View Full Version : JV rolling over

10-06-2017, 02:44 PM
Well JV must be rolling over in his grave. The Judge recently ruled in favor of the City and dropped his entire lawsuit. It is a shame that this whole situation drove him to his grave and apparently he never had a case. This my friends, is a good example that you can't fight city hall. You can make all the stink and waves that you want. In the end, the City will usually win. Look even with PB's lawsuit against the city. They forced him to leave with a measly 30K. Was it really worth it PB?

Keep your head low, fly under the radar. That's the only way you will make it through an entire career here.

10-06-2017, 04:17 PM
Some will never get it. All Captains Majors and most Sgt don't give 2 @$%^ about any of us unless your married ,dating, messing around or hanging out drinking. Not a care in the world.

10-21-2017, 03:57 PM
Well JV must be rolling over in his grave. The Judge recently ruled in favor of the City and dropped his entire lawsuit. It is a shame that this whole situation drove him to his grave and apparently he never had a case. This my friends, is a good example that you can't fight city hall. You can make all the stink and waves that you want. In the end, the City will usually win. Look even with PB's lawsuit against the city. They forced him to leave with a measly 30K. Was it really worth it PB?

Keep your head low, fly under the radar. That's the only way you will make it through an entire career here.

I guess this means it's ok for DW to "adjust" the test scores to favor the ones he wants. Just taking care of family I guess. The last two sentences of the post above is good advice.

10-21-2017, 05:23 PM
I guess this means it's ok for DW to "adjust" the test scores to favor the ones he wants. Just taking care of family I guess. The last two sentences of the post above is good advice.

Another whiner who wants to blame everyone but themselves for their inability to test. Study and take the test quit being such a cry baby complainer. If you aren't getting a fair shake here pack your bags and move on. I am sure there is some poor department who would just love to have your whiny ass!!!

10-21-2017, 11:12 PM
Another whiner who wants to blame everyone but themselves for their inability to test. Study and take the test quit being such a cry baby complainer. If you aren't getting a fair shake here pack your bags and move on. I am sure there is some poor department who would just love to have your whiny ass!!!

I guess this poster thinks it's perfectly ok for the administration to cheat for certain people. If you have an ethical compass then you are deemed a whiner. There is an old saying: "If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the cooperation of Paul." Why don't you pack your bags and leave? Perhaps you are one of the ones for whom they will cheat for!!

10-22-2017, 09:51 AM
I guess this poster thinks it's perfectly ok for the administration to cheat for certain people. If you have an ethical compass then you are deemed a whiner. There is an old saying: "If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the cooperation of Paul." Why don't you pack your bags and leave? Perhaps you are one of the ones for whom they will cheat for!!

No sorry if you can figure out what this means you will get it. I already tested and got mine. If you study and test and score in the top three you have enough ammo to challenge or contest. I suspect you are a fringe at best person on the list scoring in the low to mid 70s but feel that someone else is being given preference because you do poor at testing or dont study and dont prepare and then cry and whine when you score low. Why would I pack my bags and leave when I passed the tests and got mine. Its called hard work! Try it sometime!!!

10-22-2017, 12:16 PM
No sorry if you can figure out what this means you will get it. I already tested and got mine. If you study and test and score in the top three you have enough ammo to challenge or contest. I suspect you are a fringe at best person on the list scoring in the low to mid 70s but feel that someone else is being given preference because you do poor at testing or dont study and dont prepare and then cry and whine when you score low. Why would I pack my bags and leave when I passed the tests and got mine. Its called hard work! Try it sometime!!!

You mentioned "the top three" which is correct. Its after a person spots in the top three and then DW changes the score values so that a person is not anymore and DW's friends are. DW was put in charge of the test. You change the rules before a test and make sure everone knows what the rules are. You don't secretly change the rules after a test, after the results are posted, which suddenly changes the top three. This is why former chief RB & then Asst. Chief DW really got into it. It happened when RB was away, not that RB was righteous, he just didn't want to be involved in the trouble it brought. Your idea that I'm a low scoring non-ranking person is not correct. The city was successful in getting a directed verdict - I guess because dead men can't testify. But you can bet that there were those who were lined-up to tell the truth should it have gone to trial. What happened was morally wrong - at least in my book. Perhaps DW thought, and still thinks, he was morally right do to what he did due to the civil wrongs of the past in this country. Who knows what he thought. If you think what he did was right then say so. Attack me all you want - I don't care - I still know what happened. I still believe it was wrong. Good day.

10-22-2017, 04:53 PM
One thing to remember is that when you change the scores it changes all the way down the line. Everytime one of the top three is chosen the forth moves up, and so on, etc. Also when the books are cooked, as they say, some individuals are forced down. I guess thats ok if you move up - but what if it moves you down? I guess its all relative to some. To some its the principle of right and wrong, morales, and ethics, etc.
Some don't like the message, so they attack the messenger. If that doesn't work they attack the message by re-writing history. The fact is - it happened. DW cheated, got caught, and others want to deny, and/or forget it. All the denials in the word will not recover the respect DW lost from some due to his unethical behavior. Good day.

10-22-2017, 11:35 PM
I meant"morals" not "morales" as written in the last thread - sorry about that.

10-23-2017, 07:18 AM
I meant"morals" not "morales" as written in the last thread - sorry about that.

Like Esai Morales?