View Full Version : Tommy the rat testified against fop rep for overtime

08-25-2018, 03:40 PM
The Great Tommy was Commander Alfonso’s boy toy who testified against an FOP REP protecting a brother involved in a shooting. The FOP REP got a 160 hour suspension because Cmdr Alfonso told him to leave the scene and pushed the FOP REP. The REP yelled at Alfonso. Tommy lied to get the FOP REP in trouble since Alfonso would give him unlimited overtime.

Us old timers don’t forget. Tommy is a fat RAT. If you don’t believe me, ask him or his brother at a roll call.

08-25-2018, 04:39 PM
Not true BS!

08-25-2018, 05:06 PM
The Great Tommy was Commander Alfonso’s boy toy who testified against an FOP REP protecting a brother involved in a shooting. The FOP REP got a 160 hour suspension because Cmdr Alfonso told him to leave the scene and pushed the FOP REP. The REP yelled at Alfonso. Tommy lied to get the FOP REP in trouble since Alfonso would give him unlimited overtime.

Us old timers don’t forget. Tommy is a fat RAT. If you don’t believe me, ask him or his brother at a roll call.

Ortiz you need to just admit defeat. Go home to your man and relax.

08-25-2018, 05:08 PM
Oh fatty..... everyone will get to know what a rat you are. Enjoy being a Sgt in patrol for the rest of your career. You too thing number 2

08-25-2018, 05:30 PM
Why don’t you go ask the rep we all know who he was .

08-25-2018, 06:07 PM
Why don’t you go ask the rep we all know who he was .

Ask frank Casanovas

08-25-2018, 07:03 PM
I am voting Reyes all the way.

08-25-2018, 09:06 PM
Oh fatty..... everyone will get to know what a rat you are. Enjoy being a Sgt in patrol for the rest of your career. You too thing number 2

This is exactly what this minions do, here you have proof of the vindictive and evil behavior, this is what they do to every person that challenge them or call them out for what they are.

08-26-2018, 01:03 AM
This is exactly what this minions do, here you have proof of the vindictive and evil behavior, this is what they do to every person that challenge them or call them out for what they are.

Tommy sera yegua and part of the Unicorn Coalition but that's not the worst of it. When you have a fellow Brother Officer that you rat out, that is a major trust infraction. Not voting for Tommy por que es Marica, he doesnt have the wearwithall to handle the pressure. Thats why he just plain quit playing FOP Sec. I'm going with the incumbents. Too much at stake to turn it over to inexperience wannabes

08-26-2018, 09:38 AM
Do you really want to turn everything to these inexperienced people and lose everything. I'm not willing to risk it .

08-26-2018, 02:06 PM
Do you really want to turn everything to these inexperienced people and lose everything. I'm not willing to risk it .

Every person starts in life as an inexperienced and about turning in or telling on a corrupt dirty cop I don't have a problem with that, i will personally turn in a dirty cop and before doing so will tell him on his face, if Tommy in fact had an issue with something that was wrong, ilegal, unethical or criminal in nature and came forward then good for Tommy.

08-26-2018, 02:44 PM
Every person starts in life as an inexperienced and about turning in or telling on a corrupt dirty cop I don't have a problem with that, i will personally turn in a dirty cop and before doing so will tell him on his face, if Tommy in fact had an issue with something that was wrong, ilegal, unethical or criminal in nature and came forward then good for Tommy.

What you mean an FOP member was being denied his right on a discharge of firearm. Frank strep in and up to defends the cops rights and Alphonso tries to intimidate Frank “ dumb move” Then the unicorn rider testifys against Frank and he’s right and Franks wrong. My god your either a staff member or a complete F big moron.

08-26-2018, 03:50 PM
Every person starts in life as an inexperienced and about turning in or telling on a corrupt dirty cop I don't have a problem with that, i will personally turn in a dirty cop and before doing so will tell him on his face, if Tommy in fact had an issue with something that was wrong, ilegal, unethical or criminal in nature and came forward then good for Tommy.

Alfonso ordered an Fop rep that was with a Shooting officer to leave and pushed him, the rep told him to F off and wasn’t leaving. Tommy testified against the Fop rep to cover up Alfonso

08-26-2018, 05:43 PM
All this dirt coming out at election time.. Wonder who's spreading it? Like the hands of our current FOP are stained brown, with all the sh!t they peddle all the time. I've heard now 3 different stories for this 1 same incident, Each time it get's better and better or worst depending where you stand. Yes, lets let Ortiz and Lugo run amok for a year or two more, with our funds and benefits. Lugo, needs a promotion now! Wonder what this one would cost the member. Remember the court ruled the city did a no-no and the money owed will be pennies on the dollar cause the FOP will agree on your behalf to a lesser amount and those that retired or will SOON get a sorry we tired, this is the best we can do for you. 10 cents for every twenty lost.

08-26-2018, 06:35 PM
Every person starts in life as an inexperienced and about turning in or telling on a corrupt dirty cop I don't have a problem with that, i will personally turn in a dirty cop and before doing so will tell him on his face, if Tommy in fact had an issue with something that was wrong, ilegal, unethical or criminal in nature and came forward then good for Tommy.
Every person starts in life as an inexperienced, are you referring when you are a baby , please explain yourself , it gets harder and harder to understand people here . I will take a guess and guess that you meant adults later in life that apply for a position that they have no experience . Which brings us to the question do you rather have an inexperienced person negotiated a big huge contract that will make an impact on your life and will get eaten alive in the arbitration table or someone that has experience and might screwed you over according to you.

08-28-2018, 02:17 AM
Every person starts in life as an inexperienced, are you referring when you are a baby , please explain yourself , it gets harder and harder to understand people here . I will take a guess and guess that you meant adults later in life that apply for a position that they have no experience . Which brings us to the question do you rather have an inexperienced person negotiated a big huge contract that will make an impact on your life and will get eaten alive in the arbitration table or someone that has experience and might screwed you over according to you.

Are you insinuating that Lugo is an experienced and qualified candidate to close this case with the city? Secondly, let us not forget... Ortiz and co. Have done nothing but bring negativity and poor perceptions onto this department and the profession in general. Clausner did all the hard work. Ortiz and co. Can’t even keep the members informed of Bob Clausner’s progress. Look man it’s been 12 years of my career watching these Fop clowns try and sodomize a football. I can’t fathom how anyone in their right mind would allow themselves to be fooled by this nonsense. The membership has recieved nothing while Ortiz has been promoted twice and treated like king baker. Big D has only gained more weight and promoted. Lugo has lost more brain cells than he can afford and yet still managed to get promoted. The only people that have benefited from the FOP are those in FOP. This is not rocket science... you can vote for more of the same ignorance or vote for something unexpected or uncertain. Me, I’m done with the ignorance, I’m tired of looking at these goof balls and know with absolute certainty that nothing trustworthy or decent has nor ever will come from them... Have some respect for yourselves and close the Ortiz and co. Chapter of our lives. I still find it crazy that we keep mentioning Ortiz and yet Lugo is president... that in itself speaks volumes as it concerns Lugo’s credibility for president.

08-29-2018, 03:23 AM
I just want a I WANT CULO BAND for a 6

08-29-2018, 11:21 AM
I just want a I WANT CULO BAND for a 6

It looks like a **** ring