View Full Version : Bell/Gilbert Give Petition to Gov Scott to Remove Israel ... and NOTHING HAPPENS!!

05-21-2018, 12:57 AM
So the big Broward Republican Party dinner came and went on Friday ..... and, as promised, fruitcake Gilbert was outside protesting against Sheriff Israel ..... and tinkerBell vowed that he would personally deliver the results of the no confidence vote to Governor Scott to ensure he removes Israel.

And then .......

NOTHING, absolutely nothing happened. Nada, zilch, zip.

The Gilbert & Bell clownshow has come and gone, and the Governor politely ignored them. Unless I'm missing something, Israel is still Sheriff, so the score remains:

Sheriff Israel - 1
Gilbert/Bell - 0

But thanks for playing, Jeff & Gilbert!

05-21-2018, 01:16 AM
July 2 will soon be here!!!!! Bye bye Fort Lauderdale!!!!!!!!!

05-21-2018, 01:23 AM
July 2 will soon be here!!!!! Bye bye Fort Lauderdale!!!!!!!!!

And then you woke up!

05-21-2018, 02:04 AM
As much as I would love it to happen most people on these threads are delusional. Yeah maybe a few policies were broken or someone didn't go by a standard operating procedure. But the only one that day that broke the law was Nikolas Cruz. There will be a few people internally moved around , some people will retire but mark my words nothing's gonna happen to the Sheriff.

05-21-2018, 03:00 AM
As much as I would love it to happen most people on these threads are delusional. Yeah maybe a few policies were broken or someone didn't go by a standard operating procedure. But the only one that day that broke the law was Nikolas Cruz. There will be a few people internally moved around , some people will retire but mark my words nothing's gonna happen to the Sheriff.

Ok then, let's get this campaign started:

Barney Fife, 2020

An Anti - Second Amendment Public Service Agency United Against the NRA

Join our Team

05-21-2018, 07:33 AM
As much as I would love it to happen most people on these threads are delusional. Yeah maybe a few policies were broken or someone didn't go by a standard operating procedure. But the only one that day that broke the law was Nikolas Cruz. There will be a few people internally moved around , some people will retire but mark my words nothing's gonna happen to the Sheriff.

Oh Stephen you are a character. I can't believe you get paid to be here all day.