View Full Version : Retired Major Orestes Chavez, and the stolen guns cover up. Will justice be served ?

04-28-2017, 05:28 AM
I understand that retired major Orestes Chavez is the culprit here ?
Is he being protected ? And WHEN will the truth come out ? Is this still ANOTHER corrupt staff member F & F being covered by this chief ? Hello Rudy, what you say to this ?

Read here } http://www.thecrespogram.com/9-revolvers-missing-from-mpd-property-room-mobile-.html

04-28-2017, 07:37 AM
I understand that retired major Orestes Chavez is the culprit here ?
Is he being protected ? And WHEN will the truth come out ? Is this still ANOTHER corrupt staff member F & F being covered by this chief ? Hello Rudy, what you say to this ?

Read here } http://www.thecrespogram.com/9-revolvers-missing-from-mpd-property-room-mobile-.html

Do you think he will be arrested ? Whats the latest on "Major Muscle Head " ???

04-28-2017, 07:55 AM
Confirmed!!! The 1% pension board has refused to release and pay Chavez his retirement money (that's well over $300,000) due to his pending criminal missing gun investigation.
Now having said that Llanes will be in the same boat when he retires because his a principle suspect in the same investigation.

04-28-2017, 04:52 PM

In order for Chavez and Llanes to get there money they would need a close out memo from FDLE, State Attorney's Office and the Internal Affairs unit...
Of course meaning they don't get arrested.

04-28-2017, 07:52 PM
What will the digital forensic evidence show? I would had lawyer up since day one. All these statements will be reviewed and used against them.
Why was Sgt Robert Perez kicked out of IA and send to work midnights?
What did he uncovered during this investigation ?

04-28-2017, 11:03 PM
What will the digital forensic evidence show? I would had lawyer up since day one. All these statements will be reviewed and used against them.
Why was Sgt Robert Perez kicked out of IA and send to work midnights?
What did he uncovered during this investigation ?

IA supervisor Sgt Perez who was in charge of the missing gun investigation was immediately tranferrred and send to patrol midnights. He was given a 6 day notice without a reason.

04-29-2017, 03:38 AM
IA has a history of being just as sketchy as the department. What will change? mayor picks the chief and city manager who in return pick yes men to manage important units like IA. They can go after, cover up or cook up anything in the IA kitchen. Imagine all these things are happening under FDLE AND DOJ watch!!! imagine when trump takes them away or ties their hands.

04-30-2017, 11:30 AM
I understand that retired major Orestes Chavez is the culprit here ?
Is he being protected ? And WHEN will the truth come out ? Is this still ANOTHER corrupt staff member F & F being covered by this chief ? Hello Rudy, what you say to this ?

Read here } http://www.thecrespogram.com/9-revolvers-missing-from-mpd-property-room-mobile-.html

Tick tock Ticktock , now when will "Major Muscle Head" Firearms thief ( Orestes Chavez) be arrested ??? Ticktock ?

04-30-2017, 11:50 AM
Tick tock Ticktock , now when will "Major Muscle Head" Firearms thief ( Orestes Chavez) be arrested ??? Ticktock ?

Coming soon, wait and see ha ha ha ha LOL , I can't wait ha ha ha

04-30-2017, 12:46 PM
I talked to Sgt Perez who's working midnight patrol. His Not a happy camper! His talking and not staying quiet.
He Confirmed that he was transferred out of IA for no reason.
Perez also believes like so many the cover up was set in motion but the higher up lost control when they transferred the investigation to FDLE.
This Case is far from being closed. Many witnesses and evidence against the Major and Chief.
Llanes you should had left last year when your drop was over. To late now. You got to ride the train.
The greed for money and power! Rudy do you still believe your going to talk your way out of this and you have nothing to worry about?
Your 1% will be place on hold just like Chavez until this is over. Pray they are not looking into the sexual allegations with the underage explorer girls.

04-30-2017, 03:16 PM
If there was any wrong doing with the major's or chief. FDLE, would of came out with it already. Cause they themselves need the positive press. Smoke & mirrors. If you look to past chief's almost ALL towards the end. Had something come back and bite them on the azz. Now, we have the FOP & those in the running to be the next chief. Whispering in the back ground.
This investigation such as it is. Is taking it's sweet time. No charges will be filed. Worst a department order would be violated, nothing to warrant the stop of the 1% fund or any other benefit they have coming.

