View Full Version : New to Area - In Bexley

03-22-2018, 05:26 PM
I am a new resident to the area, now residing in the Bexley Community. I thought this forum might be the place for my query. Everywhere I have lived, I have made an effort to meet and get to know the officers working in my area of the district. Many I had shared a coffee, lunch or simply chat about the happening in my neighborhood. Since moving here to Pasco County I am finding this to be quite the challenge.

I visited the D3 office in Trinity, which I am told is the station which serves Bexley. I understand there is no substation closer to Bexley. I inquired as to how I might meet the deputies working in my area. The response I got was basically a shrug and it seems irregular that a citizen would want to meet those serving my area. Next I wrote the PC Community Outreach officer, which remains unanswered. I wonder if my next step is to post ‘Free Lunch – I Buy!’? 😊 The only deputy I have seen was one who advised me to evacuate the area when a wildfire was close to the construction site of my home (which I was visiting that day). It did not dawn on me that may be the sole officer in my area. There are a few who live here, but serve HCSO and TPD.

So short of speeding down SR 54 or stopping when I see a cruiser in the wild, I thought someone reading this profile might know my area, offer a suggestion or contact me. I read much here are people with an axe to grind, and I apologize if this is not an appropriate forum to make contact.

I appreciate what you do – I just prefer to express that in person, maybe even with a coffee, taco or wings!

03-22-2018, 07:50 PM
I am a new resident to the area, now residing in the Bexley Community. I thought this forum might be the place for my query. Everywhere I have lived, I have made an effort to meet and get to know the officers working in my area of the district. Many I had shared a coffee, lunch or simply chat about the happening in my neighborhood. Since moving here to Pasco County I am finding this to be quite the challenge.

I visited the D3 office in Trinity, which I am told is the station which serves Bexley. I understand there is no substation closer to Bexley. I inquired as to how I might meet the deputies working in my area. The response I got was basically a shrug and it seems irregular that a citizen would want to meet those serving my area. Next I wrote the PC Community Outreach officer, which remains unanswered. I wonder if my next step is to post ‘Free Lunch – I Buy!’? 😊 The only deputy I have seen was one who advised me to evacuate the area when a wildfire was close to the construction site of my home (which I was visiting that day). It did not dawn on me that may be the sole officer in my area. There are a few who live here, but serve HCSO and TPD.

So short of speeding down SR 54 or stopping when I see a cruiser in the wild, I thought someone reading this profile might know my area, offer a suggestion or contact me. I read much here are people with an axe to grind, and I apologize if this is not an appropriate forum to make contact.

I appreciate what you do – I just prefer to express that in person, maybe even with a coffee, taco or wings!

Sir or Madam:

First, let me say that you seem like a respectful, civic-minded person. Let me welcome you to Pasco County on behalf of everyone at the Pasco Sheriff's Office because we all appreciate the support of folks like you.

Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to take a traditional meal break during my twelve hour patrol shift and honestly find little opportunity for the requisite rest room stops during my shift; therefore, I pack a sandwich from home and eat it while enroute to the next call holding. That is the reality of our staffing level in the line patrol squads at this agency.

If you want to sit down and eat a meal with someone from PSO, it will have to be someone from the administration or a specialty unit. It will not be with a Deputy that patrols your area on a regular basis.

Pasco County has grown its taxbase for a very long time and the PSO has seen some of that money; however, we are hiring more administrative supervisors and not putting more Deputies in the Patrol Districts.

This is just a fact of the political animal that is the Sheriff's Office; take a look at our website and look at the Command Staff, absolutely top-heavy and useless political hires!

03-22-2018, 11:39 PM
I am sorry for your situation. I am also sorry you feel my post is an opportunity to take the dig at your administration. You focus on the gesture of lunch to take that opportunity, however my post was much more than that. Your point is taken. It is not my fault, so I see no reason to shoot me down.

Perhaps my intuition is correct, that this forum is not the appropriate place to make contact.

03-23-2018, 12:26 AM
Nobody shot you down pal, the kid was telling the truth about this place. We don't have time to hold anybody's hand or any crap like that. You stick up for the bosses who could care less about us so no working man that I know would want to waste his time listening to you anyway. We will respond to your priority calls. If I was paranoid I would think you are one of them but I could care less either way.

03-23-2018, 01:00 AM
I never stuck up for your administration. I do not know them. I simply pointed out my gesture to make contact (with someone who WANTED to) was not a welcome mat to air your grievances. I am sorry if you feel you are not treated well in your chosen job. But you have a choice. I encourage you to look elsewhere if you are unhappy. If your administration is what you say...why stay?

All I wanted was to make contact. That was not asking what ails you. It's like going out with someone and all they do is talk about how awful their ex is. I was not asking to have my hand held. But I see how you view my effort. It tells me all I need to know.

I feel sorry for the soured attitudes. I will take my own advice and choose to go elsewhere.

