View Full Version : Happy Holidays from yours truly...

12-06-2017, 11:10 PM

El cochino de los cochinos, el más sucio de Sweetwater.. Felicidades.

Recuerdan que para el año nuevo no esperan nada de mi parte porque como oficial elijido yo solo sirvo para mis intereses. Mis colegas, no sufran más. Aprenden aceptar mis errores y mi mala cabeza porque no cambiará. Al contrario, seguiré insultándolos como lo estado haciendo desde Mayo.

Para bajo con Sweetwater! Sinceramente Corupto Villanueva

12-07-2017, 02:10 PM

El cochino de los cochinos, el más sucio de Sweetwater.. Felicidades.

Recuerdan que para el año nuevo no esperan nada de mi parte porque como oficial elijido yo solo sirvo para mis intereses. Mis colegas, no sufran más. Aprenden aceptar mis errores y mi mala cabeza porque no cambiará. Al contrario, seguiré insultándolos como lo estado haciendo desde Mayo.

Para bajo con Sweetwater! Sinceramente Corupto Villanueva

Mejia finally learned to crop and paste images. He is utilizing his arch nemesis’s display tactic.

12-07-2017, 02:59 PM
Mejia finally learned to crop and paste images. He is utilizing his arch nemesis’s display tactic.

And the psychopathic obsession continues!

12-07-2017, 07:38 PM
Can we see the rest of the video clip? I want to see if he eats it after picking it.

12-07-2017, 07:51 PM
Can we see the rest of the video clip? I want to see if he eats it after picking it.

Lmao!! Too funny 😂 me meo

12-07-2017, 07:53 PM
Mejia finally learned to crop and paste images. He is utilizing his arch nemesis’s display tactic.

You live and you learn papo. Saludos from the West Coast ;)

12-07-2017, 09:36 PM
You live and you learn papo. Saludos from the West Coast ;)

Saludos back! How is San Francisco?
Just make sure your customers always wear condoms, and carry plenty of lube.

"Don Ye Now Thy Gay Apparel Fa La La Fa La La Laa Laa Laaaa"

12-07-2017, 11:02 PM
Saludos back! How is San Francisco?
Just make sure your customers always wear condoms, and carry plenty of lube.

"Don Ye Now Thy Gay Apparel Fa La La Fa La La Laa Laa Laaaa"

marco buddy give it a rest. U got anything new besides that???

12-08-2017, 01:50 AM
marco buddy give it a rest. U got anything new besides that???

Marcos didn't write that, I did. He's too busy eating his boogers to write anything right now.

12-08-2017, 04:36 AM
At least, he holds the title of “Honorable”, while yours is still pot head convicted felon.

12-08-2017, 06:32 AM
At least, he holds the title of “Honorable”, while yours is still pot head convicted felon.

Hopwood, you stand corrected papo, no conviction here. But you know this. You and all your payasos. Your poor attempt at slandering me and falsely attacking me is equivalent to a child throwing tantrum and no one listening. Sad sad boy. Use DAVID or ask Llera, they'll tell you. Oh wait, better yet, ask Carmona. They will say: no conviction.

I suggest you get something else on me to hate on porque te falta papo.

12-08-2017, 05:05 PM
Hopwood, you stand corrected papo, no conviction here. But you know this. You and all your payasos. Your poor attempt at slandering me and falsely attacking me is equivalent to a child throwing tantrum and no one listening. Sad sad boy. Use DAVID or ask Llera, they'll tell you. Oh wait, better yet, ask Carmona. They will say: no conviction.

I suggest you get something else on me to hate on porque te falta papo.

Diversion programs defer convictions. It doesn't mean you didn't do the crimes.
We all know that you are a criminal thug so go preach your BS to your gay buddies in SF.

12-08-2017, 05:29 PM
Diversion programs defer convictions. It doesn't mean you didn't do the crimes.
We all know that you are a criminal thug so go preach your BS to your gay buddies in SF.

