View Full Version : Sounds like a justifiable homicide to me.

09-11-2018, 02:02 AM

(CNN) Dallas police officer Amber Guyger says she shot and killed Botham Shem Jean after she thought she was entering her own apartment, not realizing she was on the wrong floor. Guyger stands charged with manslaughter.

CNN affiliate KTVT obtained a copy of an arrest warrant affidavit from the Dallas County District Attorney's Office. Here's what it says:

Jean lived in apartment #1478, Guyger lives in #1378
Both apartments are identical or extremely similar in terms of floorplan, exterior surroundings, structure and description
Jean was home alone when Guyger, still in uniform after her shift, entered the apartment
Guyger parked her vehicle on the fourth floor, entered the building and walked toward what she thought was her apartment
She used her door key, which has an electronic chip, to try to enter the apartment
The door was slightly ajar when she approached it
The door opened under the force of the key insertion
The interior of the apartment was nearly completely dark
Guyger could make out a large silhouette across the room
She drew her weapon, believing there was an intruder in her apartment
Her verbal commands to Jean were ignored
Guyger fired two shots at Jean, striking him once in the torso
Guyger then entered the apartment, called 911 and started administering first aid to Jean
She turned on the lights while on the phone with 911, and when they asked for her address, she realized she was in the wrong apartment
She requested an ambulance and police to come to the apartment
Jean was transported to Baylor Hospital, where he died
Guyger remained at the scene and told officers and the 911 operator that she thought she was in her apartment when she shot Jean

09-11-2018, 02:39 AM
She should be charged with capital murder. Justifiable? What would you be saying if it would have been the other way around? Black guy mistakes room number and shoots at a police officer? No comas mierda. La gringa esta needs to charged.

09-11-2018, 04:09 PM
She should be charged with capital murder. Justifiable? What would you be saying if it would have been the other way around? Black guy mistakes room number and shoots at a police officer? No comas mierda. La gringa esta needs to charged.

Wtf is capitol murder?! Do you even know your statutes.... it never ceases to amaze me how the people that know the least are always the loudest ones

09-11-2018, 05:54 PM
Wtf is capitol murder?! Do you even know your statutes.... it never ceases to amaze me how the people that know the least are always the loudest ones

WTF is capitol murder??? Death penalty!!!!!!! It never ceases to amaze me how people think they know everything and put another down.. Let me help you, different states have different charges for murder.. Like 3rd degree murder, 2nd degree murder, 1st degree murder (capitol)

09-11-2018, 06:03 PM
Wtf is capitol murder?! Do you even know your statutes.... it never ceases to amaze me how the people that know the least are always the loudest ones

Capitol murder is when someone gets kill in Washington the home of the Senate .

09-11-2018, 07:54 PM
Texas has Capitol murder charge. That's where the shooting occurred. Papo, I am college educated, meaning I know laws from different states, including Texas and my beautiful - banana republic - the state of Florida.

These Miami HS people I tell you.