View Full Version : Terminal Turds

09-02-2018, 07:41 PM
Listen boys, you can run but you can’t hide!

The boogie man is coming for all you lazy, no good, sleeping on duty, dirty bags of mierda....... enjoy

09-02-2018, 08:22 PM
What the problem with all you airport haters. Nobody cares what you think, get a life losers

09-02-2018, 10:22 PM
You could try to flush those turds down the toilet but they're so fat and disgusting you'd need a plunger.

09-02-2018, 11:01 PM
You are so angry! Plz ask your boyfriend to use vaseline next time!

09-02-2018, 11:21 PM
He probably put in a transfer for the airport and got denied. Angry with everyone

09-02-2018, 11:35 PM
You are so angry! Plz ask your boyfriend to use vaseline next time!

I'd ask you to use vaseline but it's probably been so long since you've seen your pee pee.
Sorry, no desire ever to work with fat, lazy cowards, so you dont have to get your panties in a bunch thinking I'll evet go there.

09-03-2018, 01:01 AM
Everyone is so tired and miserable working 18 hr days .

09-03-2018, 02:59 AM
Everyone is so tired and miserable working 18 hr days .

So stop working the OT! Nobody is forcing you to work it.

09-03-2018, 11:55 AM
So stop working the OT! Nobody is forcing you to work it.

Let's not confuse the word "work" with just being there. Those turds don't have any idea what "work" actually means. They show up, hide and sleep and work their details, which they do nothing and again hide.
Perfect example is the shooting. The deputy who went hand on with the shooter was an outside airport deputy at a detail, doing what the airport slugs never do.....he was at his post.

09-03-2018, 01:16 PM
Listen boys, you can run but you can’t hide!

The boogie man is coming for all you lazy, no good, sleeping on duty, dirty bags of mierda....... enjoy

Give it a rest Major Cedenio!

09-03-2018, 01:46 PM
Cedeno was removed from the airport due to his gross incompetence. He basically turned one of the agency success stories into a total disaster.

He insisted that Polan transfer Lidicott because he needed a scape goat for the chaos that he and Polan created during the Airport shooting.

He then changed the airport shifts when Lidicott and Furman told him that it would not work and as a result, chronic manpower shortages every day. The Airport was so pissed at Polan and Cedeno that they are now planing to start their own police force.

Thanks to Cedeno employee morale is in the toilet. People actually are trying to transfer out to Pompano and Deerfield.

So now Major Holmes is transferred in to run the Airport. Cedenos ego is so fragile that he cannot stand for the Airport to succeed with Holmes in charge. He convinces the idiot Polan to Transfer Furman out and bring Cavaleri in, knowing that Cavaleri will make things at the Airport 10 times worse than Cedeno ever did.

Cedeno and Polan would rather have the Airport crash that allow Cedeno to be embarrassed yet again by having someone else come in and expose Cedenos incompetence. Sooo yeah intentionally sabatoge things for Holmes.

What a screwed up agency. Israel can’t be arrested soon enough.

09-03-2018, 01:58 PM
You know, you’re right, everything at the Airport was fine after the shooting. Things we’re running smoothly until Polan and Cedeno came in and took command from Lidicott.

Next thing you know Cedeno is screaming on the radio that there is another shooter, triggering mass hysteria and an unnecessary evacuation. How does an egotistical screwup like Cedeno keep his job? He must really have the goods on Israel.

09-03-2018, 02:42 PM
Food judgement sticking a moron who points firearms at deputies in the airport.

09-03-2018, 02:43 PM
Hey moron, why are you responding to your own post? It's so obvious.
The only thing grossly incompetent at the airport are you fat, turd cowards.
Instead of placing blame on someone else, look in the mirror.....in fact get one of those circus mirrors that make you look skinny...its the only way you're going to lose any weight.
In the meantime, go hide, eat cake and avoid any public contact at all costs. F'ing losers!!

09-03-2018, 02:44 PM
Food judgement sticking a moron who points firearms at deputies in the airport.

I meant good judgement sarcasm.

09-03-2018, 03:08 PM
Cedeno was removed from the airport due to his gross incompetence. He basically turned one of the agency success stories into a total disaster.

He insisted that Polan transfer Lidicott because he needed a scape goat for the chaos that he and Polan created during the Airport shooting.