04-30-2017, 04:01 PM
History has proven this dysfunctional place will only get a minor adjustment when the Feds come in. This will be dragged out long enough for everyone to forget and a policy will be written for everyone to sign.

04-30-2017, 04:27 PM
If there was any wrong doing with the major's or chief. FDLE, would of came out with it already. Cause they themselves need the positive press. Smoke & mirrors. If you look to past chief's almost ALL towards the end. Had something come back and bite them on the azz. Now, we have the FOP & those in the running to be the next chief. Whispering in the back ground.
This investigation such as it is. Is taking it's sweet time. No charges will be filed. Worst a department order would be violated, nothing to warrant the stop of the 1% fund or any other benefit they have coming.

You are counting in a lot of what if!
Look around times have change.
Read the paper.. Miami State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle is taking a lot of heat for not bringing charges and prosecuting four correctional officer in a inmates death.

FDLE is taking its time to do it correct. I would be worry.

04-30-2017, 06:11 PM

Is this a joke? Your kidding me and she didn't even get discipline for this ? Oh hell No.. I'm writing a letter.

04-30-2017, 07:24 PM
FDR heat? there is no heat some tokens will be thrown to the churches and the heat will turn to snow cones asap.
Florida is ran by far right republican that will protect their clan at all cost

04-30-2017, 08:05 PM
Chavez Sources say an arrest is imminent! Good luck on the court trial. You better win cause they are coming after your pension. My Recommendation is to Work out a deal.

04-30-2017, 08:36 PM
First the river cops in the 80's

Then the throw down cops in the 90'd

Now the property counter boys???

04-30-2017, 11:26 PM
The grand jury has met already. The criminal indictment has been signed. You saw it first here on leo affairs

05-01-2017, 04:42 AM

Is this a joke? Your kidding me and she didn't even get discipline for this ? Oh hell No.. I'm writing a letter.

City Manager D. Alfonso, what a great police chief you have leading the Miami Police Department. You must be so proud of the police chief's leadership skills and managerial judgment!

05-01-2017, 11:52 AM
The grand jury has met already. The criminal indictment has been signed. You saw it first here on leo affairs

If this is true why hasn't he been arrested already sounds like bull s--t to me. Besides unless they have him on camera or have an eye witness not a whole lot anyone can do.

05-01-2017, 12:47 PM
If this is true why hasn't he been arrested already sounds like bull s--t to me. Besides unless they have him on camera or have an eye witness not a whole lot anyone can do.

They do have eye witnesses! 7-8 All saying the same thing.
Now the evidence with the surveillance cameras thats a different story that involved several high staff members who obstructed the investigation. How many people will get arrested depends on who's cooperating. So don't lose your pension TaLk Talk Talk....
Why did llanes have the IA sgt in charge of the investigation transferred ?

05-01-2017, 01:00 PM
This place is all ****ed up AI CORRUPT AS FUVK , fop corrupt , chief corrupt, manager and mayor corrupt, all this rookies with godfathers here corrupt as fuvk too..... our future department Is base on corruption at its best this Cubans have this place upside down ....... and I taught my 3rd world country was bad. Wow

05-01-2017, 03:24 PM

Is this a joke? Your kidding me and she didn't even get discipline for this ? Oh hell No.. I'm writing a letter.

No is not a joke! She's the sister of just retired commander Alfonso. This corrupt ..ck up was placed in IA to cover up for chief llanes.
Llanes and Alfonso had gotten demoted in the past back to Lts and transferred to midnight northend patrol. Llanes would never come to work and Alfonso would cover up for him. Check communication logs Llanes hardly never checked in. When Llanes became chief to show his appreciation he promoted Alfonso back to commander
This woman was never discipline for these social media violations or for her unprofessional conduct

05-02-2017, 01:52 AM
No is not a joke! She's the sister of just retired commander Alfonso. This corrupt ..ck up was placed in IA to cover up for chief llanes.
Llanes and Alfonso had gotten demoted in the past back to Lts and transferred to midnight northend patrol. Llanes would never come to work and Alfonso would cover up for him. Check communication logs Llanes hardly never checked in. When Llanes became chief to show his appreciation he promoted Alfonso back to commander
This woman was never discipline for these social media violations or for her unprofessional conduct

Well, look on the positive side. If FDLE or Metro is also looking into this. She has a good chance of getting caught up in this crap. Why, you ask. If they can figure it out. Why couldn't an elite investigator from I.A. not get it. She's stupid when you have other departments getting involved. Not to do it right. Did she put the file in a draw? That seems to be the norm, up there. I get we all try to help our friends or people we think we owe. Yet, who would honestly, risk there career or freedom for another's stupidly? She her own nightmare! Thinks she better then the rest of us.

