View Full Version : The racist pig among us

01-16-2018, 06:25 AM
On today’s date I would like to bring a little
Light to the racist pig among us with a track record that speaks for itself. We don’t have to say his name his complaints, lawsuit, comments and cyber stalking speak for itself.

Those of you who cover for him and hold hands with him are inablers to his behavior.

01-16-2018, 07:44 AM
It’s shameful how so many people are not willing to stand up for what’s right. Bunch of pu.ssies. Instead of dealing with the problem they rather promote this idiot and create bigger problems down the road.

01-16-2018, 12:45 PM
It’s shameful how so many people are not willing to stand up for what’s right. Bunch of pu.ssies. Instead of dealing with the problem they rather promote this idiot and create bigger problems down the road.

Do you know what the real shame here is? That you don't have the cojones to confront Ortiz because you are a spineless Keyboard Guerrilla Nobody who's afraid of his own shadow. Enough already with your pendejadas.

01-16-2018, 04:23 PM
You can't be a cop, especially in Miami and not be or get a little racist. Dealing with the mutts out on the street is a lot easier then dealing with many in this department. No matter your race, your always going to have some label you a racist, cause of the work you do. Blacks hate the Cuban's, Cuban's hate the blacks and they both hate the whites. The few that are left here. I find it funny how we all, always snipe at each other over stupid B.S. I don't think racism has anything to do with what many of you are crying about. It's jealously, cause another found a way to ride the gravy train and work it for all it's worth. It 's Ortiz this, Ortiz that. Do you really think he cares what we have to say on here? How come no-ones ever go off over the Papier's? Ortiz's isn't running the department, they are.

01-16-2018, 04:36 PM
It’s shameful how so many people are not willing to stand up for what’s right. Bunch of pu.ssies. Instead of dealing with the problem they rather promote this idiot and create bigger problems down the road.

He is a white Cuban so it’s ok

01-16-2018, 08:24 PM
You can't be a cop, especially in Miami and not be or get a little racist. Dealing with the mutts out on the street is a lot easier then dealing with many in this department. No matter your race, your always going to have some label you a racist, cause of the work you do. Blacks hate the Cuban's, Cuban's hate the blacks and they both hate the whites. The few that are left here. I find it funny how we all, always snipe at each other over stupid B.S. I don't think racism has anything to do with what many of you are crying about. It's jealously, cause another found a way to ride the gravy train and work it for all it's worth. It 's Ortiz this, Ortiz that. Do you really think he cares what we have to say on here? How come no-ones ever go off over the Papier's? Ortiz's isn't running the department, they are.

You mean the Papier’s and Martinez! They ain’t any better.

01-16-2018, 08:35 PM
He is a white Cuban so it’s ok

Ortiz is not white or cuban; he is a Prieto

01-17-2018, 05:42 AM
Ortiz is not white or cuban; he is a Prieto

Didn't he say on the Lt. test and I'm sure the captains too, that he was black?? See giving Ortiz, the promotions, has shown the Government, that Miami is working to fulfill the requirement of those to hire and promote. Ortiz, is a black, gay male, so they filled two of the requirements, off 1 guy.

01-17-2018, 11:43 PM
didn't he say on the lt. Test and i'm sure the captains too, that he was black?? See giving ortiz, the promotions, has shown the government, that miami is working to fulfill the requirement of those to hire and promote. Ortiz, is a black, gay male, so they filled two of the requirements, off 1 guy.

prieto yes; gay blade no. Sigan machucandoses los huevos.

01-17-2018, 11:58 PM
I hope you guys know that Ortiz like it or now will be Chief of Police with the City of Miami in 2028.

01-18-2018, 12:10 AM
He already is the chief and just got a Cuban chief to protect him and let him do what eva he wants

01-18-2018, 12:13 AM
He already is the chief and just got a Cuban chief to protect him and let him do what eva he wants

We know lee-CHIN. I saw you posting this at the Fop meeting you loser

01-18-2018, 01:58 AM
Do you know what the real shame here is? That you don't have the cojones to confront Ortiz because you are a spineless Keyboard Guerrilla Nobody who's afraid of his own shadow. Enough already with your pendejadas.

Tell us when and where

01-18-2018, 02:29 AM
Parece mentira que en un país libre que un fulano se ponga con guapería dando piÑazoz al aire. Que cómico! Y para ponerle la tapa al pomo, lo dicen en el anonimato. Que clase de guaricandillas hay en este de el departamento de la Police. For a moment I thought that this was the Hialeah PD Blog. Que azco

01-19-2018, 10:59 AM
Parece mentira que en un país libre que un fulano se ponga con guapería dando piÑazoz al aire. Que cómico! Y para ponerle la tapa al pomo, lo dicen en el anonimato. Que clase de guaricandillas hay en este de el departamento de la Police. For a moment I thought that this was the Hialeah PD Blog. Que azco

Ortiz is a clown that should have lost his certification several times over

01-29-2018, 08:32 PM
Ortiz is a clown that should have lost his certification several times over

Explain this looming question: how did this POS Ortiz even get a certification in their first place?

01-29-2018, 08:37 PM
I hope you guys know that Ortiz like it or now will be Chief of Police with the City of Miami in 2028.

If he doesn't get indicted before then.

01-29-2018, 09:36 PM
Do you know who’s pockets union money goes to? You would be surprised, money buys many things and people

05-06-2018, 11:55 PM
Nope we don’t

05-15-2018, 05:03 AM
On today’s date I would like to bring a little
Light to the racist pig among us with a track record that speaks for itself. We don’t have to say his name his complaints, lawsuit, comments and cyber stalking speak for itself.

Those of you who cover for him and hold hands with him are inablers to his behavior.

He is being given training certificates on the house marine patrol, motors, swat and so on
Reward corruption