View Full Version : Why would Llanes appoint Scarola to the CIP?

05-19-2017, 03:33 PM
To Cover up and Cover up Misconduct! His the Eyes and Ears for the Chief and Fop. Scarola was assigned to the FOP full time for the last 8-9 years.


Critics: Ex-Police Union Exec Shouldn't Be Vetting Police Abuse on Independent Board

Miami's police union president, Lt. Javier Ortiz, notoriously said he had "no regrets" after posting a woman's photos and contact information online and encouraging his Facebook followers to harass her. But when the case came before the city's independent police oversight board this March, almost everyone agreed his actions reflected poorly on the police department.

Still, Ortiz found one sympathetic ear on the Civilian Investigate Panel (CIP): William Scarola, the police union's former treasurer who served alongside Ortiz.

Since its inception in 2002, the CIP has served as a vital check on the police department's internal affairs division, which has been criticized for too readily clearing officers of wrongdoing. Under the city's code, members of the 13-person panel are supposed to represent a diverse mix of Miami residents capable of independently vetting accusations of police abuse.

But faced with a vacancy last year, Police Chief Rodolfo Llanes appointed Scarola, a former Miami Police sergeant with direct ties to many of the officers he's supposed to oversee.

"This guy is no bueno," says Danny Suarez, a former CIP member who served alongside Scarola. "The whole union connection — that’s the scariest part."

Scarola did not respond to an email from New Times seeking comment.

To serve on the CIP, members must be appointed. Miami's mayor and five commissioners each can nominate two residents, while the remaining slot is saved for the police chief's choice. Appointees can't be former Miami Police officers or even current city employees, but there's a written exception for the chief of police, who basically gets to pick whomever he wants.

Scarola retired from the Miami Police Department in February 2016 and was appointed to the CIP three months later. The ex-sergeant still uses his police union email address and remains listed on the FOP website as the union's treasurer. (An FOP secretary told New Times that the page was outdated and that Scarola is no longer serving in that capacity, but couldn't say when he'd left.)

Scarola's own disciplinary file raises further questions about his role on the board. Over the course of his 35-year career, he faced 19 citizen complaints and six use-of-force probes, records show. In the most serious incident, Scarola was placed on desk duty after being charged with battery in Broward County.

That charge resulted from an encounter August 24, 2004, when an off-duty Scarola was driving in Pembroke Pines. Eugene Davis, a special agent for the U.S. Postal Service's inspector general, said Scarola cut him off in traffic and then pushed him to the ground in a confrontation minutes later.

The Broward State Attorney's Office filed a misdemeanor battery charge against Scarola more than a year later before eventually dropping the case, saying the incident was a classic case of he-said/he-said. Internal affairs found Scarola in violation of police department policy in 2007.

To his credit, Scarola's voting record on the CIP shows he doesn't uniformly side with police facing allegations of misconduct. Though he sided with Ortiz in the March meeting, Scarola has also voted against officers accused of parking illegally, being insensitive to rape victims, and questionably writing themselves into an elderly man's will.

05-19-2017, 04:15 PM
Funny how Danny Suarez is quoted he didn't like Scarola challenging him and the other board members on their witch hunts. Remember this CIP finds almost ever officer guilty. They use the complaint and all their non independent witness to convict you. So much for a fair and balanced investigation.

05-19-2017, 04:41 PM
This whole thread is your typical paranoid PO bull and doesn't mean squat! Conspiracy theory like if this was Hollywood...CIP is not your problem... Do yourself a solid and get intervention before you need CIT !!! SMH💯

05-19-2017, 04:51 PM
Actually CIP don't mean anything. Soon less

05-19-2017, 05:15 PM
Again, the Miami New Times and their undercover CI, want to be something in life, want to be cop Danny Suarez are in-correct (lied) with their story. There was more than one sympathetic ear on the panel supporting Ortiz read the minuets. If it was up to them today's cop would be patrolling in clown cars, unarmed no long guns for sure, passing out candy, transporting everyone to and from the store then carrying their bags home and putting it away, you would never write tickets, we would be escorting the bad guys to and from crime scenes, never smoking in uniform, and so on and so on. You got to love the left wingers and liars.