05-02-2017, 03:26 AM
What happen to the guns?

05-03-2017, 03:39 AM
Well, look on the positive side. If FDLE or Metro is also looking into this. She has a good chance of getting caught up in this crap. Why, you ask. If they can figure it out. Why couldn't an elite investigator from I.A. not get it. She's stupid when you have other departments getting involved. Not to do it right. Did she put the file in a draw? That seems to be the norm, up there. I get we all try to help our friends or people we think we owe. Yet, who would honestly, risk there career or freedom for another's stupidly? She her own nightmare! Thinks she better then the rest of us.

"Better than the rest of Us " ?

Shes a total drunk pig, by her own admissions, just look again at her Facebook postings attached, scroll down and see ALL the photos.

See her do the Eating ***** sign, see her with the other slut in the photo, see how she shot herself in the hand , after a drunk night, see MORE here ---http://www.thecrespogram.com/who-you-gonna-call-mobile-.html

05-03-2017, 03:40 AM
"Better than the rest of Us " ?

Shes a total drunk pig, by her own admissions, just look again at her Facebook postings attached, scroll down and see ALL the photos.

See her do the Eating ***** sign, see her with the other slut in the photo, see how she shot herself in the hand , after a drunk night, see MORE here ---http://www.thecrespogram.com/who-you-gonna-call-mobile-.html


05-03-2017, 12:35 PM
"Better than the rest of Us " ?

Shes a total drunk pig, by her own admissions, just look again at her Facebook postings attached, scroll down and see ALL the photos.

See her do the Eating ***** sign, see her with the other slut in the photo, see how she shot herself in the hand , after a drunk night, see MORE here ---http://www.thecrespogram.com/who-you-gonna-call-mobile-.html

So why does Major Jose Rodriguez allow her to remain in internal affairs? He is just as dirty as the rest.
They are counting if she finds something her credibility will destroy the case.

05-03-2017, 02:21 PM

Damn that hôe is ugly

05-03-2017, 02:25 PM
Listen don't be a hater...Chief Llanes has a big dyck and he gets puss*y on a regular! Muah!

05-03-2017, 04:51 PM
Listen don't be a hater...Chief Llanes has a big dyck and he gets puss*y on a regular! Muah!

Yes that's what the minor girls said

05-04-2017, 07:02 PM
"Better than the rest of Us " ?

Shes a total drunk pig, by her own admissions, just look again at her Facebook postings attached, scroll down and see ALL the photos.

See her do the Eating ***** sign, see her with the other slut in the photo, see how she shot herself in the hand , after a drunk night, see MORE here ---http://www.thecrespogram.com/who-you-gonna-call-mobile-.html

Yes that's her opinion and the folks she works with and for. Not mine! She should of never been placed in I.A. As far as the post of a grand jury meeting. I don't buy that. I could be wrong. If they have a sealed indictment, waiting to see where else the investigation goes, it possible. Maybe muscle head is talking now and we just don't know it. If he is GREAT. Yet, I don't think so. If you or I, had that many vehicle accident and then shoot out selves in the hand. We would of been tested for every incident for drugs or drinking. I understand she never was. I.A., is no longer is an in depended investigation unit. They can, will and have let staff dictate, what the final outcome is. As far back as when chief Perry and major Beal were here.

05-07-2017, 08:28 PM
I haven't heard yet an arrest on this cases. Will this be covered up like the recent correction cover up case?

05-07-2017, 08:51 PM
KFR is on the hot seat but FDLE is not exactly known for quLity investigations

05-07-2017, 10:15 PM
I heard the guns were found inside the stolen Lexus

05-07-2017, 10:47 PM
The white North Miami police officer, Jonathan Aledda, is charged with attempted manslaughter and misdemeanor culpable negligence.
So why weren't the black correctional officers charged with leaving a mentally ill inmate who was locked inside a steamy shower screaming and banging on the doors for 90 mins. 🤔👎

Where is the DOJ?
Where are the protest no justice no peace?
Where is the ACLU ?