View Full Version : Do not work any Miami Dolphins games!

08-26-2018, 09:13 PM
PBA grow a set
Dolphins Kneeling, PBA TAKE A STANCE!
Forget the fact we are broke with no contract, and we are at the highest ever in 25 years of officers ROD! Broward PBA put out immediately when Dolphin Players knelt in Pre-Season game & took stance.

We should all be united here, and agree that someone at Dade PBA should PUBLICLY take a stance on Social Media and with our Locka news, and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! WE ARE DONE WITH YOU DOLPHINS & THE ULTIMATE DISRESPECT & DISGRACE TOWARDS MILITARY & LAW-ENFORCEMENT. Couldn’t be any more on how we should ALL be united and agree on this one! 🇺🇸


Send a message, our voices will be heard. We will not put up with this disrespect anymore!!!

08-27-2018, 12:16 AM
I believe the poster is right. Time we have some self dignity and stand up for ourselves. I for one am cancelling my bids! Stay safe guys!

08-27-2018, 04:51 PM
I think this has been going on for too long. I too believe that anyone and everyone should stand for the flag, is it a sign of disrespect, yes because may have fought and bled for that flag.

BUT, I strongly believe that by forcing people to stand you are violating that which many have fought and died for, FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I know it sucks but that is what this country was built on. The ability to express ones opinion without having anyone force me into a certain way of thinking. Do I wish I could slap them into the right state of mind, yeah. But, its freedom nonetheless.

Stay Frosty My Friends.