View Full Version : The Most Incompetent

08-30-2018, 12:12 PM
The BSO has certainly had its share of characters as sheriff recently, and the men and women who serve have paid the price.
Remember Cochran when he wanted us to paint the ghetto rats homes and pick up the garbage in their yards?

Or Navarro who never met a camera he didn't like, but he did allow us to be "Cops."

Can't remember the female's name who was sheriff for about a month...oh yeah Macambel or something like that.

Then there was Jenne, who thought he was the smartest most powerful of them all. He turned out to be a petty crook.

All these screwballs, but at least none of them have ever been dubbed "Florida's most Incompetent Sheriff"

So how did Israel manage to accomplish this great feat? Was it all the lies he spewed to get elected? Was it all the sub par employees that he promoted to high ranking positions? was it all the sketchy civilians that he gave jobs to as paybacks for election assistance? Did the people that he put into positions make decisions that let him down?. Did he forget that while he continuously politicked, and gave away tax payers dollars for votes, someone had to actually run the agency (not in the ground).

What went wrong to cause the men and women to vote no confidence, and why is he still here?

08-30-2018, 12:23 PM
Maybe his seven Colonels and 22 directors making 140 thousand plus, as well as his 6th grade speaking skills contribute to his incompetence!

08-30-2018, 12:30 PM
The BSO has certainly had its share of characters as sheriff recently, and the men and women who serve have paid the price.
Remember Cochran when he wanted us to paint the ghetto rats homes and pick up the garbage in their yards?

Or Navarro who never met a camera he didn't like, but he did allow us to be "Cops."

Can't remember the female's name who was sheriff for about a month...oh yeah Macambel or something like that.

Then there was Jenne, who thought he was the smartest most powerful of them all. He turned out to be a petty crook.

All these screwballs, but at least none of them have ever been dubbed "Florida's most Incompetent Sheriff"

So how did Israel manage to accomplish this great feat? Was it all the lies he spewed to get elected? Was it all the sub par employees that he promoted to high ranking positions? was it all the sketchy civilians that he gave jobs to as paybacks for election assistance? Did the people that he put into positions make decisions that let him down?. Did he forget that while he continuously politicked, and gave away tax payers dollars for votes, someone had to actually run the agency (not in the ground).

What went wrong to cause the men and women to vote no confidence, and why is he still here?

I loved Cochrans " Hug a thug : Program... Priceless

08-30-2018, 12:47 PM
He's been referred to as Florida's Most incompetent Sheriff and also as Disgraced Sheriff Scott Israel. That has to be a tough nut to swallow for such an arrogant POS

08-30-2018, 12:50 PM
The BSO has certainly had its share of characters as sheriff recently, and the men and women who serve have paid the price.
Remember Cochran when he wanted us to paint the ghetto rats homes and pick up the garbage in their yards?

Or Navarro who never met a camera he didn't like, but he did allow us to be "Cops."

Can't remember the female's name who was sheriff for about a month...oh yeah Macambel or something like that.

Then there was Jenne, who thought he was the smartest most powerful of them all. He turned out to be a petty crook.

All these screwballs, but at least none of them have ever been dubbed "Florida's most Incompetent Sheriff"

So how did Israel manage to accomplish this great feat? Was it all the lies he spewed to get elected? Was it all the sub par employees that he promoted to high ranking positions? was it all the sketchy civilians that he gave jobs to as paybacks for election assistance? Did the people that he put into positions make decisions that let him down?. Did he forget that while he continuously politicked, and gave away tax payers dollars for votes, someone had to actually run the agency (not in the ground).

What went wrong to cause the men and women to vote no confidence, and why is he still here?

I notice that you didn't mention Lamberti. I guess he was the greatest of all time?? Nice try, Lamer.

08-30-2018, 01:13 PM
I notice that you didn't mention Lamberti. I guess he was the greatest of all time?? Nice try, Lamer.

Lamberti was an insignificant do nothing. But was anything mentioned about Israel not true? Crony!

08-30-2018, 01:22 PM
Lamberti was an insignificant do nothing. But was anything mentioned about Israel not true? Crony!

Not a Crony, just someone paid to troll this site and spin anything anti Israel to try and save his and my job. Have have no other function so please help me out, I can't go back to my fast food job and I don't know any other person running for sheriff that allows bootlickers in.

08-30-2018, 02:01 PM
The BSO has certainly had its share of characters as sheriff recently, and the men and women who serve have paid the price.
Remember Cochran when he wanted us to paint the ghetto rats homes and pick up the garbage in their yards?

Or Navarro who never met a camera he didn't like, but he did allow us to be "Cops."

Can't remember the female's name who was sheriff for about a month...oh yeah Macambel or something like that.

Then there was Jenne, who thought he was the smartest most powerful of them all. He turned out to be a petty crook.