03-23-2018, 01:09 AM
I never stuck up for your administration. I do not know them. I simply pointed out my gesture to make contact (with someone who WANTED to) was not a welcome mat to air your grievances. I am sorry if you feel you are not treated well in your chosen job. But you have a choice. I encourage you to look elsewhere if you are unhappy. If your administration is what you say...why stay?

All I wanted was to make contact. That was not asking what ails you. It's like going out with someone and all they do is talk about how awful their ex is. I was not asking to have my hand held. But I see how you view my effort. It tells me all I need to know.

I feel sorry for the soured attitudes. I will take my own advice and choose to go elsewhere.

You aint in Kansas anymore Dorothy. The point you missed is that the PSO is far from any law enforcement agency you may have experienced. There may be some who would change that but they are overwhelmed, undermanned and overly scrutinized in fear of retaliation from what? Most likely no real cop just a useless hack.

03-23-2018, 01:42 AM
This dude is a troll looking to suck us in and probably wears a gold star and drives a new unmarked SUV. Who else says stuff like D3 and cruiser? He outed himself in his first post what a loser and they wonder why everyone leaves as soon as they can get the hell out of here.

03-23-2018, 04:45 PM

You were given some slightly misleading information; if you are in Bexley and are a hunter, the Bexley Ranch Hunt Club is run out of D1 in New Port Richey.

03-26-2018, 03:24 PM
Bexley, along with the multiple other new developments being cookie-cut into the SR54 corridor, is just one of many communities that will suffer from severe lack of LEO presence due to understaffing and poor zone boundary planning. Let me put it to you this way...there is one deputy who patrols Bexley. That same deputy handles the zone that extends to Ballantrae, just east of that location, handles calls all the way out to 41 and SR 54, handles the area just west of the Suncoast Parkway, and all the way up to Lake Patience and back out to SR54. Then, if you're lucky, there is another deputy working in Concord Station (though that is sporadic), but he/she just handles calls within Concord...they won't head to Bexley. So, needless to say, the deputy working in the area you are wanting to live in would have ZERO time to have a sit-down lunch with you, considering the sheer enormity and population of his zone. This will sadly continue, as our county feels the need to increase its population with little care as to bolstering infrastructure to meet its needs.
All that being said, the area of Bexley is very nice, has a lot of potential, and is conveniently located with easy access to the Suncoast and I75. The commute will get worse and worse as the years go by, so keep that in mind when you decide where to hang your hat in relation to where you work. The Suncoast is a nightmare southbound AM and northbound PM. The SR54 corridor heading east to I75 is a mess all day long. Westbound is not too bad in the AM, and gets worse through the day, but nowhere near as bad as Eastbound. If you lock your car door and house up during the day, don't leave stuff in plain view, you can possibly avoid being a crime victim for a long period of time in Pasco. Most of our issues arise when people leave their electronics in plain view in their unlocked cars---which you think would be a no-brainer, but what do you expect.

03-27-2018, 01:48 AM
What is all of this crap about being understaffed? Every time I see Pasco on Live PD, there is at least 5 or 6 deputies on every call. If this is not enough man power I don't know what is.

Don't get time for a sit down meal? Just last night I saw several of you in Hooters for a while. You had some people with you in vests that said Media on them.

03-27-2018, 12:22 PM
What is all of this crap about being understaffed? Every time I see Pasco on Live PD, there is at least 5 or 6 deputies on every call. If this is not enough man power I don't know what is.

Don't get time for a sit down meal? Just last night I saw several of you in Hooters for a while. You had some people with you in vests that said Media on them.

You are confusing appearance with reality. The appearance on television that we are well-staffed gives the citizens of Pasco a false sense of comfort and a warm feeling that Nocco is placing a priority on Patrol Operations, when in fact, the reality is very different. The truth is that, if you look at that stupid show, you see many of the same names and faces running around together from episode to episode while the rest of us hump calls countywide.

You want to know the undeniable truth about our Patrol staffing? Check out our response times to calls for service or talk to someone who has called 911 and waited too long for a response from us. We are dangerously understaffed in Patrol, so low that we often send one Deputy to a violent call and pray that if he needs help and no one can get free that one of the smaller, local agencies can get there for him because we have too many priority calls holding.

It is worse on the East Side of the County, up in Lacoochee and other areas, where it could take awhile to get backup to one of us. We are not sitting around Hooters, only a select few, the rest of us are barely getting by each shift.

03-28-2018, 02:36 AM
You are confusing appearance with reality. The appearance on television that we are well-staffed gives the citizens of Pasco a false sense of comfort and a warm feeling that Nocco is placing a priority on Patrol Operations, when in fact, the reality is very different. The truth is that, if you look at that stupid show, you see many of the same names and faces running around together from episode to episode while the rest of us hump calls countywide.

