View Full Version : We failed at Airport

06-05-2017, 12:07 AM

Final Report BSO failed at Airport and admits it

06-05-2017, 12:53 AM
What's the latest from Dingbat?

06-05-2017, 01:13 AM

Final Report BSO failed at Airport and admits it

The command staff failed the deputies and every other cop who ran to the airport and did their absolute best with what was suddenly thrust upon them.

06-05-2017, 01:29 AM
Those special forces guys were the best!!

06-05-2017, 01:42 AM
Those special forces guys were the best!!

Who authored that after action report????

06-05-2017, 11:18 AM
All it says is there is room for improvement.

06-05-2017, 01:48 PM
Whoever started this thread is simply a disgruntled thread who doesn't understand police work. An AAR is a routine thing after any major event. It is a roadmap of lessons learned and what to do better next time. It has nothing to do with "passed" or "failed" in the incident it relates to. Your total lack of understanding is astounding.

06-05-2017, 02:43 PM
Those special forces guys were the best!!

I loved reading those deep deep deep undercovers arrived in ski masks. How stupid. Guns ski masks and plain clothes

06-05-2017, 08:27 PM
I loved reading those deep deep deep undercovers arrived in ski masks. How stupid. Guns ski masks and plain clothes

Truely asinine...... coming to a policy and procedure manual near you real soon.. should be a policy about common sense. Oh wait... there is one... isnt there? Oh.. no... the command would violate that one daily then.. sorry carry on

06-05-2017, 10:17 PM
Are you kidding me? I haven't read the report and I was out of town when the incident happened. Did our tool bag undercover guys respond in street clothes wearing face masks?? What turds!!

06-05-2017, 10:55 PM
Don't terrorists and most shitbags wear ski masks?

06-05-2017, 11:21 PM
Those special forces guys were the best!!

Dude you're a ****! Keep those stupid special forces comments to yourself. No, we may not have done as well as we could have. We were thrust into something we weren't ready to handle. But we delt with the situation and nobody else got hurt. It doesn't matter if you are on SWAT, CST, a deputy from a district, an officer from another department, or even a deputy in a district handling all the calls while the rest of us were on-scene, everybody did their part. Now that we know we could have done it better, if and when there is a next time, we will do it better. If we don't, that's on the command staff not the deputies. Maybe you're just upset that you can't be one of the so called special forces guys. I've always found that the ones that talk the most shit and complain about something can't do it. If you think you can do better I'm sure there's an opening on one of the teams you like to bash. Step up or shut up!

06-05-2017, 11:39 PM
Dude you're a ****! Keep those stupid special forces comments to yourself. No, we may not have done as well as we could have. We were thrust into something we weren't ready to handle. But we delt with the situation and nobody else got hurt. It doesn't matter if you are on SWAT, CST, a deputy from a district, an officer from another department, or even a deputy in a district handling all the calls while the rest of us were on-scene, everybody did their part. Now that we know we could have done it better, if and when there is a next time, we will do it better. If we don't, that's on the command staff not the deputies. Maybe you're just upset that you can't be one of the so called special forces guys. I've always found that the ones that talk the most shit and complain about something can't do it. If you think you can do better I'm sure there's an opening on one of the teams you like to bash. Step up or shut up!

Well said! THANK YOU!!

06-06-2017, 12:11 AM
Well said! THANK YOU!!

It's called common sense. These special forces guys have been watching to many re-runs of Lone Survivor. What moron would cover their face with a ski mask. BSO is a joke and always has been.

06-06-2017, 12:14 AM
BSO special forces. Watch this and dream of what respect, prestige and real police work is!!!


06-06-2017, 12:24 AM
BSO special forces. Watch this and dream of what respect, prestige and real police work is!!!


now that's a specialized unit to be proud of. And they weren't wearing masks.

06-06-2017, 07:00 AM
It's called common sense. These special forces guys have been watching to many re-runs of Lone Survivor. What moron would cover their face with a ski mask. BSO is a joke and always has been.

