LEO a break on a DUI, but they have to work with you. When they flee the scene after hitting a parked car, he is doing it to himself.

I definitely would give a brother LEO a break but it is difficult because he fled and his service weapon in the car. He will probably get another gig in a different dept once he makes good with all his conditions and repairs the parked car. It was only misdemeanors so that will be his saving grace! Back in the day when I was on the job it would have been handled a whole different way.

09-17-2018, 03:29 AM
NPRPD doesn't need your K9. If you come into the city and violate the law you go to jail. It doesn't matter if your a fire chief from PRPD or a Live PD star from PSO. We all must obey the law.

I love all that tough talk. Now be a good lad and post your ID so you can be reminded of that at the right time.

09-17-2018, 03:50 AM
NPRPD doesn't need your K9. If you come into the city and violate the law you go to jail. It doesn't matter if your a fire chief from PRPD or a Live PD star from PSO. We all must obey the law.

Probably someone who couldn't get hired by us and has let working at a tiny department like NPRPD go to thier head.

09-17-2018, 06:26 PM
I personally liked Walker... He was a good guy... He made a mistake but should never have left the scene... Dummy.. he gets fired for a DUI but you keep a detective who left his firearm in a public bathroom... plus you have two supervisors who are bullying and harassing there subordinates in which the chain of command is fully aware but yet continues to allow them to work there... Smdh... Karma always makes its way around

09-18-2018, 02:36 AM
I personally liked Walker... He was a good guy... He made a mistake but should never have left the scene... Dummy.. he gets fired for a DUI but you keep a detective who left his firearm in a public bathroom... plus you have two supervisors who are bullying and harassing there subordinates in which the chain of command is fully aware but yet continues to allow them to work there... Smdh... Karma always makes its way around

But not fast enough.

09-18-2018, 08:04 PM
I personally liked Walker... He was a good guy... He made a mistake but should never have left the scene... Dummy.. he gets fired for a DUI but you keep a detective who left his firearm in a public bathroom... plus you have two supervisors who are bullying and harassing there subordinates in which the chain of command is fully aware but yet continues to allow them to work there... Smdh... Karma always makes its way around

Come on now....Stuttering Idiot Nocco is just like Plastic Surgery Boy Chronister and Media Mogul Sensation Judd where they keep their selected few and piss on the rest! Being a LEO was once a noble profession where the public respected you, your superiors actually praised you and supported you, but anymore, being is LEO pays worse than a garbage collector but yet has far more responsibilities and public limelight!

09-19-2018, 03:47 PM
This thread is full of so much misinformation about what actually happened lmfao

09-19-2018, 08:46 PM
Then what actually happened?

09-20-2018, 01:44 PM
Yes. Please give us the real story since you seem to know what the truth is!

09-20-2018, 07:33 PM
This thread is full of so much misinformation about what actually happened lmfao Agreed. As bad as Tom Lemons himself..

09-20-2018, 11:00 PM
This thread is full of so much misinformation about what actually happened lmfao

WoW thats great to hear. Then he didnt get fired for something he did or failed to do?

09-22-2018, 02:01 PM
Drink, Drive, Crash, and fired. That be what happened. Now shut the F U C K up.

09-22-2018, 05:37 PM
Drink, Drive, Crash, and fired. That be what happened. Now shut the F U C K up.

I think you have to put him behind the wheel and prove he was DUI huh? Of course as dumb as many of you are its easy to see how the Nocster gets away with his nonsense. Now speaking of dumb? That would be Y O U.

09-22-2018, 06:31 PM
LOL, now you are thinking like a cop. It doesn't matter as they have fired his ass and now the ball is in his court, which of course that means he is still fired. You all think you have a choice in the matter. Reality is they do as they wish and listen to you winning F U C K E R cry about everything thinking you have a say at all.

09-22-2018, 06:57 PM
LOL, now you are thinking like a cop. It doesn't matter as they have fired his ass and now the ball is in his court, which of course that means he is still fired. You all think you have a choice in the matter. Reality is they do as they wish and listen to you winning F U C K E R cry about everything thinking you have a say at all.

Geeeeeeeeeeeez can you get ANY dumber? Why dont you just drop your drawers and let therm have their way since youre sooooo friggin submissive. And eh work on your spelling you illiterate azzclown or are you just too stupid to look up a word?

09-22-2018, 07:00 PM
Was he involved in a signal 4? PRPD is corrupt yet they x15 a deputy? **** them no more AOA for k-9.

It was NPRPD moron

09-22-2018, 10:38 PM
Geeeeeeeeeeeez can you get ANY dumber? Why dont you just drop your drawers and let therm have their way since youre sooooo friggin submissive. And eh work on your spelling you illiterate azzclown or are you just too stupid to look up a word?

So your answer is what? you just going to complain how wrong things are? No pants pulling down here, you have a choice, work and do as instructed or shut up and go some where the grass is so much greener. Oh wait have you read any of the other pages on Leo Affairs? seems the same thing is going on everywhere. Oh and the private sector would just fire your ass and not look back.

09-22-2018, 10:49 PM
So your answer is what? you just going to complain how wrong things are? No pants pulling down here, you have a choice, work and do as instructed or shut up and go some where the grass is so much greener. Oh wait have you read any of the other pages on Leo Affairs? seems the same thing is going on everywhere. Oh and the private sector would just fire your ass and not look back.