You want to know the undeniable truth about our Patrol staffing? Check out our response times to calls for service or talk to someone who has called 911 and waited too long for a response from us. We are dangerously understaffed in Patrol, so low that we often send one Deputy to a violent call and pray that if he needs help and no one can get free that one of the smaller, local agencies can get there for him because we have too many priority calls holding.

It is worse on the East Side of the County, up in Lacoochee and other areas, where it could take awhile to get backup to one of us. We are not sitting around Hooters, only a select few, the rest of us are barely getting by each shift.

A reasonable attempt at an explanation but it needs some further clarification. Lets clear the air over some semantics. Lets start with priority calls holding. You have civilians running your radio and that doesnt bode well for cops on the street. Patrol? Uniformed reporters period. Poor supervision in probably far too many instances. Service is based on the number of times the phone rings and how long it takes to send someone somewhere. What percentage of your calls are garbage? Showing up somewhere and doing nothing with zero follow up does you no service. But the sheeple of Pasco are continually fooled by the Great Green Deception spewed from Little Road. This is all further complicated by groups of people who think they know something through the supervisory ranks. Most of that group probably couldnt catch a cold but have been anointed by the useless and clueless with the idea because they say so they are real cops, smart and right all the time when we know nothing could be further from the truth. You have to ask yourself if you know anything how can the televised buffoonery be tolerated? Is it because those in command either have no real experience or care? Everything is an excuse used to protect the fraud perpetrated on Little Road while the sheeple are treated to yet another presser. What a friggin joke.

03-28-2018, 12:11 PM
What is all of this crap about being understaffed? Every time I see Pasco on Live PD, there is at least 5 or 6 deputies on every call. If this is not enough man power I don't know what is.

Don't get time for a sit down meal? Just last night I saw several of you in Hooters for a while. You had some people with you in vests that said Media on them.

LOL!!! Spoken like a true troll. Do you believe everything you see on TV? I guess you must be glued to reality shows like Pawn Stars and similar ilk, because you think everything on camera is the way it is. While all the deputies show up to be on camera, the other zones go uncovered and calls on hold pile up. Then the adjacent zone deputy, who isn't a camera whore, will pick up calls in the movie stars' zones, while they milk the hell out of the call.
Most of the "media" rides around with supervisors, or with specialty units who have some down time. Road patrol guys will pack a cooler and eat in their cars 9 times out of 10. Next time you see a large group of deputies out eating, pay attention to the chevrons on their arm or the bars on their collars. Supervisors have plenty of time to sit and chow down while schmoozing for the cameras.

03-28-2018, 01:41 PM
LOL!!! Spoken like a true troll. Do you believe everything you see on TV? I guess you must be glued to reality shows like Pawn Stars and similar ilk, because you think everything on camera is the way it is. While all the deputies show up to be on camera, the other zones go uncovered and calls on hold pile up. Then the adjacent zone deputy, who isn't a camera whore, will pick up calls in the movie stars' zones, while they milk the hell out of the call.
Most of the "media" rides around with supervisors, or with specialty units who have some down time. Road patrol guys will pack a cooler and eat in their cars 9 times out of 10. Next time you see a large group of deputies out eating, pay attention to the chevrons on their arm or the bars on their collars. Supervisors have plenty of time to sit and chow down while schmoozing for the cameras.

Well said. The never ending joke called Pasco goes on and on.

04-10-2018, 05:18 AM
The real question is where the hell is Bexley?

04-10-2018, 12:30 PM
The real question is where the hell is Bexley?

Counting his money with some of his friends!

04-10-2018, 08:38 PM
What is all of this crap about being understaffed? Every time I see Pasco on Live PD, there is at least 5 or 6 deputies on every call. If this is not enough man power I don't know what is.

Don't get time for a sit down meal? Just last night I saw several of you in Hooters for a while. You had some people with you in vests that said Media on them.

1. The deputies that the LivePD crew ride with don’t actually take the calls. IF they arrest someone, someone else does the work.

2. There are always media whores who will try to go to any call they know LivePD is at and will screw other deputies to take the call load.

3. As others have said, some are speciality units, others are supervisors.

4. If a training car shows up you automatically have 2 people.

5. That unit at Hooters is a speciality unit that LivePD was riding with. The LivePD crew are civilians and would probably die without eating on an entire shift.

6. Obviously, in case you have figured out, LivePD only go to interesting calls.

7. And last, LivePD is just another PR ploy by the Sheriff to make himself look good.

04-12-2018, 05:00 PM
Anything to keep the public fooled because if anyone were to look closer at the buffoonery it would be astounding. Well look at the upside you werent shot in the jewels at the jail.

04-14-2018, 06:50 AM
There are many Bay area agencies now hiring because of the SRO mandate. This is your chance to get out. Most are starting with prior experience at 50k plus. There is also a better chance with another agency you will not get fired for the petty stuff PSO terminates folks for. Been gone for many years and glad I left when I did. You will also have a backup or two and not be run into the ground like PSO is doing to there deputies. Good luck and stay safe.