View Full Version : Rookes not eligible to take sgt test took it

04-23-2017, 04:10 PM
An error allowed rookies who were not eligible to take the sgt's test able to take it. They accidently went by academy date instead of swear in date. Which allowed them to slip through the cracks.

Please tell your friends and make sure they are not allowed to take the second part.

04-23-2017, 04:37 PM
File a grievance and sue. Contact your fop president that's why we pay him for

04-23-2017, 08:45 PM
Lmao a 421 ibm as a sgt

04-23-2017, 09:00 PM
hey hater, us rookies some have Masters and Bachelors!!!!!!!! stand down veteran sailor and go back to school and ease off working off duties you joggers

04-23-2017, 09:21 PM
Did James Bernat take the test? Or did the executive to the chief fail again?

04-24-2017, 12:48 AM
Name the rookies, let's get them off the list.

04-24-2017, 01:28 AM
Listen we got accepted to take the test stamped and approved by HR, therefore you cannot do shit about it. Be prepared to be ruled by us rookies, we will change MPD forever for the better....prepare for your retirement no room for know it all Veterans! Citizens are ready for fresh change, and new young leadership...prepare to follow our orders and no talking back allowed or you will find yourself with an ROD...Time to lead our FTO's and show them how police work should ne done in today's world!!!!! Accept it don't be upset papo!!!

04-24-2017, 01:32 AM
hey hater, us rookies some have Masters and Bachelors!!!!!!!! stand down veteran sailor and go back to school and ease off working off duties you joggers

Blow it out your ass!

04-24-2017, 01:34 AM
Stop coming here and cry and file a ****ing grievance if not let it be and let them get away with it and take ur possible position.......

04-24-2017, 01:53 AM
Blow it out your ass!

Only with your sorry shat face positioned right behind my ass!!!!!

04-24-2017, 01:54 AM
Stop coming here and cry and file a ****ing grievance if not let it be and let them get away with it and take ur possible position.......

You are another Forest Gump type of smart LMAO

04-24-2017, 04:33 AM
You are another Forest Gump type of smart LMAO

You wont be sgt. never ever ever ever

04-26-2017, 06:56 PM
Can't hide the truth

04-26-2017, 09:06 PM
HR and FOP are on notice lawsuit will follow if they are in the second part

04-26-2017, 09:50 PM
HR and FOP are on notice lawsuit will follow if they are in the second part

I hope this is true

04-27-2017, 12:28 AM
Stop crying and do something about it.... the fop don't want part in why??????? Hmmmmmmmm go to the Mrc to file a grievance 40+ people down show up ask people you know to know where to go and what time

04-27-2017, 03:17 PM
Many here try to scam the department or system. So, why not the rookies? Just because you may have college, doesn't mean you'll get promoted with 2 years in. So, you take a written test and pass it. The oral, will show most with less then 5 are not ready. If you think about it. F&F plan know before the test is given. Who'll they will promote. Now it's up to them to remember the answer's they were given. To the one going on and on about the senior officer's. Your a idiot. At least we made it to be senior (old farts, has been) officers. You still have I guess from your post more then 27+ years to reach your retirement. A lot can happen between now and then. If your going to b!tch about the senior officers, it shows what type of supervisor you'll be. A supervisor doesn't command respect (only moron's do) They earned it. Crying about writing everyone up. If they don't bow down and KYA. Again shows your not ready. Those that been here for awhile, had many Sgt's pass thru the unit's they work. Some were and are great, other's (well like you) should of never been nothing more then a explorer. Hey, if by some miracle you pass everything and get promoted, maybe this will help you grow up. I really don't think it will.

04-27-2017, 04:08 PM
It's crazy I taught the fop was here to protect officers rights .... no assisting FOP .... went to file a grievance and HR AT MRC DONT WANT TO TAKE IT . They GIVE U THE RUN AROUND SO WHO HELPS U In THIS MATTER THIS IS ****IG AMAZING THE CORRUPTION IN THIS PLACE IS CRAZY BRO ......since when officers could put in for the Sgt exam counting their academy time this is crazy 70 + people did it at at least half taking spots for someone else this is bull shit..... and for those that thought they were not elegible well u were apparently. So file a grievance base on that cuz apparently it's a new rule u can count academy time ......

04-27-2017, 07:11 PM
So a rookie with just a High School Diploma or GED can become a Sgt.? LMAO! No wonder other departments laugh at you people.

04-27-2017, 08:41 PM
It's crazy I taught the fop was here to protect officers rights .... no assisting FOP .... went to file a grievance and HR AT MRC DONT WANT TO TAKE IT . They GIVE U THE RUN AROUND SO WHO HELPS U In THIS MATTER THIS IS ****IG AMAZING THE CORRUPTION IN THIS PLACE IS CRAZY BRO ......since when officers could put in for the Sgt exam counting their academy time this is crazy 70 + people did it at at least half taking spots for someone else this is bull shit..... and for those that thought they were not elegible well u were apparently. So file a grievance base on that cuz apparently it's a new rule u can count academy time ......

First of all you will never be promoted based on your English and writing skills. To start with the word TAUGHT should have been THOUGHT. Next NO ASSISTING FOP should have been written WITH NO ASSISTANCE FROM THE FOP. Plus a grievance is for a violation of the union collective bargaining agreement, promotional exam are not in the contract. So if you had read your civil service rules for the exam. You would have read the rules governing police promotional exams and could file a complaint to the civil service board ref the violation of that rule. Now go back and reread your study materials.