There's only 4 or 5 ugly guys in those units. They cover their heads with bags. The rest of them have pretty hair and makeup and wear jogging shorts. Now you know. And yes they really are this thin skinned. Just ask the road guys who had to remove their body armor outside carriers after swat showed up and probably were butt hurt it looked too cool for the road.

06-06-2017, 03:58 PM
Oooohhh!!! I got my special forces ski mask and my GI Joe vest! I am super cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-06-2017, 04:00 PM
Dude you're a ****! Keep those stupid special forces comments to yourself. No, we may not have done as well as we could have. We were thrust into something we weren't ready to handle. But we delt with the situation and nobody else got hurt. It doesn't matter if you are on SWAT, CST, a deputy from a district, an officer from another department, or even a deputy in a district handling all the calls while the rest of us were on-scene, everybody did their part. Now that we know we could have done it better, if and when there is a next time, we will do it better. If we don't, that's on the command staff not the deputies. Maybe you're just upset that you can't be one of the so called special forces guys. I've always found that the ones that talk the most shit and complain about something can't do it. If you think you can do better I'm sure there's an opening on one of the teams you like to bash. Step up or shut up!

You must be one of those Commando crossing guards!

06-06-2017, 04:04 PM
Reno 911 in Broward

06-06-2017, 08:42 PM
But unfortunately, it's much worse than that and it's not even funny

Reno 911 in Broward

06-08-2017, 04:10 AM
Everyone, when it comes to emergency response I believe we all work to perform our best. We need to support each other. As for the Sheriff and Admin group, they are in a separate category and we as employees have a right to question and scrutinize their work and actions. I think the ones who failed here is the FBI, FLL Aviation Div., County Commission, County Administrator, and Government Anti-Terrorist groups. If they did their job the event would have never taken place. As for the County Commission and County Administrator, they failed the Sheriff’s Office and Citizens with budget cuts that reduced Deputy man power coverage at the airport.
As for everyone who responded to the event Police and Fire, all did their best for the situation with the training the department has provided to us. No event runs perfect and after-action reviews are what provides us where to improve and future tools needed. Everyone wants to scrutinize our performance, but I have to ask,
Where was the active true to life training for a mass shooting event at the airport, sea-port, or any large malls. Not table top BS.

- Where was and is familiarization training for the airport of building layouts and challenges.

- Where were emergency response vehicle Law and Fire supposed to park, is it our fault the airport continues to stuff 100 lbs. of crap in a 5 lb. bag.?

- The event was in the terminal with quickest access be street side, was everyone supposed to make access through gate 100 or any other gate that would take forever.

- What happened to Deputies assigned to the front of terminal on street side? (Oh, County budgets cuts)

- What happened to the Deputies posted in each concourse? (Oh, County budgets cuts)

- What happen to the Deputies posted in the terminal of upper and lower floors? (Oh, County budgets cuts)

- What did the Aviation Div. new Un-Armed Security do? They Ran

- What did the Un-Armed TSA staff do? They Ran

- What did BSO Deputies and Firefighters do? (They responded as fast as possible and performed)

- Where did the emergency vehicle park? (They parked where ever they could and vacated the vehicle to get inside as quick as possible)

- Some Deputies responded with black ski masks on, maybe looking back this was bad. However, we operate just as we train including the protective attire we wear.

The media needs to look deeper for scrutiny and not at the emergency responders, the department did our best plain and simple.

06-09-2017, 04:58 PM
Don't terrorists and most shitbags wear ski masks?

...and cop uniforms.

Broward Sheriff Wants Radical Muslims to Have Guns, Unless They’re Mentally Ill
The dangerous hypocrisy of Scott Israel.


06-09-2017, 05:32 PM
I'm glad those idiots kept their ski masks on. They are ugly as ****!!!!!!!