05-19-2017, 06:01 PM
Funny how Danny Suarez is quoted he didn't like Scarola challenging him and the other board members on their witch hunts. Remember this CIP finds almost ever officer guilty. They use the complaint and all their non independent witness to convict you. So much for a fair and balanced investigation.

Who rtiz your not trump you wannabe one but your not. The only "witch hunt" is when you dress like one and play bouncy on your daddy the mayors lap. Go back to targeting blacks and people that make you feel insecure
about your little boy complex and find some more kids to exploit on social media scum Baaaag!

05-19-2017, 06:22 PM
Again, the Miami New Times and their undercover CI, want to be something in life, want to be cop Danny Suarez are in-correct (lied) with their story. There was more than one sympathetic ear on the panel supporting Ortiz read the minuets. If it was up to them today's cop would be patrolling in clown cars, unarmed no long guns for sure, passing out candy, transporting everyone to and from the store then carrying their bags home and putting it away, you would never write tickets, we would be escorting the bad guys to and from crime scenes, never smoking in uniform, and so on and so on. You got to love the left wingers and liars.

Ortiz your f..King crazy... Those Clint Eastwood days are over! It's now social media and community policing. You should know better then anyone it's all about social media hits and likes.
You have never been a real cop horse boy.

So stop talking sh..it especially when you hide between two attorneys

05-19-2017, 06:43 PM
At the end of the day Ds you won't be a commissioner or a cop. Your going to have to return to your pathetic life all lonely.

05-19-2017, 09:23 PM
Who rtiz your not trump you wannabe one but your not. The only "witch hunt" is when you dress like one and play bouncy on your daddy the mayors lap. Go back to targeting blacks and people that make you feel insecure
about your little boy complex and find some more kids to exploit on social media scum Baaaag!

Lol witch hunt lol this mafia sht cracks me up

05-19-2017, 09:52 PM
At the end of the day Ds you won't be a commissioner or a cop. Your going to have to return to your pathetic life all lonely.

Awwee Ortiz do you have a crush on him? No one cares so grow up and grow a pair keyboard hero

05-19-2017, 10:06 PM
Scarola never meet a free lunch he didn't like. Fat dishonest pig. Don't trust him as far as you can throw him and I'm sure that's not very far.

05-19-2017, 11:49 PM
CIP is a joke and waste of time. They hold no weight and nothing comes of there rulings. So Danny and the rest can shove it up there ...!

05-20-2017, 12:03 AM
CIP is a joke and waste of time. They hold no weight and nothing comes of there rulings. So Danny and the rest can shove it up there ...!

Javi keep it up.. karma will get you eventually

05-20-2017, 01:50 AM
Javi keep it up.. karma will get you eventually

Okay 👌🏼 Danny bring it. Look at your last attempt little man! Good luck in your race lmao 😂

05-20-2017, 02:31 AM
So why did the City Manager allow Llanes to transfer Scorola to the oversight board if almost everyone agreed his actions reflected poorly on the police department.

05-20-2017, 02:56 AM
scum ola is a follower not a leader. he is part of the good ole boys from when he started. he was sgt bill nelson do boy and a know it all. his ex wife bambi cheated on him with a communications sgt glaser. what a looser

05-20-2017, 02:15 PM
Miami Police Chief's have always planted snitches inside of other agencies. http://original.thecrespogramreport.com/Site_10/CHIEFY_PLANTS_HIS_SNITCH_INSIDE_SAO.html

05-21-2017, 12:44 AM
Miami Police Chief's have always planted snitches inside of other agencies. http://original.thecrespogramreport.com/Site_10/CHIEFY_PLANTS_HIS_SNITCH_INSIDE_SAO.html

I remember how Crespo exposed Orosa in the Fbi investigation as being the biggest snitch of them all.

