View Full Version : Looking back 4 years Ago do you believe Ortiz or the Herald?

08-06-2018, 08:26 PM
The Miami Fraternal Order of Police has been notified that Mr. Rodriguez has passed away. While this incident is being actively investigated, we look forward in its outcome. Behind every individual who wears a badge, there is a human being. Officer Cadavid has been in close contact with the FOP and continues to pray for Mr. Rodriguez's family.

No matter how this incident transpired, the focus must be that a life was lost and we must keep his family in prayer throughout this difficult time. The Miami Herald posted a story that I went to the hospital to blame Mr. Rodriguez for his actions and then offered his mother dinner. It is unfortunate that the Miami Herald would twist a situation in order to sell newspapers by attempting to sensationalize a very sensitive time.

I did respond to the hospital on behalf of Officer Cadavid. There was a short discussion about the events that took place. However, I made it clear that wasn't why I was there. Officer Cadavid wanted the family to know that he was praying for Delbert. His mother was adamant that the police were to blame. I did my best to comfort her and prayed over her son. I did offer to bring food for her and Delbert's father since I am sure they didn't want to leave their son's bedside. Officer Cadavid was doing his job in enforcing the laws of our country. It is unfortunate that this young man lost his life due to his poor decision to run from the police.