He then changed the airport shifts when Lidicott and Furman told him that it would not work and as a result, chronic manpower shortages every day. The Airport was so pissed at Polan and Cedeno that they are now planing to start their own police force.

Thanks to Cedeno employee morale is in the toilet. People actually are trying to transfer out to Pompano and Deerfield.

So now Major Holmes is transferred in to run the Airport. Cedenos ego is so fragile that he cannot stand for the Airport to succeed with Holmes in charge. He convinces the idiot Polan to Transfer Furman out and bring Cavaleri in, knowing that Cavaleri will make things at the Airport 10 times worse than Cedeno ever did.

Cedeno and Polan would rather have the Airport crash that allow Cedeno to be embarrassed yet again by having someone else come in and expose Cedenos incompetence. Sooo yeah intentionally sabatoge things for Holmes.

What a screwed up agency. Israel can’t be arrested soon enough.

starting their own police force ? Heard of some old grudgers with cow dung on the boots that are happy to share the ins and outs of how to make that happen with a few little districts looking to do a little "adios" in the near future? Giddie up!

09-03-2018, 04:26 PM
Hey moron, why are you responding to your own post? It's so obvious.
The only thing grossly incompetent at the airport are you fat, turd cowards.
Instead of placing blame on someone else, look in the mirror.....in fact get one of those circus mirrors that make you look skinny...its the only way you're going to lose any weight.
In the meantime, go hide, eat cake and avoid any public contact at all costs. F'ing losers!!

Hey Major, I can lose the weight but you will never grow the 4 inches you need to get to 5' 7"

09-03-2018, 05:39 PM
Hey Major, I can lose the weight but you will never grow the 4 inches you need to get to 5' 7"

I'll get the 4 inches once I see you bend over and I see that hefty butterball.

09-03-2018, 06:16 PM
I'll get the 4 inches once I see you bend over and I see that hefty butterball.

Sadly Major, you ain’t got 4 inches there either.

09-03-2018, 08:53 PM
I'll get the 4 inches once I see you bend over and I see that hefty butterball.

Angie, if this is really you, you should be ashamed. You are unqualified for the position that was handed to you, at least act like a professional. This is a stupid blog for Christ's sake. Yes there is truth here, but you created this hated

09-03-2018, 09:25 PM
Cedeno was removed from the airport due to his gross incompetence. He basically turned one of the agency success stories into a total disaster.

He insisted that Polan transfer Lidicott because he needed a scape goat for the chaos that he and Polan created during the Airport shooting.

He then changed the airport shifts when Lidicott and Furman told him that it would not work and as a result, chronic manpower shortages every day. The Airport was so pissed at Polan and Cedeno that they are now planing to start their own police force.

Thanks to Cedeno employee morale is in the toilet. People actually are trying to transfer out to Pompano and Deerfield.

So now Major Holmes is transferred in to run the Airport. Cedenos ego is so fragile that he cannot stand for the Airport to succeed with Holmes in charge. He convinces the idiot Polan to Transfer Furman out and bring Cavaleri in, knowing that Cavaleri will make things at the Airport 10 times worse than Cedeno ever did.

Cedeno and Polan would rather have the Airport crash that allow Cedeno to be embarrassed yet again by having someone else come in and expose Cedenos incompetence. Sooo yeah intentionally sabatoge things for Holmes.

What a screwed up agency. Israel can’t be arrested soon enough.

Thank you Furman!!! Enjoy your new assignment!

09-03-2018, 09:27 PM
Hey Major, I can lose the weight but you will never grow the 4 inches you need to get to 5' 7"

If you think Angie is on this thing then you really dont know Angie. No one except the supervisors he threw down on have any issues with him at the airport.

09-03-2018, 09:29 PM
Cedeno was removed from the airport due to his gross incompetence. He basically turned one of the agency success stories into a total disaster.

He insisted that Polan transfer Lidicott because he needed a scape goat for the chaos that he and Polan created during the Airport shooting.

He then changed the airport shifts when Lidicott and Furman told him that it would not work and as a result, chronic manpower shortages every day. The Airport was so pissed at Polan and Cedeno that they are now planing to start their own police force.

Thanks to Cedeno employee morale is in the toilet. People actually are trying to transfer out to Pompano and Deerfield.

