View Full Version : What about Ortiz taking Enforcement in Monroe County?

05-04-2017, 03:50 PM
Yet another example of the double standard and misconduct cover up when it comes to investigating a member of the MPD family and friends protection plan.

The CIP, however, sustained misconduct, discourtesy, and improper procedure allegations because Lawrence admitted to taking enforcement actions despite being outside his jurisdiction, having an unauthorized person in his police car, and inappropriately calling Stallworth "sweetie" before telling her to find somebody to play with.

You got Ortiz on video taking enforcement action in Monroe county doing a take down and pointing his weapon at a subject and nothing was done!

Enough evidence here to sustain him!



Why is Ortiz being protected?

05-04-2017, 07:10 PM
Of course nothing will be done. Ortiz, is a hero to city hall and many here. If Monroe county S.O. didn't make a complaint. Then nothing will be done. Beside didn't the media make him out to be great and all that. Now, only if we can get him to do the job he was hired to do and voted into here.

05-04-2017, 07:24 PM
He still violated policy no matter how the media portrays him to be.

05-04-2017, 07:35 PM
He still violated policy no matter how the media portrays him to be.

So the next time you are getting your butt kicked, and deputy dog from any town USA comes by and tells you, i am out of my jurisdiction i can't help you, sorry. See how you feel after they finish stitching you up at JMH.

05-04-2017, 07:50 PM
Of course nothing will be done. Ortiz, is a hero to city hall and many here. If Monroe county S.O. didn't make a complaint. Then nothing will be done. Beside didn't the media make him out to be great and all that. Now, only if we can get him to do the job he was hired to do and voted into here.

It must really suck to be you.
Obviously you have no balls, you are a coward and resent this man for being a real cop and not the armed secretary-report taker that you are.
Why don't you get off the computer and get a life a$$hole.

05-04-2017, 08:17 PM
It must really suck to be you.
Obviously you have no balls, you are a coward and resent this man for being a real cop and not the armed secretary-report taker that you are.
Why don't you get off the computer and get a life a$$hole.

Lugo, I'm sorry for talking about you man. How, for a post you can say, I'm a coward. Is beyond me. I have nothing to prove to you. I don't need to run around outside Miami to play cop. I have a life. It appears you don't. A real cop? A man with more complaints, then anyone in the department. Those that have half as many were let go. A real cop, doesn't need to lie on "A" forms or reports. A real man, doesn't gang up on a person when others have it under control. A real man doesn't lie in court. If this is, what in your mind is a real man, then I'm glad to be a a$$hole.

05-04-2017, 09:27 PM
Ortiz appears so be above all laws and seems IA, chief and city hall want to keep him in his position

05-05-2017, 02:15 AM
Corruption at its best!

05-05-2017, 02:28 AM
So the next time you are getting your butt kicked, and deputy dog from any town USA comes by and tells you, i am out of my jurisdiction i can't help you, sorry. See how you feel after they finish stitching you up at JMH.
Thanks for your input Javi, or is this Lugo ?

05-05-2017, 12:16 PM
Lugo, I'm sorry for talking about you man. How, for a post you can say, I'm a coward. Is beyond me. I have nothing to prove to you. I don't need to run around outside Miami to play cop. I have a life. It appears you don't. A real cop? A man with more complaints, then anyone in the department. Those that have half as many were let go. A real cop, doesn't need to lie on "A" forms or reports. A real man, doesn't gang up on a person when others have it under control. A real man doesn't lie in court. If this is, what in your mind is a real man, then I'm glad to be a a$$hole.

You have nothing to prove because you have nothing to offer; besides, you made my point A$$hole.

05-07-2017, 11:17 PM
You have nothing to prove because you have nothing to offer; besides, you made my point A$$hole.

