View Full Version : Targeting or profiling immigrants is not right, none of us are native to this land.

05-26-2017, 05:52 PM

05-26-2017, 06:14 PM

You are a LEO??? your job is to enforce the laws of the USA. Wether you like them or not, the illegal alien had been deported once, and he came back illegally a second time. In other words fu.k your laws i am coming back. Well too bad you going back (again) where you came from. If i was that trooper supervisor i would have given him a commendation for a job well done..

05-26-2017, 06:56 PM
You are a LEO??? your job is to enforce the laws of the USA. Wether you like them or not, the illegal alien had been deported once, and he came back illegally a second time. In other words fu.k your laws i am coming back. Well too bad you going back (again) where you came from. If i was that trooper supervisor i would have given him a commendation for a job well done..

Papo, let me correct you before you embarrass yourself any further. 1) the deputy did not know he was "deported once" already, 2) Deputies do not explicitly enforce immigration laws, that is why DHS exist (look it up junior), 3) IF you ever become a supervisor and commend someone for not following procedure, then you are the problem. Take your candy ass back to the academy and learn. Lil one, ignorance is a disease, cure yourself now before it is to late.

05-26-2017, 08:06 PM
Awesome post! Hopefully none of your family members ever gets into a accident and while laying down on the ground waiting for rescue a ignorant cop comes along and says, "where's your passport are you illegal" but knowing some of the ignorant people we have around here this will be repeated.

05-26-2017, 11:39 PM
Awesome post! Hopefully none of your family members ever gets into a accident and while laying down on the ground waiting for rescue a ignorant cop comes along and says, "where's your passport are you illegal" but knowing some of the ignorant people we have around here this will be repeated.

Dude, none of my family members look Haitian or tira flecha so I am not worried.

05-27-2017, 02:40 AM
Hey you liberal fûktard, dont come into a cop's forum criticizing a cop's action. Go fûk yourself. If you have no papers you should not be here either way. Get your soft motherfûking sorry as$ outta here. I give three shît about your feelings and about what you think. If he wanted to ask him "are you illegal" then that was his choice. Now go die in a corner and get the fûk outta here.

05-27-2017, 10:49 AM
President Trump is right. Send the illegal alien spics back to where they came from. They have no rights here.

05-27-2017, 12:57 PM
I love how these know nothing bleeding hearts fall over themselves and state that illegal immigrants will be less likely to "help" law enforcement efforts to curtail crime. I've been a cop for 12 years now... NOT ONCE, NOT EVEN BY ACCIDENT did anyone from allapatthata, little Havana, or little Haiti ever offer to help me curtail crime. I worked CID for four years... Not ONE victim ever came to court. They all want the liberties, freedoms and benefits of living in the USA but don't want to contribute to its survival. It's all about them and only them ALL THE TIME. I still get U-VISA requests from victims who never showed to court and flat out REFUSED to assist in the investigation and or prosecution. The only things these folks are good at is being professional victims and draining resources they don't contribute to. Round them up and ship em out! And before you say "we are all immigrants" I'll offer this... My folks came here, using the proper procedures and protocols... Paid taxes and never put a hand out for government assistance programs like welfare. They never took more than they put in, never waived a foreign flag in this country and cherished this country. This exploitation of my country by illegal immigrants and those who harbor them MUST BE ADDRESSED. THIS NATION HAS LAWS, I AM SWORN TO UPHOLD THOSE LAWS... and I shall do so without regard to your sad story or B.S. reason for not remaining in your country. If your country is so bad then you need to fight to fix it! That's what makes America and Americans so special... Not our civil liberties... But our willingness to fight for those liberties. These folks that come illegally, come to exploit... Not to fight. If all the sudden America were to become a horrible place... They would not stay and fight to bring it back to greatness... They would simply flee to another country to exploit. They take no ownership in this country. Hence why they consistently waive their home country flag in the great USA. This action is high offensive and disrespectful... Yet I'm to respect them??? Nope, you can go waive your flag in your own country. Fix your own country... Stop draining and staining mine. If I find you, and you're illegal... I enforce laws and you WILL BE REPATRIATED TO WHAT EVER CRAP BOX COUNTRY YOU SO COWARDLY ABANDONED!

05-27-2017, 06:10 PM
Dude, none of my family members look Haitian or tira flecha so I am not worried.

is that your criteria that determines how you police? thats scary

05-27-2017, 06:38 PM
is that your criteria that determines how you police? thats scary

Unfortunately that's how it works. Negroes, Haitians, illegals break the law 99% of the time, is a fact. We work in real time you see one of them/question them, they will either have an arrest warrant, just got out of jail, or will run from you the minute they see you.