So now Major Holmes is transferred in to run the Airport. Cedenos ego is so fragile that he cannot stand for the Airport to succeed with Holmes in charge. He convinces the idiot Polan to Transfer Furman out and bring Cavaleri in, knowing that Cavaleri will make things at the Airport 10 times worse than Cedeno ever did.

Cedeno and Polan would rather have the Airport crash that allow Cedeno to be embarrassed yet again by having someone else come in and expose Cedenos incompetence. Sooo yeah intentionally sabatoge things for Holmes.

What a screwed up agency. Israel can’t be arrested soon enough.

Lidicott? How is doing in training anyway? Has he passed FTO yet?

09-03-2018, 10:24 PM
If you think Angie is on this thing then you really dont know Angie. No one except the supervisors he threw down on have any issues with him at the airport.

Lol, yeah keep dreaming. He is pretty much universally hated by everyone. Even the suck ups in his FART team just pretend to like him, lol.

09-03-2018, 10:27 PM
Thank you Furman!!! Enjoy your new assignment!
Not Furman you dummy! Lol everyone sees through you and knows just what you’re all about! Especially FDLE. Enjoy your last few days...

09-03-2018, 10:29 PM
If you think Angie is on this thing then you really dont know Angie. No one except the supervisors he threw down on have any issues with him at the airport.

LOL! Okay Major Sedano’s!

09-03-2018, 10:49 PM
Hey Cedeno! Was it your idea to have Polan do the BCC scam claiming that his wife was teaching all of his classes? 🤭

09-03-2018, 11:35 PM
Not Furman you dummy! Lol everyone sees through you and knows just what you’re all about! Especially FDLE. Enjoy your last few days...

Thanks again Furman! Enjoy nights!!!

09-03-2018, 11:52 PM
Fits you to a tee Angie Cedeno, seek help!


09-04-2018, 01:11 AM
If you think Angie is on this thing then you really dont know Angie. No one except the supervisors he threw down on have any issues with him at the airport.

Oh trust me Angie frequents this site daily!!! When he was in LBS he use to complain about what was being written about him on everyday! So maybe when he became a Major he stopped caring what people thought about him right??

09-04-2018, 01:35 AM
Cedeno is such a loser. I wonder if he knows that everyone in the upper command laughs about him behind his back. They all consider him a useless backstabber and a joke.

09-04-2018, 01:43 AM
I work at the airport and I’m in good health. I have no stress and when I retire I will live a long and happy life. So you haters can all go to H

09-04-2018, 01:52 AM
I work at the airport and I’m in good health. I have no stress and when I retire I will live a long and happy life. So you haters can all go to H

Of course you have no stress. You dont do anything. Why would you have stress unless the candy machine was out of order. I hope you retire knowing that you were never a cop and probably a coward. Go eat your cake, you airport pos.

09-04-2018, 04:09 AM
Of course you have no stress. You dont do anything. Why would you have stress unless the candy machine was out of order. I hope you retire knowing that you were never a cop and probably a coward. Go eat your cake, you airport pos.

Dispatch to the greenhorn, I got that 21 delayed and then that 41 that still holding in your zone you POS rookie. You will never make it to retirement you will never make it 30 years...LOL

09-04-2018, 11:27 AM
Dispatch to the greenhorn, I got that 21 delayed and then that 41 that still holding in your zone you POS rookie. You will never make it to retirement you will never make it 30 years...LOL

Dispatch to lazy coward POS airport deputy, unattended bag. Oh, another call for a do not ticket, do not tow. I hope you retire soon, you pos do nothing yellow streaked coward.

09-04-2018, 01:09 PM
Dispatch to lazy coward POS airport deputy, unattended bag. Oh, another call for a do not ticket, do not tow. I hope you retire soon, you pos do nothing yellow streaked coward.

See that’s what you don't get “Boy” I’ve earned that call to go check on that unattended bag. I will be riding off into the sunset with my high 6 figure pension while you POS millennium rookie will be sucking the Sheriff’s taint begging for a measly COLA. Now run along “BOY” some stank ass Bum under the ugly tree in Pompano needs assistance!

09-04-2018, 01:21 PM
See that’s what you don't get “Boy” I’ve earned that call to go check on that unattended bag. I will be riding off into the sunset with my high 6 figure pension while you POS millennium rookie will be sucking the Sheriff’s taint begging for a measly COLA. Now run along “BOY” some stank ass Bum under the ugly tree in Pompano needs assistance!