OH wow funny man, you got me. It hard to prove anything to a internet hero such as yourself. What do you want me to prove? How many complaints I've gotten? How many controls I gotten? How many times I've lied in court or on an "A" form? How many time after others had control of the situation I got a few kicks or punches, while the person was down or handcuffed? How many times I've talked out of both sides of my azz? Like you and your hero? I don't know what more to say or how to prove anything to you. I'm at a lost!

05-07-2017, 11:24 PM
Whortiz es tremendo mariconson.
He'll be fired once his master Regatardo is termed out.

Same will happen to Sleeping Lugo...another comemierda sapingo.

05-08-2017, 12:46 AM
OH wow funny man, you got me. It hard to prove anything to a internet hero such as yourself. What do you want me to prove? How many complaints I've gotten? How many controls I gotten? How many times I've lied in court or on an "A" form? How many time after others had control of the situation I got a few kicks or punches, while the person was down or handcuffed? How many times I've talked out of both sides of my azz? Like you and your hero? I don't know what more to say or how to prove anything to you. I'm at a lost!

That's right jerkoff; I know your type, If you do nothing, then you can't do anything wrong.
How could you possibly get any complaints when you do nothing?
You will go far, you are at least Captain material lol

05-08-2017, 01:25 AM
Ortiz can patrol Mars for all I care. Get me back my back pay.

05-08-2017, 07:08 PM
That's right jerkoff; I know your type, If you do nothing, then you can't do anything wrong.
How could you possibly get any complaints when you do nothing?
You will go far, you are at least Captain material lol

Captain, wow that's really nice of you. Thank you. Well, to be honest early on, when I started here. I had a mountain of control's. So, the department in there wisdom, placed me with Bill Butler up in 10 sector for a few months. Had to slow my roll. Learned a lot. Grateful for it. See, it's not me personally, the brother's hated or the fact I was white. It was the uniform they hated. I found that belittling people like you do. Show's how in secured. You are. So, take it easy. It's Miller time, pop open a cold on and chill. Do, I care if your stuck in the 6th grade mentally no. I should, do what I can to help you. Yet, some people are lost causes. So, if it makes you feel all man like. Please continued to, show how challenged you really are and the need to prove your a real man. Oh wait for it. Now the sorry sake of sh!t you are will drag one of my family members into it.

05-08-2017, 08:17 PM
Go take your man crush on Ortiz to some queer lovers page, the rest of the world just don't care.

05-08-2017, 09:18 PM
Que clase de encarne tu tienes con ortiz. Alabao!
Let it go bro. It's gotten old and stale

05-10-2017, 01:57 AM
Captain, wow that's really nice of you. Thank you. Well, to be honest early on, when I started here. I had a mountain of control's. So, the department in there wisdom, placed me with Bill Butler up in 10 sector for a few months. Had to slow my roll. Learned a lot. Grateful for it. See, it's not me personally, the brother's hated or the fact I was white. It was the uniform they hated. I found that belittling people like you do. Show's how in secured. You are. So, take it easy. It's Miller time, pop open a cold on and chill. Do, I care if your stuck in the 6th grade mentally no. I should, do what I can to help you. Yet, some people are lost causes. So, if it makes you feel all man like. Please continued to, show how challenged you really are and the need to prove your a real man. Oh wait for it. Now the sorry sake of sh!t you are will drag one of my family members into it.

Stockholm Syndrome, you even write like a kneeger now.

05-10-2017, 02:59 AM
Stockholm Syndrome, you even write like a kneeger now.

Why all the hostility? Did somebody piss on your corn flakes?

05-10-2017, 12:18 PM
Why all the hostility? Did somebody piss on your corn flakes?

No, just simply stating an observation.

05-10-2017, 03:30 PM
No, just simply stating an observation.

No te metas con los niches broder. Ellos también son hijos de Dios.

05-10-2017, 11:53 PM
No te metas con los niches broder. Ellos también son hijos de Dios.

Yo se.
Por eso es que tienen los uecos de la nariz tan grande; Dios mete los dos dedos ahy para pintarlos de negro con el spray