View Full Version : Vote tomorrow

08-27-2018, 10:15 PM
If you live in Broward tell everyone you know to vote out every incumbent. We need to wipe the slate clean and start over in every Broward government office.

08-27-2018, 10:30 PM
Will do. If they have any questions, there's a new article about Sheriff School Safety in the Orlando Sentinel today that sums up everything they need to know about Barney Fife of Parkland.

Voting out the incompetent and corrupt morons on the school board is the first step in the process of weeding out the liberal trash in our communities that make us all unsafe. They don't even believe in the garbage that they spew. They rode the Hillary wave and when she lost they had to double down.

Please visit the Broward elections web site and find your voting place tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day; and your vote counts.

Thank you for all the indiscreet thumbs up over the past month. We know who the good guys are. Help us Fix It.

Petty, Alhadeff, Rupert,Silvernale, Mendelson -All good

Korn, Levinson GOTTA GO!!! Levinson is the PBA sweetie. Her Mommy is moneybags Nan Rich