All these screwballs, but at least none of them have ever been dubbed "Florida's most Incompetent Sheriff"

So how did Israel manage to accomplish this great feat? Was it all the lies he spewed to get elected? Was it all the sub par employees that he promoted to high ranking positions? was it all the sketchy civilians that he gave jobs to as paybacks for election assistance? Did the people that he put into positions make decisions that let him down?. Did he forget that while he continuously politicked, and gave away tax payers dollars for votes, someone had to actually run the agency (not in the ground).

What went wrong to cause the men and women to vote no confidence, and why is he still here?

The history of the Sheriff's Office has had an impact on the ups and downs of South FL economy. "COPS" was a double edged sword. While it revealed the many facets of law enforcement that were realistic, most notably the crack epidemic, it also drove away potential home buyers for years. In the 90's when the area was hyped up, when folks would come from other places in the county to relocate they would mention the show and say " NOT Broward" and talk about what they considered the immorality of the personal lives of the cast. The midwest and some of the north east were still not accepting of casual references to children with broken homes, "shaking up" with boyfriends, the exploitation of victims of prostitution, who in the bible belt need prayer. They would ask realtors if most of Broward was a trailer park as they were crossing the boundary into Palm beach County. It would have been a good idea to take the cameras to some domestics in better districts and not depict most law enforcement families as entrenched in constant turmoil with children in never ending transition.
Here we are again in another "COPS" moment; no disrespect to the participants, a few with distinguished careers. BSO is the "NOT Broward" all over again. It's sad. The agency had really built something great since back then. The Mazza capture and the SWR rescue to name two that stand out. Just gotta keep the faith that "change" is on the horizon. Until then, be safe.

08-30-2018, 02:54 PM
I loved Cochrans " Hug a thug : Program... Priceless

Those weenee roast were good behind dist 5

08-30-2018, 04:19 PM
He's been referred to as Florida's Most incompetent Sheriff and also as Disgraced Sheriff Scott Israel. That has to be a tough nut to swallow for such an arrogant POS

If you're over 50, you know that nothing tops:


Or, Judy Stern's " he wasn't a brains guy, we had to educate him"

Love her or hate her, no one gets the edge on Judy.

08-30-2018, 05:41 PM
The history of the Sheriff's Office has had an impact on the ups and downs of South FL economy. "COPS" was a double edged sword. While it revealed the many facets of law enforcement that were realistic, most notably the crack epidemic, it also drove away potential home buyers for years. In the 90's when the area was hyped up, when folks would come from other places in the county to relocate they would mention the show and say " NOT Broward" and talk about what they considered the immorality of the personal lives of the cast. The midwest and some of the north east were still not accepting of casual references to children with broken homes, "shaking up" with boyfriends, the exploitation of victims of prostitution, who in the bible belt need prayer. They would ask realtors if most of Broward was a trailer park as they were crossing the boundary into Palm beach County. It would have been a good idea to take the cameras to some domestics in better districts and not depict most law enforcement families as entrenched in constant turmoil with children in never ending transition.
Here we are again in another "COPS" moment; no disrespect to the participants, a few with distinguished careers. BSO is the "NOT Broward" all over again. It's sad. The agency had really built something great since back then. The Mazza capture and the SWR rescue to name two that stand out. Just gotta keep the faith that "change" is on the horizon. Until then, be safe.

The Mazza capture? Are you kidding me? He was collared by Hollywood PD, correct? Not to mention the despicable attitude by most DLE deputies that attended Paul Rein's funeral with their comments of "He wasn't even a real deputy. He was a jailer. Why are they giving him a funeral like this?"

Got hired in 1988, and retired in 2015. Glad to be gone. This agency will always be a sack of shit.

08-30-2018, 07:52 PM
The BSO has certainly had its share of characters as sheriff recently, and the men and women who serve have paid the price.
Remember Cochran when he wanted us to paint the ghetto rats homes and pick up the garbage in their yards?

Or Navarro who never met a camera he didn't like, but he did allow us to be "Cops."

Can't remember the female's name who was sheriff for about a month...oh yeah Macambel or something like that.

Then there was Jenne, who thought he was the smartest most powerful of them all. He turned out to be a petty crook.

All these screwballs, but at least none of them have ever been dubbed "Florida's most Incompetent Sheriff"

So how did Israel manage to accomplish this great feat? Was it all the lies he spewed to get elected? Was it all the sub par employees that he promoted to high ranking positions? was it all the sketchy civilians that he gave jobs to as paybacks for election assistance? Did the people that he put into positions make decisions that let him down?. Did he forget that while he continuously politicked, and gave away tax payers dollars for votes, someone had to actually run the agency (not in the ground).

What went wrong to cause the men and women to vote no confidence, and why is he still here?

Almost 25 years as a cop and have always been told that "If you watch COPS, watch it ONLY to see how NOT to do things in this profession".

