View Full Version : Thank you Comm Jordan

01-24-2018, 02:01 PM
Thank you Commissioner Jordan for the gift of Pratt, Patterson and Starks.


01-26-2018, 11:45 AM
Thank you Commissioner Jordan for the gift of Pratt, Patterson and Starks.


Commissioner Barbra Jordan and her brother Florida City Mayor Otis Wallace oversee an empire of drug distribution, gambling and prostitution. They are an organized crime family. They both utilize political office to conceal their means. Chief Thelma Noel-Pratt and Assistant J.D. Patterson have been hand groomed by Jordan first at MDPD and now here. Both the Chief and her Assistant are here to help conceal the ctiminal activities of Jordan and Wallace. Unless the FBI comes here and investigates we will continue to have the random violence that has made Miami Gardens the most dangerous city in the state of Florida.

01-27-2018, 06:17 PM
This is what Politicians do! They first take care of themselves, then their family and friends, then.... At the bottom of the list....Everyone else. Not a surprise.