View Full Version : Al Pollock and his troubled past

03-12-2017, 12:31 PM
Broward County's law enforcement community can't argue the fact that Al Pollock has endured a lengthy career. But, so did Suddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin. What's the connection? None of these men did anything for the masses, they only cared about power, and they would do anything to get it. Once they had it, they wreaked havoc on their people, enjoying all the fruits of their labor, and most of all having as many women as they wanted. And if you were a woman and chosen by these ruthless dictators, and said no, you were done.

Now, the Al Pollock that only a few of us know, and the rest should be aware of. Al Pollock just recently interviewed for the Miami Gardens Chief position, and of 15 candidates he placed number 15. When appointed by Sheriff Israel, there were high hopes for Al, but Al quickly failed the time test. As he made blunder after blunder. Maybe when he visited a district to hear the concerns of the troops, he should have paid attention instead of being distracted by Suzy Q. So the Sheriff had to reduce his responsibility until he had no choice but to ask him to retire. But, Al left a wake of distruction in his path that is just now being repaired.

In conclusion, Al at least deserved a hand shake when he left, which the sheriff graciously offered. I have a feeling the Sheriff's handshake was one of relief, that the Broward County Sheriff's Office survived any major lawsuites because of Al's mistakes or OTHER THINGS. 2020 will make for an interesting smorgasbord of robo calls, TV commercials, and mailers, if Al decides he wants to run for sheriff. Just hope Al has the stomach for it. For me, I love my wife and children!!!!

03-12-2017, 07:59 PM
Sounds like someone is worried that Al might run for Sheriff!! Hmmmmmm!!!!

03-12-2017, 09:20 PM
Sounds like someone is worried that Al might run for Sheriff!! Hmmmmmm!!!!

I guess this is the same person who said we were affraid that willie jones was running. We saw how that worked out.

03-12-2017, 09:35 PM
Broward County's law enforcement community can't argue the fact that Al Pollock has endured a lengthy career. But, so did Suddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin. What's the connection? None of these men did anything for the masses, they only cared about power, and they would do anything to get it. Once they had it, they wreaked havoc on their people, enjoying all the fruits of their labor, and most of all having as many women as they wanted. And if you were a woman and chosen by these ruthless dictators, and said no, you were done.

Now, the Al Pollock that only a few of us know, and the rest should be aware of. Al Pollock just recently interviewed for the Miami Gardens Chief position, and of 15 candidates he placed number 15. When appointed by Sheriff Israel, there were high hopes for Al, but Al quickly failed the time test. As he made blunder after blunder. Maybe when he visited a district to hear the concerns of the troops, he should have paid attention instead of being distracted by Suzy Q. So the Sheriff had to reduce his responsibility until he had no choice but to ask him to retire. But, Al left a wake of distruction in his path that is just now being repaired.

In conclusion, Al at least deserved a hand shake when he left, which the sheriff graciously offered. I have a feeling the Sheriff's handshake was one of relief, that the Broward County Sheriff's Office survived any major lawsuites because of Al's mistakes or OTHER THINGS. 2020 will make for an interesting smorgasbord of robo calls, TV commercials, and mailers, if Al decides he wants to run for sheriff. Just hope Al has the stomach for it. For me, I love my wife and children!!!!

horse manure!

03-12-2017, 10:15 PM
Osgood is all good 2020

03-14-2017, 08:54 PM
Come on, another person who thinks they can be sheriff? Pollock will be a campaign managers worst nightmare, especially a local person who has no experience in damage control. Once Pollock enters the arena, his campaign manager will be spending all of his 5 dollars defending all the allegations against him. Pollock will make Bill Clinton look like a quire-boy. And the ones effected most will be his family, because of the embarrassment.

03-14-2017, 10:55 PM
Wait a minute, everybody said Al retired. Now you're telling me he was fired?

03-15-2017, 12:39 AM
Wait a minute, everybody said Al retired. Now you're telling me he was fired?

Who's everybody, you?

07-08-2019, 05:00 PM
Broward County's law enforcement community can't argue the fact that Al Pollock has endured a lengthy career. But, so did Suddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin. What's the connection? None of these men did anything for the masses, they only cared about power, and they would do anything to get it. Once they had it, they wreaked havoc on their people, enjoying all the fruits of their labor, and most of all having as many women as they wanted. And if you were a woman and chosen by these ruthless dictators, and said no, you were done.

Now, the Al Pollock that only a few of us know, and the rest should be aware of. Al Pollock just recently interviewed for the Miami Gardens Chief position, and of 15 candidates he placed number 15. When appointed by Sheriff Israel, there were high hopes for Al, but Al quickly failed the time test. As he made blunder after blunder. Maybe when he visited a district to hear the concerns of the troops, he should have paid attention instead of being distracted by Suzy Q. So the Sheriff had to reduce his responsibility until he had no choice but to ask him to retire. But, Al left a wake of distruction in his path that is just now being repaired.

In conclusion, Al at least deserved a hand shake when he left, which the sheriff graciously offered. I have a feeling the Sheriff's handshake was one of relief, that the Broward County Sheriff's Office survived any major lawsuites because of Al's mistakes or OTHER THINGS. 2020 will make for an interesting smorgasbord of robo calls, TV commercials, and mailers, if Al decides he wants to run for sheriff. Just hope Al has the stomach for it. For me, I love my wife and children!!!!

I'll give you a topic-Alvin Pollock.
I this Broward Sheriff 2020 candidate more scared of young black men or the police?