06-09-2017, 07:56 PM
Everyone, when it comes to emergency response I believe we all work to perform our best. We need to support each other. As for the Sheriff and Admin group, they are in a separate category and we as employees have a right to question and scrutinize their work and actions. I think the ones who failed here is the FBI, FLL Aviation Div., County Commission, County Administrator, and Government Anti-Terrorist groups. If they did their job the event would have never taken place. As for the County Commission and County Administrator, they failed the Sheriff’s Office and Citizens with budget cuts that reduced Deputy man power coverage at the airport.
As for everyone who responded to the event Police and Fire, all did their best for the situation with the training the department has provided to us. No event runs perfect and after-action reviews are what provides us where to improve and future tools needed. Everyone wants to scrutinize our performance, but I have to ask,
Where was the active true to life training for a mass shooting event at the airport, sea-port, or any large malls. Not table top BS.

- Where was and is familiarization training for the airport of building layouts and challenges.

- Where were emergency response vehicle Law and Fire supposed to park, is it our fault the airport continues to stuff 100 lbs. of crap in a 5 lb. bag.?

- The event was in the terminal with quickest access be street side, was everyone supposed to make access through gate 100 or any other gate that would take forever.

- What happened to Deputies assigned to the front of terminal on street side? (Oh, County budgets cuts)

- What happened to the Deputies posted in each concourse? (Oh, County budgets cuts)

- What happen to the Deputies posted in the terminal of upper and lower floors? (Oh, County budgets cuts)

- What did the Aviation Div. new Un-Armed Security do? They Ran

- What did the Un-Armed TSA staff do? They Ran

- What did BSO Deputies and Firefighters do? (They responded as fast as possible and performed)

- Where did the emergency vehicle park? (They parked where ever they could and vacated the vehicle to get inside as quick as possible)

- Some Deputies responded with black ski masks on, maybe looking back this was bad. However, we operate just as we train including the protective attire we wear.

The media needs to look deeper for scrutiny and not at the emergency responders, the department did our best plain and simple.

I just hear a bunch of excuses, someone on the 5th floor is afraid for their job, or don't want the boss embarrassed. While you raise some valid points, such as staffing, common sense on the part of the commanders on scene was seriously lacking, the leadership was lacking, the ski mask thing was plain stupid. Sad to say but the bso fire side has better leadership in critical situations.. like when the countywide communication blackout, they put the DLE side of the house to shame. Mr. Israel, its time to get certain "friends" out of positions they didn't earn or deserve. They can't handle the pressure when the chips are down.

06-09-2017, 08:02 PM
What happened to that pretty motor sergeant that was standing around at the riot? Did he do anything at the shooting scene or did he just smile and look good for the cameras? He must have been mentioned in the after-action report.

06-09-2017, 09:24 PM
What happened to that pretty motor sergeant that was standing around at the riot? Did he do anything at the shooting scene or did he just smile and look good for the cameras? He must have been mentioned in the after-action report.

Trust me when I say....... he wasn't the only "poser" that day. Lots of command staff on scene and on the radio were "posing" as leaders and qualified law enforcement professionals. BSO's after action report under reports their failure up to and including the sheriff himself. Smoke and mirrors folks.

06-09-2017, 09:36 PM
Spread the blame is the name of the game. The current administration have taken that play to a whole new level. Worked before, why not in this case. hummmmmm

06-09-2017, 09:41 PM
I haven't heard the boss make a sports analogy in a while. Maybe someone can make up one for him for this disaster? Anyone?

06-10-2017, 04:22 AM
Here is the core problem within BSO. Captains and Lieutenants do not make decisions anymore. They are conduits who simply send commands up and down the chain. This agency's leadership structure is a mess. The airport response was an unmitigated disaster. Then the escape of a defendant in custodial control from the main courthouse showed in full display the lack of leadership. Jesus, it took over 20 minutes for someone to get the control room to queue the view the tape and see the perp escape through the closest emergency exit and was long gone.

The Sheriff needs to unshackle Captains and Lieutenants so they can coordinate and make decisions on the ground in real time. Instead, these people just stand by with their thumbs in their butts waiting for commands from up above. That is not how its supposed to work.