I suggest you continue preaching to the PBA about your demotion. Cry cry cry.. lol! Shit you'd hang up on me, you'd be without a job period! No worries though come 2019 you'll make a mistake, have a lapse in judgment and/or violate another departmental policy and ultimately will be relieved of duty. I'm sure you're buddy Marquita can get you a job picking your boogers lmao

12-08-2017, 11:21 PM
You vile and disgusting excuse for a deviated homosexual and cannabis consumer / wanna be dealer. After you want to fund your political campaign by illicit means, you come here and insult people that actually serve their communities and thus proctected you while you slept and smoked your weed. Marcos has his faults, yet he has made a name and honorable reputation for himself. Hopwood has more testicular fortitude than you would ever even imagine. You have never met a man of more integrity, maturity and honorable service than Hopwood, and let us not question his testicular fortitude. The only thing you would know about testicles would be when they slap your face as you service them for campaign funds. At least Bergie served his community and his country with honor. Your only accomplishment? Learning to swallow. Although I must thank you. The site was getting boring without you. Say hello to Mercy when you talk to her!

12-09-2017, 04:15 AM
Just a little advice if I may Jose.

Keep in mind if you get in trouble with the law out there things will be different. It's a long way to go - 3,000 miles - for your mom to go to visit the judge in his chambers before your sentencing. Plus it's very feasible that the male judges out there in SF have no interest in females anyway.

Of course it would be best if you stay clean, but then again we all know why you went to San Francisco in the first place. Just remember to get the money upfront.

( Saluting ) Happy holidays and may all your Vaseline dreams come true!

12-09-2017, 05:29 PM
You vile and disgusting excuse for a deviated homosexual and cannabis consumer / wanna be dealer. After you want to fund your political campaign by illicit means, you come here and insult people that actually serve their communities and thus proctected you while you slept and smoked your weed. Marcos has his faults, yet he has made a name and honorable reputation for himself. Hopwood has more testicular fortitude than you would ever even imagine. You have never met a man of more integrity, maturity and honorable service than Hopwood, and let us not question his testicular fortitude. The only thing you would know about testicles would be when they slap your face as you service them for campaign funds. At least Bergie served his community and his country with honor. Your only accomplishment? Learning to swallow. Although I must thank you. The site was getting boring without you. Say hello to Mercy when you talk to her!

And exactly what were you again in MPD? Lmao what a joke this command staff is.

12-09-2017, 05:50 PM
I was nothing at MPD. As a matter of fact, I was never there. I don’t think the command staff has time for your imbecile comments. Does it surprise you that other Sweetwater Officers can actually write?

12-09-2017, 08:30 PM
You vile and disgusting excuse for a deviated homosexual and cannabis consumer / wanna be dealer. After you want to fund your political campaign by illicit means, you come here and insult people that actually serve their communities and thus proctected you while you slept and smoked your weed. Marcos has his faults, yet he has made a name and honorable reputation for himself. Hopwood has more testicular fortitude than you would ever even imagine. You have never met a man of more integrity, maturity and honorable service than Hopwood, and let us not question his testicular fortitude. The only thing you would know about testicles would be when they slap your face as you service them for campaign funds. At least Bergie served his community and his country with honor. Your only accomplishment? Learning to swallow. Although I must thank you. The site was getting boring without you. Say hello to Mercy when you talk to her!

Come over and say hello yourself.. So very sad... you call yourselves brothers and sisters, in actuality, you all use each other for self serving purposes. Don't step on people on your way up, they may trip you on the way down. By the way I dont talk to Mejia, so get your story straight.

Oh almost forgot, Mercy

Feel free to sign your name..

12-10-2017, 06:37 PM
Come over and say hello yourself.. So very sad... you call yourselves brothers and sisters, in actuality, you all use each other for self serving purposes. Don't step on people on your way up, they may trip you on the way down. By the way I dont talk to Mejia, so get your story straight.

Oh almost forgot, Mercy

Feel free to sign your name..

