View Full Version : Ortiz says we have to stop Andrew Gillum in Nov

08-29-2018, 03:10 AM
Ortiz says we have to stop Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum who's running for the state of Florida Governor position.

08-29-2018, 03:46 AM
Ortiz says we have to stop Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum who's running for the state of Florida Governor position.

Well on that we agree! Here's why:

Crime rate in Tallahassee:

For Tallahassee, we found that the violent crime rate is one of the highest in the nation, across communities of all sizes (both large and small). Violent offenses tracked included rape, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, armed robbery, and aggravated assault, including assault with a deadly weapon. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/fl/tallahassee/crime

Crime continues to loom large over Tallahassee


Economically: Do we turn a now prosperous State of Florida, to a socialist=democrat and watch him transform Florida into another California?

Not surprisingly, California is ranked among the top nine in the states with the worst fiscal condition by the Mercatus Center,


08-29-2018, 06:11 AM
Well on that we agree! Here's why:

Crime rate in Tallahassee:

For Tallahassee, we found that the violent crime rate is one of the highest in the nation, across communities of all sizes (both large and small). Violent offenses tracked included rape, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, armed robbery, and aggravated assault, including assault with a deadly weapon. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/fl/tallahassee/crime

Crime continues to loom large over Tallahassee


Economically: Do we turn a now prosperous State of Florida, to a socialist=democrat and watch him transform Florida into another California?

Not surprisingly, California is ranked among the top nine in the states with the worst fiscal condition by the Mercatus Center,


What a laughable post! Crime stats based of off bogus and BS’d reports. You and I know both that the stats are just that and do not completely represent the actual crimes or lack of. Ortiz, and every shitbrain dumb, corrupt, dirtbag has every reason to be worries. With Gillum as Governor, the stupidity and blind eye to Abuse by officers will end. Ofcourse he would try some stupid campaign to not elect Gillum, why ruin his free ride on the high horse.

08-29-2018, 11:25 AM
What a laughable post! Crime stats based of off bogus and BS’d reports. You and I know both that the stats are just that and do not completely represent the actual crimes or lack of. Ortiz, and every shitbrain dumb, corrupt, dirtbag has every reason to be worries. With Gillum as Governor, the stupidity and blind eye to Abuse by officers will end. Ofcourse he would try some stupid campaign to not elect Gillum, why ruin his free ride on the high horse.

You wrote "with Gillum as governor ,the stupidity and blind eye to abuse by officers will end". I take offense to that, you freaking biacht , this Is why liberals democrats like you are destroying this country, Javi is right on this one , you want someone as governor that wants free everything for everybody more free social programs ,he wants to abolished ice , he's against law enforcement ,who's going to pay for that . Javi is right on this one .

08-29-2018, 12:53 PM
We need to keep any and all Democrats out of office. They have gone nuts way far left.

08-29-2018, 01:11 PM
Ortiz says we have to stop Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum who's running for the state of Florida Governor position.

Javi is right on this issued.

08-29-2018, 01:23 PM
Do you really want to have a super liberal progressive democrat as governor that wants to raised taxes to pay for more free social programs while the middle class pays for it , he wants to abolish ICE , he's against law enforcement , he wants to give free Medicare for everyone , who's going to pay for all that , how's he going to get the money . He's wants open border , gang members,drug dealers , anyone can just walk in, Florida will be a sanctuary state. We are on the borderline of this country been destroyed internally .

08-29-2018, 02:07 PM
You wrote "with Gillum as governor ,the stupidity and blind eye to abuse by officers will end". I take offense to that, you freaking biacht , this Is why liberals democrats like you are destroying this country, Javi is right on this one , you want someone as governor that wants free everything for everybody more free social programs ,he wants to abolished ice , he's against law enforcement ,who's going to pay for that . Javi is right on this one .

Ok Y2K follower. You are eating the pie and going crazy. Many states have a “liberal” governor, and they have law enforcement. Jarvis presumptions are only Orwellian type assumptions, it’s a fear tactic. You take offense to my comments? So you must either be blind or just plain ignorant, I’ll go with the latter.

In our history, there isn’t one “liberal” that has abolished a police force. You only echo the senseless cry of one the most corrupt cops on the force. I’m offended, I’m offended that you really believe there aren’t dumb ****s who break the law more than a 39 with 50 arrests, I’m offended that you believe everyone on the force is an angel. Gillum will happen, and it will change policing, get onboard or just pout.

08-29-2018, 02:50 PM
I agree, we do not want a socialist running this state. Not only that, he is also being investigated by the FBI for corruption. I will personally go to the voting site and vote for Ron Desantis. This liberal must be stopped in his tracks. I see many of you praising him and dropping the panties for him. Later don't cry when he buries this state to the ground like other states ran by liberals. He promises "free this and free that" BUT AT WHAT COST? GTFOH

08-29-2018, 03:15 PM
Name one criminal thing that javi has done, just one, again criminal case. You are making serious allegation against someone , that should be investigated if is true, if it is false you should be investigated for making false allegations. How come he has never been convicted of anything or investigated by any agency .