Yawn. Can I get you a tissue, a soothing lotion or a suppository? You clowns are livin it. If you had any brains or an FOP that was worth anything youd be burying them in paper. And the answer? Get smart, learn what the job is really all about, make yourself the best you can be thus making yourself indispensable and get off your knees. Results son....results are what counts and what you are inevitably judged by. Heres a secret. Shhhhhhhhhhhh Florida is a dump. Full of incompetence and corruption and you should be familiar with both. So float with the other turds if you like or get out. What saves the chithole is no one is doing the right thing mostly because far too many have no clue what it is. Ive never seen anything as bad as Pasco and the surrounding areas.

09-23-2018, 06:19 PM
NPRPD doesn't need your K9. If you come into the city and violate the law you go to jail. It doesn't matter if your a fire chief from PRPD or a Live PD star from PSO. We all must obey the law.

Don't be so rightous who ever you are, don't throw stones unless you are not a sinner. Everyone sins.

09-25-2018, 01:45 PM
Bad arrest. They could not place him behind the wheel. Also, good luck proving he was intoxicated. No, he didn't leave the scene or leave his department issued weapon in the vehicle. No one carries that piece of shit off duty anyways. If you do, you're a tri-hard. Anyways, i'm surprised it didn't end up a no file.

Of course PSO fired him, it makes the almighty Nacho look bad. If you fart wrong and it makes stutterman look bad they'll fire you.

09-25-2018, 03:16 PM
Bad arrest. They could not place him behind the wheel. Also, good luck proving he was intoxicated. No, he didn't leave the scene or leave his department issued weapon in the vehicle. No one carries that piece of shit off duty anyways. If you do, you're a tri-hard. Anyways, i'm surprised it didn't end up a no file.

Of course PSO fired him, it makes the almighty Nacho look bad. If you fart wrong and it makes stutterman look bad they'll fire you.

The clowns are one lawsuit or some good press away from the end of their nonsense. Id half expect the FBI to pop in any time based on all the Pasco dealings. FDLE is a joke

09-25-2018, 04:06 PM
Amen brother! Stay tuned for some unwanted press against PSO ! Lots of suits filed against them.

09-26-2018, 04:21 AM
Amen brother! Stay tuned for some unwanted press against PSO ! Lots of suits filed against them.

A couple good depositions and theyll be waving the white flag they have too much to hide.

09-29-2018, 09:31 AM
Since when does wearing a badge give you the right to live a lower standard than a citizen and not be subject to the same punishment. This is why you idiots have to wear cameras because of your double standard and corruption. Try setting the example for the public. Maybe someday you値l be believed again when you speak.

09-29-2018, 02:11 PM
Since when does wearing a badge give you the right to live a lower standard than a citizen and not be subject to the same punishment. This is why you idiots have to wear cameras because of your double standard and corruption. Try setting the example for the public. Maybe someday you値l be believed again when you speak.

Please stand up youre mumbling. You must have zero experience working with the public or did some bad poooooooliceman make you cry?

10-01-2018, 02:26 PM
Since when does wearing a badge give you the right to live a lower standard than a citizen and not be subject to the same punishment. This is why you idiots have to wear cameras because of your double standard and corruption. Try setting the example for the public. Maybe someday you値l be believed again when you speak.

Show us on the doll where the bad man touched you.

10-01-2018, 02:33 PM
Since when does wearing a badge give you the right to live a lower standard than a citizen and not be subject to the same punishment. This is why you idiots have to wear cameras because of your double standard and corruption. Try setting the example for the public. Maybe someday you値l be believed again when you speak.

Since when does wearing a badge forefeit the presumption of innocence.

Also, most agencies wear body cameras to protect themselves from civilians and frivolous lawsuits.

10-01-2018, 10:25 PM
Since when does wearing a badge forefeit the presumption of innocence.

Also, most agencies wear body cameras to protect themselves from civilians and frivolous lawsuits.

Awwwwwww cmon civilians NEVER lie.

10-03-2018, 08:08 PM
Awwwwwww cmon civilians NEVER lie.

I知 sure the outstanding citizens of Pasco never tell lies. I知 also sure the outstanding Sheriff痴 department administration never believes those lies either lol.

10-04-2018, 01:08 PM
And who believes the sheriffs office lies? There's a lot of corruption and cover up going on..it will all be exposed soon enough!

10-05-2018, 02:09 AM
And who believes the sheriffs office lies? There's a lot of corruption and cover up going on..it will all be exposed soon enough!

Cite the corruption and cover ups. Whos going to expose it? How?

10-08-2018, 03:07 PM
Cite the corruption and cover ups. Whos going to expose it? How?

I'd love to see something of substance, but I just don't see it happening.

10-24-2018, 02:54 AM
Well well....They finally lowered the guillotine, now lets see if the chain of command has the balls to actually drop it and cut her head off !! Protecting her has gone on far too long !!

10-25-2018, 12:38 AM
Well well....They finally lowered the guillotine, now lets see if the chain of command has the balls to actually drop it and cut her head off !! Protecting her has gone on far too long !!

What happened?

10-27-2018, 12:12 AM
Ask forensics..lmao !!