05-21-2017, 02:00 AM
There's a pattern here on Cuban City of Miami Police Chiefs
Martinez - took the 5th
Orosa - FBI Documented Snitch
Llanes - Pedophile likes underage explores girls

05-21-2017, 02:01 AM
And now Adrian taking the 5th

05-21-2017, 04:11 PM
There are no seperation of powers when you
A thug running a union a chief that protects them and a city hall that looks the other way.
It's alarming at the extent people given a little bit of money and power will go to cover for each other.

05-21-2017, 04:20 PM
There are no seperation of powers when you
A thug running a union a chief that protects them and a city hall that looks the other way.
It's alarming at the extent people given a little bit of money and power will go to cover for each other.

$750,000 a year is not little money
Never coming to work and getting paid a yearly salary of $80,000-$115,000 is not little money
Double dipping while working regular and off duty jobs at the same time is not little money
Scams scams

05-22-2017, 04:39 PM
There are no seperation of powers when you
A thug running a union a chief that protects them and a city hall that looks the other way.
It's alarming at the extent people given a little bit of money and power will go to cover for each other.

Disgrace to the badge.

05-24-2017, 06:35 PM
While, were all on here b!tchen, your still paying your union dues. Whispering about this one or that one. If your so put out over the union, the Cuban mafia. All these so called cover ups. If you have proof of these supposed wrong doing. Contact the Feds. Your a police officer are you not? Take action, instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Did you not take a oath of office? To up hold the law and the constitution, equally to all or you rather play the 3 monkey game. See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. Where other officers, staff or city hall's involved? This blue wall, we have is from yesteryear. Miami's fell down some where around 1985. Now, certain parties are trying to build it back up. WITH YOUR HELP! I'm just a guilty as many here. I learned a long time ago. Who to avoid on call's or be around. If one talks' they become a rat. No one will trust or what to be around, That is the downfall of police department's and sheriff department's. Were only kidding or hurting ourselves. Those you know did something wrong, illegal. I bet you. The first time YOU screw up. They will be leading the pack for your dismissal or arrest. Just to take the spot light off themselves and look like a team player. I know this post will bring out the screamers, towards me. Honestly, I don't care. Sooner or later we all face the music. Karma, is a nasty b!tch. More then anything your first and main thing to do, is to remember you family. He!! with all the drama here.

05-24-2017, 07:37 PM
While, were all on here b!tchen, your still paying your union dues. Whispering about this one or that one. If your so put out over the union, the Cuban mafia. All these so called cover ups. If you have proof of these supposed wrong doing. Contact the Feds. Your a police officer are you not? Take action, instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Did you not take a oath of office? To up hold the law and the constitution, equally to all or you rather play the 3 monkey game. See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. Where other officers, staff or city hall's involved? This blue wall, we have is from yesteryear. Miami's fell down some where around 1985. Now, certain parties are trying to build it back up. WITH YOUR HELP! I'm just a guilty as many here. I learned a long time ago. Who to avoid on call's or be around. If one talks' they become a rat. No one will trust or what to be around, That is the downfall of police department's and sheriff department's. Were only kidding or hurting ourselves. Those you know did something wrong, illegal. I bet you. The first time YOU screw up. They will be leading the pack for your dismissal or arrest. Just to take the spot light off themselves and look like a team player. I know this post will bring out the screamers, towards me. Honestly, I don't care. Sooner or later we all face the music. Karma, is a nasty b!tch. More then anything your first and main thing to do, is to remember you family. He!! with all the drama here.

Stand down sailor that's an order !

05-24-2017, 08:43 PM
Stand down sailor that's an order !

Negative Lube, he/she is right. What's a career for if you risk it, **** that. Stay clean around me and we are good, I see you dirty then bye felicia

05-25-2017, 02:14 PM
Stand down sailor that's an order !

We're not sailors, we're cops. Take your stand down sh!t and blow it out your ass!

05-25-2017, 04:42 PM
Stand down sailor that's an order !

Hey, azzhole. You got no say in anything. You and Llanes, were known as the 120 hour man. Your retired now and we hear more from you now, then the 30 years. You hid and tried to show you had a career and did some good. Only, for yourself and the your select few diehard's who believe you could do no wrong.