08-29-2018, 03:37 PM
Ok Y2K follower. You are eating the pie and going crazy. Many states have a “liberal” governor, and they have law enforcement. Jarvis presumptions are only Orwellian type assumptions, it’s a fear tactic. You take offense to my comments? So you must either be blind or just plain ignorant, I’ll go with the latter.

In our history, there isn’t one “liberal” that has abolished a police force. You only echo the senseless cry of one the most corrupt cops on the force. I’m offended, I’m offended that you really believe there aren’t dumb ****s who break the law more than a 39 with 50 arrests, I’m offended that you believe everyone on the force is an angel. Gillum will happen, and it will change policing, get onboard or just pout.
You liberals have no stand in the arena of ideas , you want Florida to become at worst another Chicago or at a lesser stand California, New York, where the crime and taxes are so high to pay for all the social programs imposed on citizens . The liberals have not been able to abolished any police force like you said yet but that's what they want because you see in their mind police is corrupted ,evil and based on social injustice just like the country was founded on social injustice with the slaves and the taking of the natives land but the liberals for sure will like to stop all that just like all the restrictions on police , body cameras , policies , etc,etc. Officers are people too and some are corrupted and should be prosecuted if that's the case , if you have an issued with any particular officer contact the state attorneys office or FDLE,FBI, don't make wild accusations against someone that's not what you liberals want against you.

08-29-2018, 05:27 PM
For once I agree with Javi, but just this one time

08-29-2018, 09:59 PM
You liberals have no stand in the arena of ideas , you want Florida to become at worst another Chicago or at a lesser stand California, New York, where the crime and taxes are so high to pay for all the social programs imposed on citizens . The liberals have not been able to abolished any police force like you said yet but that's what they want because you see in their mind police is corrupted ,evil and based on social injustice just like the country was founded on social injustice with the slaves and the taking of the natives land but the liberals for sure will like to stop all that just like all the restrictions on police , body cameras , policies , etc,etc. Officers are people too and some are corrupted and should be prosecuted if that's the case , if you have an issued with any particular officer contact the state attorneys office or FDLE,FBI, don't make wild accusations against someone that's not what you liberals want against you.

“Liberals”, that’s the word you hide behind, boohoo. You refuse to see the blatant corruption. Go to FDLE, SAO, or FBI? Hahahahaha, where do I begin, really? Are you new to Miami? You should do some research Mr. Liberal Crusader.

Don’t be fooled by labels, liberal, conservative, blah blah blah. There are ya with integrity and then there are those with no integrity, simple. “Wild accusations”? You must not be from around here, is ok, just learn.

You mention Chicago, NY, and Cali, coincidentally all places that have strict LEBOR, further protecting the morons. Is that your fear?

08-30-2018, 11:34 AM
Ortiz says we have to stop Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum who's running for the state of Florida Governor position.
We need to stop Ortiz first. Btw if he isn’t a union rep anymore is it appropriate for command staff to be influencing subordinates on political matters while on city time?

08-30-2018, 02:19 PM
Name one criminal thing that javi has done, just one, again criminal case. You are making serious allegation against someone , that should be investigated if is true, if it is false you should be investigated for making false allegations. How come he has never been convicted of anything or investigated by any agency .

Well, let's see what I can pull just off the top of my head. False arrest reports, lying under oath. Unreasonable use of force. Is this enough for you or should we come back father? If you wondering, let's take the incident at Ultra or that nasty grandma, that needed to be body slammed. Any cop that needs to LIE, cause somebody got the last word in. Shouldn't be here or in any law enforcement position. Javi, is your hero so you can turn a blind eye to his action. If you need a little more to go on. Look to Crespo reporting. Oh that's right he's a convicted felon so anything he has to say, is all lies too. Shame your to stupid to form your own opinion. Yet, I'm sure your ego and manhood will allow you to form one on me.

08-30-2018, 02:35 PM
Well, let's see what I can pull just off the top of my head. False arrest reports, lying under oath. Unreasonable use of force. Is this enough for you or should we come back father? If you wondering, let's take the incident at Ultra or that nasty grandma, that needed to be body slammed. Any cop that needs to LIE, cause somebody got the last word in. Shouldn't be here or in any law enforcement position. Javi, is your hero so you can turn a blind eye to his action. If you need a little more to go on. Look to Crespo reporting. Oh that's right he's a convicted felon so anything he has to say, is all lies too. Shame your to stupid to form your own opinion. Yet, I'm sure your ego and manhood will allow you to form one on me.

Okay nurse Danny we know you don’t like Ortiz, but guess what he’s a cop and your not go clean a bed pan. Lol