View Full Version : The Difference Between Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump

Justa Fax
07-19-2018, 12:22 AM
Carter serverd his country (Naval Academy) and did not suck Soviet a$$ ( Breszhnev). Yes was a lousy president but he lived his country. Trump is worse and a big talking pu$$y at that. He is full of sh!t. He hides behind false patriotism. SCARY!

Keep sucking his billionaire a$$ and lower the flag while you do it before the Russians burn it.

07-19-2018, 03:29 AM
Learn a bit of history before you make such a post and show your ignorance; for one, Jimmy Carter gave us the Mariel boatlift in 1980, basically flooding South Florida with approximately 150,000 Cuban criminals and deranged psychopaths who raped, robbed and killed their way into infamy.
The crime rates went through the roof and even the movie "Scarface" was based on those events.

Jimmy Carter gave us the Iran Crisis, he was responsible for the overthrow of the Shah of Iran who was pro- western and pro-Democracy and replaced him with the Allatollah Khomeini who then turned Iran into an Islamic Republic and gave birth to modern Islamic extremism, not to mention the taking of 52 American hostages who were held for over 444 days.
You have Jimmy Carter to thank for today's Islamic terrorism.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal in 1978;Carter violated the Constitution of the United States. Under Article IV Section 3, Clause 2, Congress has exclusive power to dispose of federal property and territory.
He should have been impeached for that but wasn't.

Jimmy Carter pardoned ALL draft dodgers and he cozied up with known terrorists such as Castro,Arafat and Hamas.

But go ahead and keep spouting your bullshit and keep demonstrating just how ignorant you liberals are.

07-19-2018, 05:30 AM
Learn a bit of history before you make such a post and show your ignorance; for one, Jimmy Carter gave us the Mariel boatlift in 1980, basically flooding South Florida with approximately 150,000 Cuban criminals and deranged psychopaths who raped, robbed and killed their way into infamy.
The crime rates went through the roof and even the movie "Scarface" was based on those events.

Jimmy Carter gave us the Iran Crisis, he was responsible for the overthrow of the Shah of Iran who was pro- western and pro-Democracy and replaced him with the Allatollah Khomeini who then turned Iran into an Islamic Republic and gave birth to modern Islamic extremism, not to mention the taking of 52 American hostages who were held for over 444 days.
You have Jimmy Carter to thank for today's Islamic terrorism.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal in 1978;Carter violated the Constitution of the United States. Under Article IV Section 3, Clause 2, Congress has exclusive power to dispose of federal property and territory.
He should have been impeached for that but wasn't.

Jimmy Carter pardoned ALL draft dodgers and he cozied up with known terrorists such as Castro,Arafat and Hamas.

But go ahead and keep spouting your bullshit and keep demonstrating just how ignorant you liberals are.

You Forgot to add Donald Trump, as a draft dodger ...You remember " how Trump differed twice on going to Vietnam because he had Bone Spurs in his feet .... What a *****!

So, his latest suck and get ****ed by Putin, is his 3rd time of turning his back on the USA !!! But he's making America great again ... keep drinking that cool aid...

07-19-2018, 11:22 AM
You Forgot to add Donald Trump, as a draft dodger ...You remember " how Trump differed twice on going to Vietnam because he had Bone Spurs in his feet .... What a *****!

So, his latest suck and get ****ed by Putin, is his 3rd time of turning his back on the USA !!! But he's making America great again ... keep drinking that cool aid...

Trump is the proverbial cop who talks a good game then is the last to arrive on a hot call or takes a "15" to safe calls. Trump is the proverbial cop who beats up a handcuffed suspect. In other words, Trump is a f--king pu$$$y who has sold his nation down the river.

Worst president ever. No one is even close. Now I know all the uneducated white folks who all stand behind him at press conferences and sadly all look the same ( even know they are different people) will argue that point.

Damn chicken hawk.

