View Full Version : Let’s start a Union.

09-02-2018, 01:10 PM
Its been a long time coming. There is only one reason the leadership doesn’t like this....... it empowers YOU! In this day and age (especially in politically motivated arenas) you need someone in your corner that will hold leadership accountable. I mean foreign people simply for seeking employment elsewhere........ things are out of control. Agencies should have a professional approach, instead leadership behaves as a jealous boyfriend when they hear you want to move on to greener pastures,rather than take a hard look within.

09-20-2018, 03:09 PM
They will not look within because they already know what would turn up. You will never get enough deputies to buy into a union, not because they don't want one bit it is the fear of being fired. This agency is corrupt and has snakes crawling around at all levels. As soon as word of a union is heard of, Captain Norris will be writing a new policy against using the word. They're corrupt and unfortunately nothing will change when Captain Aden gets elected Sheriff. He is in the pocket of corruption. The corruption goes outside of the Sheriff's Office it includes Chairman County Commisioner "I've spent to much time eating Fried Chicken" Graham Fountain. If you get in the way of their plans you are screwed. Sorry to say the deputies at OCSO has two choices. You can either leave and find employment elsewhere or you can deal with it and pretend that OCSO is not filled with corruption.

03-27-2019, 08:38 PM
They will not look within because they already know what would turn up. You will never get enough deputies to buy into a union, not because they don't want one bit it is the fear of being fired. This agency is corrupt and has snakes crawling around at all levels. As soon as word of a union is heard of, Captain Norris will be writing a new policy against using the word. They're corrupt and unfortunately nothing will change when Captain Aden gets elected Sheriff. He is in the pocket of corruption. The corruption goes outside of the Sheriff's Office it includes Chairman County Commisioner "I've spent to much time eating Fried Chicken" Graham Fountain. If you get in the way of their plans you are screwed. Sorry to say the deputies at OCSO has two choices. You can either leave and find employment elsewhere or you can deal with it and pretend that OCSO is not filled with corruption.

Take a look to the east and Walton County. Fried Chicken Fountain was given a sweet job over there out of Tally and when he was ready to run for Commiss, he left. Fountain threw his weight (a lot of it) around in Walton too. Aden was a warrant deputy at Walton, had very little experience and sat in waiting for his "appointment" to run the new Okaloosa Courthouse once it was completed, which he promptly recieved and has had a rocket tied to his rear end since. Aden has a brother also into the local politics.

Last time a panhandle S.O. tried to get a Union, one of the organizers was targeted by one of their own and framed for DUI. That bogus charge was fought and the framed officer won.

Interested to hear what Fountain is up to now...

03-29-2019, 02:01 PM
That was attempted once. The Deputy that was talking about it got tatted on by some golden children. A supervisor entered the Deputy’s patrol car while he was on a 10-50 and grabbed a box with all the Union paperwork and got 10-8. That Deputy trying to get a Union was later subject to an internal investigation for other policy violations and fired.

03-29-2019, 10:34 PM
That was attempted once. The Deputy that was talking about it got tatted on by some golden children. A supervisor entered the Deputy’s patrol car while he was on a 10-50 and grabbed a box with all the Union paperwork and got 10-8. That Deputy trying to get a Union was later subject to an internal investigation for other policy violations and fired.

Yup and that "co-worker" framed him for DUI.

Scott married another piece of Adkinson work and like a
Aden + Fountain, AH + Mike = Rocket tied to ass and promotion.

It's the good ole boy way.

Won't change soon.

Not enough Dems vote in NW FL...