View Full Version : ESST Agent dropping the big one to Troy this week

07-08-2018, 02:44 PM
ESST agent dropping the big news this week to Troy!

See ya! I'm outta here. Thanks for all the electronics and surveillance gear that I stole and gave away to my friends! All the money you spent on my specialized training got me the new job in Tennessee! This has been the best job Everrrrrr!

I didn't have to do a thing my whole 4 years here! Sat in my little room shopping online and avoided doing a damn thing my whole time at MROC! This was awesome! Thanks for everything Troy!

More to come (I mean leave MROC)

07-09-2018, 04:42 PM
Jealous much?

So you don't like the person and/or are jealous so they should have been "dealt with"? LMAO.

You should really move to one of the regions with well known Predatory Supervisors (Tampa, for example) if you only want to be around people that you personally approve of.

07-09-2018, 10:34 PM
FDLE has shown that, in it's current state, that they don't care about long term employees (in other words, LOYAL or DEDICATED), so good for him and anyone else that bails early and moves on to be more successful. Anyone that CAN leave now would be smart!

And what should have TW done? Targeted and ran the guy out? Gets old quick trying to ruin your people when you're in a leadership role.

07-11-2018, 05:18 PM
ESST agent dropping the big news this week to Troy!

See ya! I'm outta here. Thanks for all the electronics and surveillance gear that I stole and gave away to my friends! All the money you spent on my specialized training got me the new job in Tennessee! This has been the best job Everrrrrr!

I didn't have to do a thing my whole 4 years here! Sat in my little room shopping online and avoided doing a damn thing my whole time at MROC! This was awesome! Thanks for everything Troy!

More to come (I mean leave MROC)

Wow, very professional.

I have two family members with terminal illnesses, wanna trade places?

Stop by my office eunuch; the door's always open.


07-11-2018, 05:29 PM
ESST agent dropping the big news this week to Troy!

See ya! I'm outta here. Thanks for all the electronics and surveillance gear that I stole and gave away to my friends! All the money you spent on my specialized training got me the new job in Tennessee! This has been the best job Everrrrrr!

I didn't have to do a thing my whole 4 years here! Sat in my little room shopping online and avoided doing a damn thing my whole time at MROC! This was awesome! Thanks for everything Troy!

More to come (I mean leave MROC)

Should be easy to set him up with the whole "hasn't done anything" thing, it's a known tactic of SAC's and ASAC's to push on SAS's when they want to pressure someone out. Totally go through things and claim that everything someone has done is 'Nothing" regardless of what they did and what the direction of their squad was at the time.

And especially since he was ESST it would be easy- they really keep documentation down and have to spend a lot of time building things, researching, and a lot of other tedious type stuff, so just throwing the "you've done nothing" thing could actually stick if the SAS was a douchebag and of course the ASAC and SAC wanted them gone.

But, way too late for that now. Besides, TW doesn't seem like the type, wrong region I suppose. Probably the reason he was passed up for AC, he has integrity and a conscious and wouldn't try and destroy a person out of spite. We all know and have heard the stories in other regions. The fact that TW will not go after someone like this is actually good for the all, because you never know when you could be next if he was that way (again, look at other regions).

Let's hear more (re: "more to come").

07-12-2018, 07:34 PM
The culture of FDLE does not reward excellence or even competence. It is more of a gossip factory for the state.

07-16-2018, 11:34 PM
FDLE- They run out the loyal employees and cry about the ones that don't care about the Agency when they leave. What a place!!

08-10-2018, 04:37 AM
Is anyone surprised that someone is leaving FDLE? Crappy pay, entitled leadership with shitty attitudes (look at the newspaper articles if you don't know), no respect from locals or Feds now. Long term in an Agency like this means dealing with constant head leadership changes and in turn, horrific office politics ("who was liked by the old guy in charge? Go get him out" mentality). Those seeking leadership in this Agency today are the whiney, power-hungry a-holes that were forced out of their original Agency before they came to FDLE and with the proper manipulation, get through the ranks undetected until it's too late. The other half are happy to settle with a 1/4 of the caseload they had, all while looking down on the pathetic guys that have only been with FDLE their entire career.

The main question is, if you really are a go-getter, WTF are you still doing at FDLE?

08-13-2018, 09:04 PM
Is anyone surprised that someone is leaving FDLE? Crappy pay, entitled leadership with shitty attitudes (look at the newspaper articles if you don't know), no respect from locals or Feds now. Long term in an Agency like this means dealing with constant head leadership changes and in turn, horrific office politics ("who was liked by the old guy in charge? Go get him out" mentality). Those seeking leadership in this Agency today are the whiney, power-hungry a-holes that were forced out of their original Agency before they came to FDLE and with the proper manipulation, get through the ranks undetected until it's too late. The other half are happy to settle with a 1/4 of the caseload they had, all while looking down on the pathetic guys that have only been with FDLE their entire career.

The main question is, if you really are a go-getter, WTF are you still doing at FDLE?

Nothing changes at FDLE. This could have been written 20 years ago.
And yes, the smarter ones leave for better opportunities.

03-24-2020, 06:33 AM
Is anyone surprised that someone is leaving FDLE? Crappy pay, entitled leadership with shitty attitudes (look at the newspaper articles if you don't know), no respect from locals or Feds now. Long term in an Agency like this means dealing with constant head leadership changes and in turn, horrific office politics ("who was liked by the old guy in charge? Go get him out" mentality). Those seeking leadership in this Agency today are the whiney, power-hungry a-holes that were forced out of their original Agency before they came to FDLE and with the proper manipulation, get through the ranks undetected until it's too late. The other half are happy to settle with a 1/4 of the caseload they had, all while looking down on the pathetic guys that have only been with FDLE their entire career.

The main question is, if you really are a go-getter, WTF are you still doing at FDLE?

Spot on!!!

FDLE is a barrel of over-pumped supervisors that should have never been put there in the first place. So many examples of this, more than any other Agency I've seen countrywide.