View Full Version : Prayers for Police Officers

09-04-2017, 09:23 PM
Prayer for Trust

Oh Righteous Father, I trust You in everything that I do and in every place that I go and I ask You to protect me and those who are putting their lives on the line every day. In this increasingly dangerous world, law enforcement officers are on the front line and that means that I too am placing my life on the line with each call that I make and I ask you to go with me today in my duties to help me to not be caught off guard and to trust in You to keep me safe from harm. I know that You have established all authorities and powers (Rom 13:1-5) and that law enforcement officers are an extension of Your sovereignty over mankind and so please help me to honor You in my duties today and in the priceless name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Read more at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/2016/03/15/5-prayers-for-police-officers/#FjSwmo8gIRHp7YZ5.99

09-04-2017, 09:25 PM
Prayer for Protection

Father God, You alone know everything that will happen today and so I pray for Your protection as I prepare for duty today, not knowing what is to come, but knowing that You know every detail and so I ask You to give me wisdom in the performance of my duty to make wise decisions, to keep citizens safe from harm, and to do so in a way that honors You and glorifies You because You put Your Son, Jesus Christ, in harm’s way so that I might be saved and that is truly the greatest gift that can be given, so I pray Lord, give me guidance to make wise choices and for others who trust me whom I will encounter today and compassion for those who need me and to You I ask in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Read more at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/2016/03/15/5-prayers-for-police-officers/#tpoQJ4xgjHsQ1iVU.99