05-27-2017, 10:07 PM
It is ABSOLUTELY a LEO's job to know if a person is legally in this country, weather City, State, County etc. Is it the primary focus? no, of course not, but if i have gained the right to ID someone, you better have a valid ID.

05-28-2017, 02:08 AM
I love how these know nothing bleeding hearts fall over themselves and state that illegal immigrants will be less likely to "help" law enforcement efforts to curtail crime. I've been a cop for 12 years now... NOT ONCE, NOT EVEN BY ACCIDENT did anyone from allapatthata, little Havana, or little Haiti ever offer to help me curtail crime. I worked CID for four years... Not ONE victim ever came to court. They all want the liberties, freedoms and benefits of living in the USA but don't want to contribute to its survival. It's all about them and only them ALL THE TIME. I still get U-VISA requests from victims who never showed to court and flat out REFUSED to assist in the investigation and or prosecution. The only things these folks are good at is being professional victims and draining resources they don't contribute to. Round them up and ship em out! And before you say "we are all immigrants" I'll offer this... My folks came here, using the proper procedures and protocols... Paid taxes and never put a hand out for government assistance programs like welfare. They never took more than they put in, never waived a foreign flag in this country and cherished this country. This exploitation of my country by illegal immigrants and those who harbor them MUST BE ADDRESSED. THIS NATION HAS LAWS, I AM SWORN TO UPHOLD THOSE LAWS... and I shall do so without regard to your sad story or B.S. reason for not remaining in your country. If your country is so bad then you need to fight to fix it! That's what makes America and Americans so special... Not our civil liberties... But our willingness to fight for those liberties. These folks that come illegally, come to exploit... Not to fight. If all the sudden America were to become a horrible place... They would not stay and fight to bring it back to greatness... They would simply flee to another country to exploit. They take no ownership in this country. Hence why they consistently waive their home country flag in the great USA. This action is high offensive and disrespectful... Yet I'm to respect them??? Nope, you can go waive your flag in your own country. Fix your own country... Stop draining and staining mine. If I find you, and you're illegal... I enforce laws and you WILL BE REPATRIATED TO WHAT EVER CRAP BOX COUNTRY YOU SO COWARDLY ABANDONED!

Hey Cuba libre you blew the topic out of proportion. In this case the comer meirda needed to render aide first and then figure out his identification in the process, that's 101 shit! 12 years on? With a rookie mentality. You enforce what your patch say, anything else is subsequent and dependent on other agencies. Take your hatred for immigrants somewhere else, you are in the wrong city sweetheart.

05-28-2017, 04:26 PM
lol... thread says no one is native to this country....i cant stop laughing.... if, you are born here then you are native!!! come here legally or illegally then you are an immigrant.... i wish someone would say i was a rookie...lmao.. try BLE 182 and that was in 1997 ..try over 20 years!!!!! whats next the indians are native?? hahaha do your research.. the indians came here after the 2nd ice age from S.E. asia... seems like alot of anti anglo saxon sentiment in this forum!!! and if anyone he is REAL cop on here saying racist terms to any culture then i suggest you get recycled or a take a class in human diversity and interpersonal skills.. you know the class right after legal 1,2,3,,,im sure MR. ZEN would help you out...

05-28-2017, 09:54 PM
lol... thread says no one is native to this country....i cant stop laughing.... if, you are born here then you are native!!! come here legally or illegally then you are an immigrant.... i wish someone would say i was a rookie...lmao.. try BLE 182 and that was in 1997 ..try over 20 years!!!!! whats next the indians are native?? hahaha do your research.. the indians came here after the 2nd ice age from S.E. asia... seems like alot of anti anglo saxon sentiment in this forum!!! and if anyone he is REAL cop on here saying racist terms to any culture then i suggest you get recycled or a take a class in human diversity and interpersonal skills.. you know the class right after legal 1,2,3,,,im sure MR. ZEN would help you out...

Here we go again with the political correct police.
I will use whatever racist terms I deem appropriate at the time according to my 1st amendment.
You can't make me like you, you can't stop me from not wanting you as a neighbor as you will lower my property value, I don't want you as a partner, i resent you breathing my air; but most of all, I resent you trying to make my country like the $hit hole country that you came from and that includes you Africans.

05-29-2017, 12:29 AM
Here we go again with the political correct police.
I will use whatever racist terms I deem appropriate at the time according to my 1st amendment.
You can't make me like you, you can't stop me from not wanting you as a neighbor as you will lower my property value, I don't want you as a partner, i resent you breathing my air; but most of all, I resent you trying to make my country like the $hit hole country that you came from and that includes you Africans.

