View Full Version : Officer welcomed back with open arms by some, but not for long.

08-16-2018, 04:37 PM
Thank you, Chief Colina.


08-16-2018, 05:14 PM
The city does what they want. Lol you win through arbitration you are done! Keep thinking we going go get the money back. This is banana republic mafia! Bunch of corrupted POS.

08-16-2018, 05:23 PM
So why doesn’t he help with the Homicide investigation. Why take the 5th.

08-16-2018, 07:20 PM
Because some in law enforcement think they are above the law and will take a plea or lie about anything and with that they know they can get away with it. Maybe just maybe he does get the job back one day, but that trust is long gone already. I am sure they will put a cam inside his car and a GPS to make sure this guy isnt one of those dirty little quiet ones. Papo, even if you come back it wont be easy. Go apply elsewhere, Miami does not need a dirty cop. We have had enough.

08-17-2018, 12:08 AM
So why doesn’t he help with the Homicide investigation. Why take the 5th.
Um because it’s his right to utilize all rights given to him for being a American citizen. This won’t go away.. he will eventually get his job back and with so much lawsuit money. I can’t wait to see him in uniform again..
go ahead bug his car and gps it.. 1. We already have gps and cameras in a our cars so it’s nothing new. 2nd. All you have to do is answer calls for service and do reports and you are golden. As a cop I haven’t made an arrest in over a year.. imagine that! And I go home every night not having to worry about ending up on CNN or loosing my job. Being a lazy cop is the easiest most rewarding job in the world

08-17-2018, 01:21 AM
Because some in law enforcement think they are above the law and will take a plea or lie about anything and with that they know they can get away with it. Maybe just maybe he does get the job back one day, but that trust is long gone already. I am sure they will put a cam inside his car and a GPS to make sure this guy isnt one of those dirty little quiet ones. Papo, even if you come back it wont be easy. Go apply elsewhere, Miami does not need a dirty cop. We have had enough.

Hate to break it to you, Cops have been lying for decades. Since the mid 80's when the department doubled in size. Now, not ALL more then you would believe. To impress someone, stats, promotions. The list goes on and on.. He!!, you even have cops telling lies on other cops here. I.S. and I.A. live by that rule: if someone on staff wants you gone!! You will be gone. See, were not allowed to make mistakes that cost people their jobs, freedom and so forth. They can and are able to hide it. To the department and city your only a number. You can be replaced in a matter of a few day's.. Just CYA, forget about impressing your supervisor. Live with your choices. Most important!!! Don't let your sector buddies, rope you in. If sh!t hit's the fan and with everyone having cell phone to record. It will and you would be left holding the bag..

08-17-2018, 01:24 AM
So answer why doesn’t he pee in cup. Hiding something probably.

08-20-2018, 10:23 PM
So answer why doesn’t he pee in cup. Hiding something probably.

This guy is clearly a liability.

08-21-2018, 12:33 AM
This guy can not be a policeman, every time he goes to court he would be impeached by defense lawyers , including his own defense lawyer when defending somebody else. He is finished. Park and recreations have a few open slots.

08-21-2018, 01:51 AM
Channel 41 reported that he is getting paid $60k a year sitting at home? Is that true?