View Full Version : It is just not getting better...

04-06-2018, 09:06 PM
So Sgt. JZ is not going to homicide where he is clearly the most qualified person on the dept. If I was him, I would leave; however, I hope he is better than that. It’s all because of a dispute over a JAZZ parking issue with one of the future golden boys? A rookie??? He hasn’t been alive as long as some of us have been cops, but because he wants to park wherever he wants because he one of the chosen ones…OMG. This place isn’t getting better like I thought it might.

Ya JZ isn’t the nicest guy in the world. He is ****y, arrogant, thinks he is the best at everything. But he is the best choice for homicide SGT since he spent like 9 years there as a DET. And, there is only an acting there currently. Clearly a case of reverse racism. If they think he is a racist, ask what race his wife is? A SGT tells an OFC don’t park there, marked cars park over there…and the OFC snuffs him. The SGT is actually acting like a SGT and orders the OFC to obey the orders from the command post….then gets punished because the OFC is one of the Mayor’s body guards (insert joke here). The OFC needs to be reprimanded for not obeying the order of a SGT. Instead the SGT gets punished for reprimanding a “good ole boy” rookie. I miss the 90’s when police officers listened to SGT’s and respected them. This department may as well do away with SGT’s and just have G3 in charge of all.

By the way, heard another one put his papers in today. And 5-10 more are following. (Insert joke or accurate number here)

And, guess who ISN’T signing up for the JAZZ next year. And if the contract isn’t in our favor I encourage all of you to NOT sign up either. Why work for a city event if the city doesn’t work with you? It isn't worth it anyway.

04-07-2018, 10:25 AM
So Sgt. JZ is not going to homicide where he is clearly the most qualified person on the dept. If I was him, I would leave; however, I hope he is better than that. It’s all because of a dispute over a JAZZ parking issue with one of the future golden boys? A rookie??? He hasn’t been alive as long as some of us have been cops, but because he wants to park wherever he wants because he one of the chosen ones…OMG. This place isn’t getting better like I thought it might.

Ya JZ isn’t the nicest guy in the world. He is ****y, arrogant, thinks he is the best at everything. But he is the best choice for homicide SGT since he spent like 9 years there as a DET. And, there is only an acting there currently. Clearly a case of reverse racism. If they think he is a racist, ask what race his wife is? A SGT tells an OFC don’t park there, marked cars park over there…and the OFC snuffs him. The SGT is actually acting like a SGT and orders the OFC to obey the orders from the command post….then gets punished because the OFC is one of the Mayor’s body guards (insert joke here). The OFC needs to be reprimanded for not obeying the order of a SGT. Instead the SGT gets punished for reprimanding a “good ole boy” rookie. I miss the 90’s when police officers listened to SGT’s and respected them. This department may as well do away with SGT’s and just have G3 in charge of all.

By the way, heard another one put his papers in today. And 5-10 more are following. (Insert joke or accurate number here)

And, guess who ISN’T signing up for the JAZZ next year. And if the contract isn’t in our favor I encourage all of you to NOT sign up either. Why work for a city event if the city doesn’t work with you? It isn't worth it anyway.

Thanks for saying it like it really is. Palm beach SO is a bad ass department and pays great. Ft lauderdale pays good. Neither are far to travel to and you free yourself of this crap. As for contract, the PBA is in bed with our administration and are not going to fight for us. Not to mention they are more concerned about the county and haven’t been able to get a contract there yet.

04-09-2018, 02:12 AM
Time to leave!!!!!! See ya...

04-09-2018, 11:48 PM
If most of you on LEO affairs would stop complaining, stop gossiping and do your job then maybe you would see things differently. Know the whole story abt the Jazz incident b4 you speak. I'm sure some of you are commenting based on what you heard and not what you saw. Just because JZ has a black wife doesn't mean he cannot be a racist! It's been said for years he comes across racist because he talks to whites and Hispanics differently then with blacks. I've observed it and I'm not black. Just because you have stripes don't mean you can scream at someone anyway you want. Just because he's more qualified doesn't mean he's the best option. If you think another agency is gonna be better then MGPD then leave. The grass might be greener somewhere else with more money but you will be faced with the same bullshit issues elsewhere also. Do your 10 or 11.5 hours and make sure you get home safely.

04-10-2018, 12:38 AM
For the record. JZ has been historically arrogant and disrespectful to folks from different races. When he’s on scenes and dealing with victims families he shows little to no remorse and has been heard saying the victim got what he deserved. As far as the incident at JIG, the officer was working a special detail and needed access to his vehicle. JZ made the sarcastic comment stating the officer is a “special person” and proceeded to antagonize, humiliate, degrade, and intimidate the officer in front of fellow co workers and civilians alike. He went so far as to put his hand inside of the vehicle and point in the Officer’s face. He may be knowledgeable in homicids but that does not mean he will make an effective and impartial supervisor.