A 100 amen to that!

05-29-2017, 01:15 AM
Hey you liberal fûktard, dont come into a cop's forum criticizing a cop's action. Go fûk yourself. If you have no papers you should not be here either way. Get your soft motherfûking sorry as$ outta here. I give three shît about your feelings and about what you think. If he wanted to ask him "are you illegal" then that was his choice. Now go die in a corner and get the fûk outta here.

Bert Finale MPD Retiree Libtard !

05-29-2017, 02:11 AM
I don't know what's worse with some of you, your ignorance or racism. Some you have forgotten how you were treated when you or your parents landed here. But now you see yourself as the plantation owner, ironic.

05-29-2017, 02:57 AM
Life before property, render aide first if the person later on was found guilty of a minor traffic infraction do your job but leave your racism at home. And no! it's not your job to play Immigration because a person looks a certain way. You wouldn't ask someone that looks like you if they have papers or a passport as they lay on the ground needing rescue dix!

05-29-2017, 03:35 AM
I don't know what's worse with some of you, your ignorance or racism. Some you have forgotten how you were treated when you or your parents landed here. But now you see yourself as the plantation owner, ironic.

What about the people that are trying to get here legally. What about their rights?
They work hard
Non criminal
They Submit their required paperwork, fees, and payment's
They wait patiently in line for their turn to come to America

05-29-2017, 04:54 AM
Can't we all just get along? Each are going to do what they believe is right. Either asked or don't ask. (sorry Lube, didn't mean to steal you favorite saying) You know don't ask, don't tell :) Anyway, if you working an accident. You get the dl's and we all run them. To see if they are wanted or it's valid. Me, I know this will piss some folks here. If I come across an illegal, I will take whatever action is needed. I will not go out looking for them. Nor, will I do a park-n-walk and asked everybody. I come across for a I.D. Well, those that are non-whites. Is that ok with you Sgt? I generally just smile and tell them to have a nice day.

05-29-2017, 02:56 PM
What about the people that are trying to get here legally. What about their rights?
They work hard
Non criminal
They Submit their required paperwork, fees, and payment's
They wait patiently in line for their turn to come to America

Not to mention how much the developers love immigrants and make Billions off their backs. The majority of immigrants no matter where they come from work harder then those born here. They take all the jobs most of us won't do.

05-29-2017, 05:54 PM
Not to mention how much the developers love immigrants and make Billions off their backs. The majority of immigrants no matter where they come from work harder then those born here. They take all the jobs most of us won't do.

That;s right, until they learn from the kneegers that collecting welfare is a better way to go.

05-29-2017, 11:43 PM
Not to mention how much the developers love immigrants and make Billions off their backs. The majority of immigrants no matter where they come from work harder then those born here. They take all the jobs most of us won't do.

You got a point. How many born here, will do the work they do. None, it's beneath us. The whole Country make money of immigrants. If you stop for a second. Some are job security for police. 1 offender employs: A cop to arrest them, a jail guard to house them (not counting the support staff) A lawyer to charge them. 1 to defend them. A judge and their support staff. Transport officers to move them around. That's just on a city level. Not counting the state or federal people, getting involved. I think this is way staff is always, pushing stat's on us. Show me the money! What I find funny is all the comments on here. Those that say they will not (really) look for them. Then you got the ones telling the former off, that need to look good to the Sgt on up, so they will point out to the rest, were lazy losers or some BS. If one is here illegally and has not broken any law except how he/she got here. Are they really on your bucket list? Now, lets point out ALL the ones here legally. Well take the dago's, I'm one. From the 20's on up. The mob, has killed many. Involved in almost every major crime somehow. Next you got the Irish, same thing. Now let's look to the home grown ones. BLACKS, if their grandparent's were forced into this county?? Are they here illegally? Black's those born here(not all but many) run most of the street level drug trades. Not counting the BILLONS spend, on welfare. Look to the area's we patrol. Many of the working age ones. DON'T WORK, they get a free hand out for the Government. However were not entitled to our opinion or to say (THINK) anything offences. As far as I'm concerned. I already have enough B.S work to do daily. Pimp daddy and Tyrone keep's me busy. Hector, gets a free pass, cause I'm not going out of my way to hunt them down.

05-30-2017, 03:39 AM
I find it amusing how tough many of you are in busting an illegal balls, but are scared to bust a drug dealer.

05-30-2017, 04:04 AM
I find it amusing how tough many of you are in busting an illegal balls, but are scared to bust a drug dealer.

We are infected by cowards and ignorance , when I came on there were just a few but now it's like an ant hill.

05-30-2017, 12:15 PM
Migrations have consequences.
