View Full Version : How come know one makes videos like this about us?

08-14-2018, 08:59 PM

08-14-2018, 09:08 PM
Cool video. Cool unit. Still doesn’t negate the fact that NYPD has turned out some real losers which then BSO subsequently hired.

08-14-2018, 09:12 PM
Well, because New York is the largest city in the U.S. By population. The NYPD has over 30,000 cops compared to BSO's 1500. If you want to grab your mask and fins, I'll grab my IPhone and film you.

08-14-2018, 09:30 PM
The baddest ass, and most respected in the world. Not one of our Col’s could run any one of there units.

08-14-2018, 09:40 PM
The baddest ass, and most respected in the world. Not one of our Col’s could run any one of there units.

Who cares...go get a free slurpee

08-14-2018, 11:58 PM
Cool video. Cool unit. Still doesn’t negate the fact that NYPD has turned out some real losers which then BSO subsequently hired.

The Sheriff's father would agree with the above quote. The only problem is that the sheriff never had the balls to apply to the NYPD and become one of the subsequent losers that joined the ranks of BSO. His father did and if he was alive today he would tell you what a mistake he made leaving the NYPD. Ira I is alive and retired. Ask him.

08-15-2018, 01:17 AM

Well when the best video we have is out MORON Sheriff doing some stupid challenge in a soft boot looking like a real Jackwagon.

08-16-2018, 11:32 AM
The baddest ass, and most respected in the world. Not one of our Col’s could run any one of there units.

Funny. It’s always the same 5-7 ex-NYPD rejects who spend the most time trying to convince Deputies who don’t care that NYPD is “great”, and that somehow they’re linked to that greatness because they worked for them for a whopping 3 years. And of course they’ll tell us that it was a combat zone and the three years in New York is 5000 years in Broward County for some crazy crap they conjured up in that pea sized NY brain of theirs. Then they will go on to mention ball caps and tinted windows and outer vest ( which they will call special forces vest even though none of them ever served in the military to even know what a “special forces vest” looks like ). They are as predictable as the sunrise. They don’t convince anybody when it comes to police work. It’s literally visibly evident,

08-16-2018, 12:24 PM
Funny. It’s always the same 5-7 ex-NYPD rejects who spend the most time trying to convince Deputies who don’t care that NYPD is “great”, and that somehow they’re linked to that greatness because they worked for them for a whopping 3 years. And of course they’ll tell us that it was a combat zone and the three years in New York is 5000 years in Broward County for some crazy crap they conjured up in that pea sized NY brain of theirs. Then they will go on to mention ball caps and tinted windows and outer vest ( which they will call special forces vest even though none of them ever served in the military to even know what a “special forces vest” looks like ). They are as predictable as the sunrise. They don’t convince anybody when it comes to police work. It’s literally visibly evident,

You don’t hear the NYPD commissioner say, “nuts and bolts,candy and nuts”!! Sorry bro, we the best and always will be, as BSO regresses from nothing into oblivion.

I think I’ll watch that badass video again, and wonder why nobody makes a video about BSO.

08-17-2018, 01:55 PM
A yuge part of why Broward is so messed up are because of all the New Yawkas in our midst starting with Howdy Doodie.
Wouldn't it be nice if they went back to where they all came from?

08-17-2018, 02:26 PM
A yuge part of why Broward is so messed up are because of all the New Yawkas in our midst starting with Howdy Doodie.
Wouldn't it be nice if they went back to where they all came from?

Howdy Doodie was never a New Yawka, his dad was. And to the above poster yes let’s make a video of the BSO Oscar units buying thier equipment at Walmart and the local diving shop to jump in a 8 ft wide man made canal. That would look so bad ass!

08-19-2018, 12:12 AM
You don’t hear the NYPD commissioner say, “nuts and bolts,candy and nuts”!! Sorry bro, we the best and always will be, as BSO regresses from nothing into oblivion.

I think I’ll watch that badass video again, and wonder why nobody makes a video about BSO.

Who is “we”? You work for BSO chump, a department you obviously lament because nobody from here cares about NYPD, you, or your fables from the NYPD. How many of you work here? How many of you are currently in charge of a specialized unit? A command staff position WHICH WAS EARNED? Explain why the hardest working cops come from Broward, the most corrupt come from Dade, the smartest come from the Midwest, and dumbest AND laziest come from NYC? Which explains your doofus Sheriff’s current predicament. Again.....nobody takes you NYPD turned BSO rejects serious. You’re a waste of space at this department and i feel bad for the guys that couldn’t get hired who would have actually been an asset to this agency. Not like the New Yawkas who are constantly sleeping in their cars, are overweight, and always bad breath for some reason

08-19-2018, 02:06 AM
Who is “we”? You work for BSO chump, a department you obviously lament because nobody from here cares about NYPD, you, or your fables from the NYPD. How many of you work here? How many of you are currently in charge of a specialized unit? A command staff position WHICH WAS EARNED? Explain why the hardest working cops come from Broward, the most corrupt come from Dade, the smartest come from the Midwest, and dumbest AND laziest come from NYC? Which explains your doofus Sheriff’s current predicament. Again.....nobody takes you NYPD turned BSO rejects serious. You’re a waste of space at this department and i feel bad for the guys that couldn’t get hired who would have actually been an asset to this agency. Not like the New Yawkas who are constantly sleeping in their cars, are overweight, and always bad breath for some reason

You call BSO specialized units special compared to the NYPD. Sorry bro, NYPD cops are the best trained cops in the country. They may be Sh*t bags to you. But when you have a shooting at the airport, or shooting at a school, and our entire command staff has no clue what to do. It is that NYPD that will outperform anyone in this embarrassment agency you call BSO. Because we are the laughing stock of the country, not the NYPD!!

08-19-2018, 03:32 PM
The days of the good ole boy system is gone!!! That's why

08-19-2018, 06:48 PM
You call BSO specialized units special compared to the NYPD. Sorry bro, NYPD cops are the best trained cops in the country. They may be Sh*t bags to you. But when you have a shooting at the airport, or shooting at a school, and our entire command staff has no clue what to do. It is that NYPD that will outperform anyone in this embarrassment agency you call BSO. Because we are the laughing stock of the country, not the NYPD!!

A specialized unit is a specialized unit no matter what part of the country. Crime is crime. The point of the specialized unit reference was to show that with all the skill you nerds claim to have, you’re not in charge of anything here. Nobody is vying to get you promoted. Nobody wants you in their units. The road guys don’t even like working with you. You guys are reject malcontents here, and were probably worse at the NYPD. Words can’t thoroughly explain how much you guys are unliked and not respected at BSO

08-19-2018, 07:27 PM
A specialized unit is a specialized unit no matter what part of the country. Crime is crime. The point of the specialized unit reference was to show that with all the skill you nerds claim to have, you’re not in charge of anything here. Nobody is vying to get you promoted. Nobody wants you in their units. The road guys don’t even like working with you. You guys are reject malcontents here, and were probably worse at the NYPD. Words can’t thoroughly explain how much you guys are unliked and not respected at BSO

It doesn’t matter what you think, or whether you respect us or not. BSO is the laughing stock of law enforcement. And as soon as I tell people I’m retired from the NYPD, their first response is complete admiration and respect. I have no other choice but to tell them I’m retired NYPD, because if I don’t, in their eyes I’m a complete loser in this BSO uniform. I have an idea, next active shooting incident, let’s set-up a perimeter instead of going in. You won’t see that in NY. And even the biggest loser NYPD cop you know, wouldn’t put himself out on a perimeter.

08-24-2018, 07:05 PM