View Full Version : No Confidence in the No Confidence

04-23-2018, 10:20 PM
I will make a prediction. The vote is going to fail miserably. Jeff and his organization will look bad because every other union stands by the sheriff except IUPA. Nothing positive is going to come out of this. We will be at war with a powerful elected official. It will be two years of misery followed by possibly another 4 if elected again. Jeff you made a bad mistake this time. You should've waited until all was exhausted before doing this.

04-24-2018, 01:02 AM
I will make a prediction. The vote is going to fail miserably. Jeff and his organization will look bad because every other union stands by the sheriff except IUPA. Nothing positive is going to come out of this. We will be at war with a powerful elected official. It will be two years of misery followed by possibly another 4 if elected again. Jeff you made a bad mistake this time. You should've waited until all was exhausted before doing this.

And who ever wrote this is either admin, PBA,or a true broward coward. This has been a long time coming and the deputies are fed up with this guys “amazing leadership”

04-24-2018, 01:09 AM
This guy Bell, I’ll tell you who he is... He’s a rarity. An honest person that has the courage and integrity to do the right thing even if it puts his job in jeopardy. He’s someone that puts the membership first and speaks out because it is the right thing to do. He doesn’t wait for the FDLE report to come out to do the safe thing and craft an opinion based on the report. He does the right thing based upon what we already knew, and have known for a long time to be true. This administration has destroyed the Sheriffs office. Jeff is someone that doesn’t sacrifice his principles or beliefs because of fear or political pressure. That’s something for the so called leaders of the non law enforcement unions to do when the Sheriff personally calls them to bribe them for a token of support.

I know people are having a hard time figuring Jeff Bell out. That’s because he’s the real deal. Something that Broward has never seen before. A man of principles and integrity. He took the unpaid union leadership position to address the issues affecting law enforcement. He puts up with the stress, pressure and headaches that make his life harder so that he can make others lives better.

In short, Bell is a true leader and a role model that others aspiring to leadership should follow.

The Sheriff hates people like Bell. He can’t bribe or intimidate him and that makes him dangerous in the eyes of the Sheriff. For corruption and incompetence to thrive, people have to stay out of the mix and not get involved. That’s what the sheriff wants and Bell won’t give that to him.

Bravo Jeff Bell, Bravo!

Thank you for doing the right thing. Often times the right thing is the hard thing to do, but you didn’t let that deter you.

04-24-2018, 01:36 AM
I will make a prediction. The vote is going to fail miserably. Jeff and his organization will look bad because every other union stands by the sheriff except IUPA. Nothing positive is going to come out of this. We will be at war with a powerful elected official. It will be two years of misery followed by possibly another 4 if elected again. Jeff you made a bad mistake this time. You should've waited until all was exhausted before doing this.

Won't fail. The ballot box is stuffed. It is is a rigged vote. Bank on it!!

04-24-2018, 02:10 AM
I will make a prediction. The vote is going to fail miserably. Jeff and his organization will look bad because every other union stands by the sheriff except IUPA. Nothing positive is going to come out of this. We will be at war with a powerful elected official. It will be two years of misery followed by possibly another 4 if elected again. Jeff you made a bad mistake this time. You should've waited until all was exhausted before doing this.

Really?.... the damage is done. Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.

You guys are acting like Battered Wifes. Ohhh... don't upset the abuser he will only get more angry and abuse us even more. Or "Don't arrest my husband because I won't be able to pay my bills" I guess some of us have the balls to stand up and some don't. But please, if you don't believe the vote, hold your own. But we all know that won't happen because you're afraid your own members will vote No Confidence too!

04-24-2018, 04:46 AM
Won't fail. The ballot box is stuffed. It is is a rigged vote. Bank on it!!

Ha!!! I would agree if we were talking about the PBA!!! Guess what we aren’t and BSO is just mad that Jeff can’t be bought

04-24-2018, 04:58 AM
Won't fail. The ballot box is stuffed. It is is a rigged vote. Bank on it!!

Only the PBA stuffs ballot boxes, because they need a certain outcome to keep those cushy jobs! IUPA actually is doing the right thing by listening to its members. That would be a new concept for the PBA! If Ifs and buts were candy and nuts the PBA would still be our union.....but they're not.....thank God!