View Full Version : Look what BSO Sheriff Scott Israel tweeted

08-13-2018, 07:28 AM

08-13-2018, 04:03 PM
You know what FDLE did to prevent this shooting? NOTHING. All those intel Agents hired, Swearingen acting like FDLE would be on top of things, the reality is they are too busy with internal politics and worrying about how they can screw, insult, run off, or hurt their employee's by "putting them in their place". I don't know of anyone in the state that has faith in FDLE. They don't appear to have internal integrity, how could they possibly have integrity and focus where it really counts? Do you think Rick Scott would point the finger at an Agency that is led by his good friend and self-appointed Commish when something like this happens? The answer to that is no. But he'll send them millions to hire new Agents. (All the while they can't keep the good ones they have).

Every mass shooting results in FDLE moving in after they failed to stop it, saying they did "everything they could". Let's see the records of how much time is spent on theft cases or 3-4 year fraud investigations that end up going no where (or arresting one person who gets probation) while mass shooters plot against Florida citizens!