08-30-2018, 11:34 PM
Almost 25 years as a cop and have always been told that "If you watch COPS, watch it ONLY to see how NOT to do things in this profession".

However, Live PD on A&E is pretty good.

08-31-2018, 04:15 AM
However, Live PD on A&E is pretty good.

I agree. I get to sit there and watch cops who WANT to do their job instead of many of BSO's deputies. 10-8 for 7 hours? Come on now.

08-31-2018, 05:25 AM
Well here we are, 25 plus years later afte "COPS" and the morons that operated in the same fashion as the those idiots that hammed it up to the cameras and acted tough are now in charge. It was clear back then that the majority on camera lacked any officer safety skills and really didn't seem like they had any street smarts.
Fast forward to today, and now we have those same idiots telling us how to do things by changing policies and procedures that protect them from basically the same things they've done numerous times, and on occasion, a lot worse.
How quickly they forget.

08-31-2018, 12:43 PM
The Mazza capture? Are you kidding me? He was collared by Hollywood PD, correct? Not to mention the despicable attitude by most DLE deputies that attended Paul Rein's funeral with their comments of "He wasn't even a real deputy. He was a jailer. Why are they giving him a funeral like this?"

Got hired in 1988, and retired in 2015. Glad to be gone. This agency will always be a sack of shit.

i think the point was about the spirit, camaraderie and public image of the agency. the county was glued to the tv that long day. the agency and surrounding agencies, appeared to be professional and far from cowardly. rein's death should be a reminder to dle/dod that a criminal is a criminal is a criminal. never ever let your guard down. like MSD, this was a absolutely a preventable tragedy that took away someone loved by many. hopefully the changes that were made re: transport are still in effect.

09-01-2018, 02:08 PM
i think the point was about the spirit, camaraderie and public image of the agency. the county was glued to the tv that long day. the agency and surrounding agencies, appeared to be professional and far from cowardly. rein's death should be a reminder to dle/dod that a criminal is a criminal is a criminal. never ever let your guard down. like MSD, this was a absolutely a preventable tragedy that took away someone loved by many. hopefully the changes that were made re: transport are still in effect.

Reins death was also partially the fault of incompetent leadership within the DOD! Mazza was in a medium security facility when he should have been in maximum. FYI, that moron who put him there, still wrongly places inmates and puts deputies at risk. How do you sleep at night Sieger you POS?

09-01-2018, 03:22 PM
Reins death was also partially the fault of incompetent leadership within the DOD! Mazza was in a medium security facility when he should have been in maximum. FYI, that moron who put him there, still wrongly places inmates and puts deputies at risk. How do you sleep at night Sieger you POS?

Classification of inmates is only one of the issues; and yes, stuff falls through the cracks. Fortunately, a lot of time an inmate that slips through is quickly spotted by housing deputies and it's corrected. Always found classification to be pretty open to reevaluating when a deputy raises concerns about housing. BUT..... not the case with psychiatry. Once a psych clearance is done; than oh well; how dare you second guess the doctor. THAT is a problem, and needs to change. Delusional schizophrenics have ended up in GP for the long haul because they had not been symptomatic at intake. Those types of situations can lead to all kinds of unnecessary problems.

09-01-2018, 03:29 PM
Classification of inmates is only one of the issues; and yes, stuff falls through the cracks. Fortunately, a lot of time an inmate that slips through is quickly spotted by housing deputies and it's corrected. Always found classification to be pretty open to reevaluating when a deputy raises concerns about housing. BUT..... not the case with psychiatry. Once a psych clearance is done; than oh well; how dare you second guess the doctor. THAT is a problem, and needs to change. Delusional schizophrenics have ended up in GP for the long haul because they had not been symptomatic at intake. Those types of situations can lead to all kinds of unnecessary problems.

Get rid of Darren Sieger, and you get rid of 99% of housing issues. You do know Sieger was rejected when he applied for deputy? He should have been kept out of the agency entirely!

09-01-2018, 09:05 PM
Say what you want but under Nick this department was proactive,

09-01-2018, 09:37 PM
Say what you want but under Nick this department was proactive,

And a scum sucking kiss arse kisser like Sieger would never have made it in! He was a Jenne biotch.

09-02-2018, 11:41 AM
And a scum sucking kiss arse kisser like Sieger would never have made it in! He was a Jenne biotch.

He was very close to Spadaro and made stupid decisions like her. She was bounced, and his incompetent azz should be too! You can get someone competent, at half the money Sieger makes!

09-04-2018, 12:02 PM
He was very close to Spadaro and made stupid decisions like her. She was bounced, and his incompetent azz should be too! You can get someone competent, at half the money Sieger makes!

Really why is this POS still here?

09-04-2018, 01:36 PM
Can you imagine these peoples spouses what they must tolerate. So much anger spewed.