In reference to the ignorant comment someone stating he can’t be racist bc his wife is black, that’s ludicrous. Slavemasters had sex with and raped black women since the beginning of time. He is racist towards minority males.

The problem with this department is far too long blacks have been at the helm of the disciplinary actions in this department. Now the administration has changed to mirror the community in which it serves and the majority of the Caucasian officers can’t take it.

The tables have turned. Roll with the change or leave!!!

04-10-2018, 01:41 AM
Well we all know Sgt CS started this thread. Thanks

04-10-2018, 04:56 AM
For the record. JZ has been historically arrogant and disrespectful to folks from different races. When he’s on scenes and dealing with victims families he shows little to no remorse and has been heard saying the victim got what he deserved. As far as the incident at JIG, the officer was working a special detail and needed access to his vehicle. JZ made the sarcastic comment stating the officer is a “special person” and proceeded to antagonize, humiliate, degrade, and intimidate the officer in front of fellow co workers and civilians alike. He went so far as to put his hand inside of the vehicle and point in the Officer’s face. He may be knowledgeable in homicide however, that does not mean he will make an effective and impartial supervisor.

In reference to the ignorant comment someone made stating he can’t be racist bc his wife is black, that’s ludicrous. Slavemasters had sex with and raped black women since the beginning of time. He is racist towards minority males.

The problem with this department is far too long blacks have been at the helm of the disciplinary actions in this department. Now the administration has changed to mirror the community in which it serves and the majority of the Caucasian officers can’t take it.

The tables have turned. Roll with the change or leave!!!

04-10-2018, 07:02 PM
I agree with the above comment 110% JZ has been very racist and as a black female its unacceptable. I am very proud of this city and the command staff. I look forward to better years.

04-10-2018, 08:07 PM
I know first hand and it didn't happen like that at JAZZ. Im sure you're "close" with the golden boy. He should of obeyed orders but I guess since he is a golden boy it doesnt apply to him. JZ is aarongant and thinks he knows everything but like it or not he is the most qualified for homicide. He not racists thats just an excuse by the ignorant ones. FYI we work in a predominantly black community! I thought we had some hope with this new administration but their *****y and I heard they are being investigated and if its true we'll have a new chief and command staff AGAIN! When will it ever get better?

04-10-2018, 08:09 PM
JZ for homicide!!

04-11-2018, 12:42 AM
I've worked with Sgt. Z at the county on cases when he was a Det. He's knows his ***t and their idiot's for not putting in homicide.

04-11-2018, 03:41 AM
I won't be working Jazz next year!

04-11-2018, 07:34 AM
I won't be working Jazz next year!

I worked JIG several years ago and have not been back since. What a dump! Allthe trash from the city and surrounding communities come to wreak havoc and bring the classless tails with them.

04-11-2018, 01:14 PM
I worked JIG several years ago and have not been back since. What a dump! Allthe trash from the city and surrounding communities come to wreak havoc and bring the classless tails with them.

We must realize that this place will NEVER get better. Simple- end of story

04-11-2018, 04:49 PM
Dump it is! This was my last year working JIZ. Nothing but trash

04-11-2018, 05:49 PM
Sgt. JZ isn't racist y'all are pathetic. That Ofc has no experience but a$$ kissing. He a "do" boy! I know a few of the explorers and heard some story's about this scrub.

04-12-2018, 04:45 AM
We must realize that this place will NEVER get better. Simple- end of story

NEVER getting better. I trying to get out of this shi* hole.

04-12-2018, 08:13 AM
Did somebody really just compare a man and a woman committing to one another in holy matrimony to a slave being raped by her master?

Pretty sure those are two distinctly different things. One conveys a lot more respect towards the woman, irrespective of her race, than the other.

The comparison you made also implies that his wife is too stupid to notice the man she sleeps next to actually hates her for her skin color (yet you are an expert and can tell), which is pretty insulting.

I don't know JZ's wife personally, but I'm fairly confident she would tell you to get bent, as would my black wife lol.

04-25-2018, 01:51 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2881226]I won't be working Jazz next year


04-26-2018, 12:55 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2881226]I won't be working Jazz next year


Nobody will care as long as we have the administration that we have. So, we either take up the back side day in and day out or we try to do something about it. But, how do we accomplish change when our reps are in bed with the administration. We need the group that NMB has. We need someone who will stand up to this abusers

05-06-2018, 06:49 AM
For the record. JZ has been historically arrogant and disrespectful to folks from different races. When he’s on scenes and dealing with victims families he shows little to no remorse and has been heard saying the victim got what he deserved. As far as the incident at JIG, the officer was working a special detail and needed access to his vehicle. JZ made the sarcastic comment stating the officer is a “special person” and proceeded to antagonize, humiliate, degrade, and intimidate the officer in front of fellow co workers and civilians alike. He went so far as to put his hand inside of the vehicle and point in the Officer’s face. He may be knowledgeable in homicids but that does not mean he will make an effective and impartial supervisor.