MAGA? Morons are Governing America

07-19-2018, 07:27 PM
It's okay snowflakes, I will vote for Trump in 2020 and you nor the liberal biased media will stop me from voting for the BEST! **** you all pansies. If you did some digging you will see even Hillary praised Putin so STFU already comepinga.

07-19-2018, 08:40 PM
It's okay snowflakes, I will vote for Trump in 2020 and you nor the liberal biased media will stop me from voting for the BEST! **** you all pansies. If you did some digging you will see even Hillary praised Putin so STFU already comepinga.

You're an imbecile. Trump is garbage. Unfortunately he's not just your garbage, he's all of our rubbish.

07-19-2018, 10:15 PM
You're an imbecile. Trump is garbage. Unfortunately he's not just your garbage, he's all of our rubbish.

If you hate him so much why don't you move to Canada and be in peace?

07-20-2018, 12:15 AM
Judging by the content and the grammar utilized by the liberals posting, I have realized that it is fruitless to argue with someone with the intellectual capabilities of that of a turnip.

It is incredibly satisfying to sit back and observe how Trump lives rent-free in their heads 24/7 and to see their liberal tears flowing like a cool mountain spring.

Trump accomplished more in his first six months in office than their Kenyan impostor did in eight years, Trump did all this while being restrained and hindered by Congress, the MSM and politicians both democrats and so-called republicans like McCain.

We have had record lows of unemployment, record highs of economic growth and Americans have been made the top priority in this country......Americans come first.

All this is anathema to liberals who believe that America is evil and therefore must be destroyed.

Just wait until the mid-term elections......the libs will REALLY blow their stacks then.
MAGA suckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-20-2018, 12:51 AM
Trump is the proverbial cop who talks a good game then is the last to arrive on a hot call or takes a "15" to safe calls. Trump is the proverbial cop who beats up a handcuffed suspect. In other words, Trump is a f--king pu$$$y who has sold his nation down the river.

Worst president ever. No one is even close. Now I know all the uneducated white folks who all stand behind him at press conferences and sadly all look the same ( even know they are different people) will argue that point.

Damn chicken hawk.

MAGA? Morons are Governing America

You are going to be distraught after November 2018. The blue way is in your imagination and Trump will win in 2020. Start dealing with issues and solutions to the deficit, immigration and corruption at the highest levels under Obama.
Since you are a visionary, why don't you post whom the leader you choose, will move this country into a favorable position for the middle class. The anyone but Trump, with no leadership and ideas will fail more significantly than November 2016.
Potential challengers are Biden, Pelosi, Brooker, Warren, Harris, and Hillary. The Democrats are done and will try a violent overthrow now, since the intelligence coup did not work. You socialists and communists will not prevail. It will be your undoing!

07-20-2018, 01:26 AM
If you hate him so much why don't you move to Canada and be in peace?

Sailor, I did when I got drafted to go 'nam.

Stand down sailor that's an order.

07-20-2018, 01:41 AM
You are going to be distraught after November 2018. The blue way is in your imagination and Trump will win in 2020. Start dealing with issues and solutions to the deficit, immigration and corruption at the highest levels under Obama.
Since you are a visionary, why don't you post whom the leader you choose, will move this country into a favorable position for the middle class. The anyone but Trump, with no leadership and ideas will fail more significantly than November 2016.
Potential challengers are Biden, Pelosi, Brooker, Warren, Harris, and Hillary. The Democrats are done and will try a violent overthrow now, since the intelligence coup did not work. You socialists and communists will not prevail. It will be your undoing!

The SOB will lose the election, then start a war during the time of the election until Inauguration Day, then he won't vacate the White House.

F--king Manchurian candidate sits in the White House. A real American, my a$$

07-20-2018, 03:39 AM
Sailor, I did when I got drafted to go 'nam.

Stand down sailor that's an order.

What did you do. Hit them with your baby bottle? Weren't you in grade school or at least daycare? Nam, ended with a lost. I can see who at fault now. Opps a tie?