View Full Version : Old vs New

08-12-2017, 03:03 PM
We all know that the "Sheriff" is a political position. So with that said, is there any difference in what we've had over the past 15-20 years?

Is Chris better or worse than Bob? In hind sight, was Bob actually a better Sheriff and human-being?

At least with Bob we knew what to expect, right? At least most of the time. Chris on the other hand, feels and acts like it is all about him. The servant leader stuff is such a bag of BS in my opinion. The guy is a media hound and really doesn't care about the troops, right? Now we know there are exceptions. Like if it is a SWAT jock or anything that leads him to a presser. Gotta have that TV time.

So in the end, what did we get with Chris? In my opinion, we got a dishonest, backstabbing, political blowhard that only plays for himself.

08-12-2017, 05:09 PM
Moral was so good in the beginning days of Nocco.. it seems that moral has seriously declined..

08-13-2017, 10:59 AM
Well yeah, when he was first appointed intern he wanted to make us happy so we would (and unfortunately did) pimp him out to citizens who would always ask "so who do you like for sheriff". Once he got elected, it all turned completely around.

08-15-2017, 02:07 AM
That's because you all fell for the old carrot dangled in front of you. He made you all think he was your buddy, he was your pal.

Look what happened. He got rid of all of those that were more experienced than he was. He surrounded himself with a gaggle of ass kissing, self serving, eat their young morons. He made sure the union leaders sold their souls to him for cushy jobs, then sold out the union members so the Sheriff dictated the terms of the contract.

Now you are left with an agency left in total disarray. Inexperienced LEO'S being made supervisors without any real knowledge or background. Young deputies afraid to do their jobs because nobody will back them. And horrible criminal investigations that only matter when Nacho can stand in front of the cameras and pat himself on the back.

So yeah, morale sucks. And not one of you idiots will do anything meaningful to replace Nacho. So y'all pucker up for another 4 years of chaos, and quit yer *****ing.

08-15-2017, 11:27 PM
The sell outs, suck ups and the incompetents should all be very proud of themselves

08-16-2017, 03:11 PM
So we all pretty much agree. That might be a first.