Thank you!!!! These fools swear we speak. Although Mercy is a sweetheart and an amazing woman, we do not speak. I know how dirty Sweetwater politics and the police department is so I rather not put Mercy in a position where she can be terminrated Meryl because if her association to me.

One thing is certain, to those who have been wrongfully persecuted and who have been suffering at the hands of this oppressive administration, worry no longer. Come 2019, you all will have your positions back and, if I get my way, possibly even promotions. As for the command staff, bye bye including a lot of Lts

The days where the opposition is on top, Sweetwater is thriving, affordable housing lining our streets and taxes are the lowest in the county, are coming real soon..... 2019

-Jose Mejia

12-10-2017, 08:52 PM
Thank you!!!! These fools swear we speak. Although Mercy is a sweetheart and an amazing woman, we do not speak. I know how dirty Sweetwater politics and the police department is so I rather not put Mercy in a position where she can be terminrated Meryl because if her association to me.

One thing is certain, to those who have been wrongfully persecuted and who have been suffering at the hands of this oppressive administration, worry no longer. Come 2019, you all will have your positions back and, if I get my way, possibly even promotions. As for the command staff, bye bye including a lot of Lts

The days where the opposition is on top, Sweetwater is thriving, affordable housing lining our streets and taxes are the lowest in the county, are coming real soon..... 2019

-Jose Mejia

Hahaha. All this from a guy who only got 8% ??? And we all know that you would prefer a Murry over a Mercy!
So how's San Francisco treating you Mejia? Making money??

12-11-2017, 12:22 AM
Hahaha. All this from a guy who only got 8% ??? And we all know that you would prefer a Murry over a Mercy!
So how's San Francisco treating you Mejia? Making money??

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please keep my name off of your post, whatever the rumors are or are not, keep them amongst yourselves. A lie will travel the world, before the truth makes it to the corner. I was easy pickins, it's QRU, I forgive every single one of you, and wish this Christmas brings you what you deserve, no more, no less.

Mr. Mejia,hope everything goes well for you, don't lower yourself to this nonesense. We are all human and we all make mistakes, it is knowing how to correct and acknowledge those mistakes, walk away with a lesson learned and make sure you recognize it when it crosses your path again.

Blessing to all LEO's, friend and foe alike, be safe, always go home to your families.. Merry Christmas


12-11-2017, 05:35 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please keep my name off of your post, whatever the rumors are or are not, keep them amongst yourselves. A lie will travel the world, before the truth makes it to the corner. I was easy pickins, it's QRU, I forgive every single one of you, and wish this Christmas brings you what you deserve, no more, no less.

Mr. Mejia,hope everything goes well for you, don't lower yourself to this nonesense. We are all human and we all make mistakes, it is knowing how to correct and acknowledge those mistakes, walk away with a lesson learned and make sure you recognize it when it crosses your path again.

Blessing to all LEO's, friend and foe alike, be safe, always go home to your families.. Merry Christmas



True words. I agree with you 100%. Its difficult dealing with individuals as distasteful, insolent and discourteous as these who falsely attack all while behind anonymity. Knowing this, I will attempt to remain on high ground and ignore all the hate being thrown my way. I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year. And, please, call me Jose. Nada de Mr. que you have my utmost respect and admiration. I cannot fathom how difficult it must be working along side so many fakes. Not knowing when, where and who is going to stab you in the back. Stay strong 💪🏻. Se te quiere.

12-12-2017, 02:19 AM

True words. I agree with you 100%. Its difficult dealing with individuals as distasteful, insolent and discourteous as these who falsely attack all while behind anonymity. Knowing this, I will attempt to remain on high ground and ignore all the hate being thrown my way. I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year. And, please, call me Jose. Nada de Mr. que you have my utmost respect and admiration. I cannot fathom how difficult it must be working along side so many fakes. Not knowing when, where and who is going to stab you in the back. Stay strong 💪🏻. Se te quiere.

Thank you, sometimes strangers offer more respect than those who call themselves friend, there is enough hate in this world, we dont need to encourage the devil.

Blessings and a Merry Christmas,