In reference to the ignorant comment someone stating he can’t be racist bc his wife is black, that’s ludicrous. Slavemasters had sex with and raped black women since the beginning of time. He is racist towards minority males.

The problem with this department is far too long blacks have been at the helm of the disciplinary actions in this department. Now the administration has changed to mirror the community in which it serves and the majority of the Caucasian officers can’t take it.

The tables have turned. Roll with the change or leave!!!

I’ve worked next to JZ on homicide scenes for many many years. He’s never said that about any victim. He has mastered the craft of a homicide investigation and has put several murders in prison for life because of his thorough investigations. He is a defense attorneys worst nightmare. He shows empathy to the family and friends of the deceased on every scene. He wouldn’t show remorse because he didn’t kill anyone on the scene. Educate yourself. You sound stupid. Your opinion of what happened at Jazz sounds like you were one of the ones the rookie officer ran to after his feelings were hurt. You have no first hand knowledge of what happened. No one does. All anyone saw were two men talking. Everything else is blown out of proportion opinions. Sounds like JZ must pointed out your short comings at a scene due to your laziness or ignorance and you’ve waited your whole life to attack him on line instead of to his face man to man. That says more about your character than JZ’s. He’s not racist. He has low tolerance towards entitlement. I wonder how the rookie officer reacts when his commanding officer in the military corrects him. Who does he cry to there? Don’t ask Don’t tell.

05-07-2018, 09:49 PM
This place will never get better As long as we continue having kiss assers who suck up for a promotion

05-08-2018, 11:02 AM
This place will never get better As long as we continue having kiss assers who suck up for a promotion

That happens at every police department in the entire country. We have a fleet of command staff made up of ass kissers. To be a sergeant you have to take a test. To be a captain you have to be liked. Get the chap stick ready boys... captain interviews start this week. If it is gaged on who kisses the most ass and has no clue how to do basic police work we all know VQ, or Sgt Q, the nickname she gave herself, has the lead on the guys who know how to be a P.O. P.O., and a Sgt. They and are also much better qualified.

05-08-2018, 11:30 AM
For the record. JZ has been historically arrogant and disrespectful to folks from different races. When he’s on scenes and dealing with victims families he shows little to no remorse and has been heard saying the victim got what he deserved. As far as the incident at JIG, the officer was working a special detail and needed access to his vehicle. JZ made the sarcastic comment stating the officer is a “special person” and proceeded to antagonize, humiliate, degrade, and intimidate the officer in front of fellow co workers and civilians alike. He went so far as to put his hand inside of the vehicle and point in the Officer’s face. He may be knowledgeable in homicids but that does not mean he will make an effective and impartial supervisor.

In reference to the ignorant comment someone stating he can’t be racist bc his wife is black, that’s ludicrous. Slavemasters had sex with and raped black women since the beginning of time. He is racist towards minority males.

The problem with this department is far too long blacks have been at the helm of the disciplinary actions in this department. Now the administration has changed to mirror the community in which it serves and the majority of the Caucasian officers can’t take it.

The tables have turned. Roll with the change or leave!!!

Do you really believe what you wrote about “for far too long blacks have been at the helm of the disciplinary actions at this department?” You must be new. Or dumb. Or both. Let’s not forget about our 3 whites that were fired by AB. Or the officer who was put in the penalty box for years after he saved another officer’s life after he was viciously attacked. Or our marshal who was suspended for helping his friend look for his son. I’m trying to remember who you’re referring to as a black officer who was improperly disciplined. Name names. And for the record the administration had always been black you fool. Nothing has changed. In fact, they demoted a white and brought in a black major. Seriously you are dumb. The Caucasian’s you speak of have only worked for black chiefs. The tables have not changed. We’re still sitting at the same table. Now pass the salt, a hole.

05-09-2018, 02:35 PM
Do you really believe what you wrote about “for far too long blacks have been at the helm of the disciplinary actions at this department?” You must be new. Or dumb. Or both. Let’s not forget about our 3 whites that were fired by AB. Or the officer who was put in the penalty box for years after he saved another officer’s life after he was viciously attacked. Or our marshal who was suspended for helping his friend look for his son. I’m trying to remember who you’re referring to as a black officer who was improperly disciplined. Name names. And for the record the administration had always been black you fool. Nothing has changed. In fact, they demoted a white and brought in a black major. Seriously you are dumb. The Caucasian’s you speak of have only worked for black chiefs. The tables have not changed. We’re still sitting at the same table. Now pass the salt, a hole.

It’s never going to get better until the administration realizes we will fight back when unjust actions are taken against us. Until then they know we are nothing more than pushover lackeys

05-09-2018, 08:59 PM
Just shut up and do ya jobs.

05-16-2018, 06:28 AM
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”―*Edmund Burke

We need to fight back!

05-18-2018, 12:10 AM
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”―*Edmund Burke

We need to fight back!

Thank you. Yes we do. If not in the open then underground

06-02-2018, 04:49 AM
His is not the only issue. Things don’t appear to be getting better