You mention that you earned being there. What exactly did you do to earn it? I've seen the airport slugs and not one have earned to be there. In fact, we were glad to see them leave our district because they were a liability. Keep thinking you earned it, you coward pos!

09-04-2018, 02:16 PM
Hey, the next time theres a big fight or a critical incident at the airport, make sure to call us to save your coward azzes. If we need cake for a birthday, we'll call your worthless azzes. Until then shut your "pie" hole and go hide.....puzzies!!

09-04-2018, 02:46 PM
Hey, the next time theres a big fight or a critical incident at the airport, make sure to call us to save your coward azzes. If we need cake for a birthday, we'll call your worthless azzes. Until then shut your "pie" hole and go hide.....puzzies!!

can't wait to see you run around the parking garage like the Keystone Cops. Is there a problem with leadership?

09-04-2018, 03:20 PM
can't wait to see you run around the parking garage like the Keystone Cops. Is there a problem with leadership?

At least we were trying to do something. You turds were having a party while people were being shot Then afterwards, your many years of experience training kicked in and your special skills of hiding enabled you to disappear. F'ing cake eating cowards!

09-04-2018, 04:02 PM
Yes I earned being at the airport. I work back when we made many arrests unlike you lazy road patrol deputies. Most of you are afraid to handle a call without one or two backups. Looked the other way when there crime in front of you. Checked the arrests records from the 80’s and 90’s. Sorry most of you won’t have the fun of being proactive. But you looked good in front of the mirror cowards

09-04-2018, 04:12 PM
Yes I earned being at the airport. I work back when we made many arrests unlike you lazy road patrol deputies. Most of you are afraid to handle a call without one or two backups. Looked the other way when there crime in front of you. Checked the arrests records from the 80’s and 90’s. Sorry most of you won’t have the fun of being proactive. But you looked good in front of the mirror cowards

Do you ever ask yourself why you're still at bso? You obviously have no life if you're still here and worked in the 80s. Your home life must be terrible that you continue to be there....notice I used the word there and not work because I know that word is foreign to you.
You are a pathetic loser if you're still there.....wow....I feel sorry for you....how sad that you have no home life....everyone must hate you.

09-04-2018, 05:39 PM
At least we were trying to do something. You turds were having a party while people were being shot Then afterwards, your many years of experience training kicked in and your special skills of hiding enabled you to disappear. F'ing cake eating cowards!

The airport is on our channel. They saved some lady that overdosed yesterday. They do a good job and the road does a good job. Stop attacking each other, it’s stupid.

09-04-2018, 05:45 PM
I still here from the late 80’s because I have no wife who died many years ago. I have plenty of vacation and cto time to travel the world. No living relatives and I am very happy. I also have many friends who live across the United States. You are the loser because you resent me, I have to go must work some overtime. 💵💵💵 GFY

09-04-2018, 05:47 PM
The airport is on our channel. They saved some lady that overdosed yesterday. They do a good job and the road does a good job. Stop attacking each other, it’s stupid.

Its leoaffairs and it's all about the hate. If you want civility go become a well slept, well fed fireman. We all hate each other in DLE.LOL

09-04-2018, 07:14 PM
At least we were trying to do something. You turds were having a party while people were being shot Then afterwards, your many years of experience training kicked in and your special skills of hiding enabled you to disappear. F'ing cake eating cowards!

I guess when the district has a retirement party or let’s say a holiday Party the WHOLE shift does not go 10-8 but stays in the district to pig out and eat CAKE. But I guess the big rookie Crime Fighter that you are just goes 10-8 and heads right to that shit hole of a zone you have. I am so impressed, now go SAD you little queer!

09-05-2018, 12:26 AM
Its leoaffairs and it's all about the hate. If you want civility go become a well slept, well fed fireman. We all hate each other in DLE.LOL

This isn't all DLE in here, lol

09-19-2018, 02:50 PM
Give it a rest Major Cedenio!

You should have stayed on 8th street you short focking weasel!

09-20-2018, 08:31 PM
Let's not confuse the word "work" with just being there. Those turds don't have any idea what "work" actually means. They show up, hide and sleep and work their details, which they do nothing and again hide.
Perfect example is the shooting. The deputy who went hand on with the shooter was an outside airport deputy at a detail, doing what the airport slugs never do.....he was at his post.

airport fags..have a rebuttal?

09-20-2018, 10:12 PM
The same old posts gfy