07-08-2019, 05:55 PM
I'll give you a topic-Alvin Pollock.
I this Broward Sheriff 2020 candidate more scared of young black men or the police?

I'll give you a response. Pollock should have thought about his sheriff candidacy before trying to become a filthy community organizer. F-you Al. Go back to talking loud and trying to impress old white women. The voting portion of Broward does not want you!

07-08-2019, 06:22 PM
I’ll take Al over this guy. At least he backs his guys.

07-08-2019, 11:43 PM
I’ll take Al over this guy. At least he backs his guys.

Said "Al who backs his guys" re the DeLucca Rolle Tamarac incident:

"These are kids," preached Pastor Alvin Pollock, "How can you defend pounding a kid's head?" Bishop Pollock sang, "The kid was laid out."

You were saying?

07-09-2019, 12:45 AM
Said "Al who backs his guys" re the DeLucca Rolle Tamarac incident:

"These are kids," preached Pastor Alvin Pollock, "How can you defend pounding a kid's head?" Bishop Pollock sang, "The kid was laid out."

You were saying?

Dont tell me that POS is also claims to be a pastor/deacon/bishop? Those assholes throw those self appointed positions around to anyone, obviously. Every black with rank in the jail is affiliated with some money stealing church somewhere. Must be a lot of free ass coming with being a self appointed fraud deacon.

07-09-2019, 01:12 AM
Dont tell me that POS is also claims to be a pastor/deacon/bishop? Those assholes throw those self appointed positions around to anyone, obviously. Every black with rank in the jail is affiliated with some money stealing church somewhere. Must be a lot of free ass coming with being a self appointed fraud deacon.


07-09-2019, 07:23 PM
Al Keep pushing your way to the top.. it's a few scared Peterson Clones on here the Scotty has doing keyboard surfing..
Pollock has the Juice to win in 2020, the Jail Staff backs you Sir.. Al. I'm sure you have some Scott stories how lazy and incompetent he was..

07-09-2019, 08:59 PM
Anybody before Israel. I don’t care if Bozo, Pollock, Lamedirty wins, just keep that POS Israel out. Get a clue Scotty the majority can’t stand you. Only the FLPD lick azzes care.

07-10-2019, 03:26 AM
Al how are you going to explain Heather and the others. When your wife called up threatening these other women.

07-10-2019, 03:15 PM
Al how are you going to explain Heather and the others. When your wife called up threatening these other women.

How is Alvin Pollock going to reach out to the black community when he wants nothing to do with the thugs but wants to reach out too much to the white woman?

07-10-2019, 08:58 PM
Al how are you going to explain Heather and the others. When your wife called up threatening these other women.

Tony pulls that same stupid crap all black men do around white women. I've seen him several times. You know, he tilts his head, grabs his chin with some sideways stupid look saying. "Well, I didnt know you all (white/spanishwomen) were here. I might have to come out here more often." Like they are all going to look at his big stupid turtle head and immediately drop their pants. Just another ignorant mope who can't look past his di$k. Certainly nothing new except this assshole has a porn stache and probably an ear ring. I think I also heard him tell one that typical black mating line, "what you know bout' dat?" Very original. We have some dumb skanks working here. Hes going to leave Broward divorced, broke (as hes used to) with herpes medication from his free insurance.

07-10-2019, 09:08 PM
Tony pulls that same stupid crap all black men do around white women. I've seen him several times. You know, he tilts his head, grabs his chin with some sideways stupid look saying. "Well, I didnt know you all (white/spanishwomen) were here. I might have to come out here more often." Like they are all going to look at his big stupid turtle head and immediately drop their pants. Just another ignorant mope who can't look past his di$k. Certainly nothing new except this assshole has a porn stache and probably an ear ring. I think I also heard him tell one that typical black mating line, "what you know bout' dat?" Very original. We have some dumb skanks working here. Hes going to leave Broward divorced, broke (as hes used to) with herpes medication from his free insurance.

Hey now. That stupid look and flirting routine is what attracted Andy Pollack to him. Pollack has been desperately trying to hook his big mouth son up with Temporary because Pollack has a wet dream visualizing Temporary as his son in law. Thats what this is all about. Unfortunately, we are now stuck in between Temporary and Loser Pollacks camper trailer.

10-30-2019, 07:04 PM
Hey now. That stupid look and flirting routine is what attracted Andy Pollack to him. Pollack has been desperately trying to hook his big mouth son up with Temporary because Pollack has a wet dream visualizing Temporary as his son in law. Thats what this is all about. Unfortunately, we are now stuck in between Temporary and Loser Pollacks camper trailer.
Alvin you sold your SOUL to SATAN. Shaun King called for violence against Police Officer's trying to make legal arrests. You remember what an arrest is right AL??????? BLM HELPED murder Police Officers and you support them?????? No?..... Well Shaun King thinks you do after YOU called him , spoke over the Tamarac scam and Ben Crump was also on the line . You TRASHED our deputies

10-30-2019, 07:48 PM
Alvin you sold your SOUL to SATAN. Shaun King called for violence against Police Officer's trying to make legal arrests. You remember what an arrest is right AL??????? BLM HELPED murder Police Officers and you support them?????? No?..... Well Shaun King thinks you do after YOU called him , spoke over the Tamarac scam and Ben Crump was also on the line . You TRASHED our deputies

He Keyboard Commando prove your allegation..as of now all youre doing is throwing out names Al did this and Al did that.. Prove it with substance and not he said I shot John crap...

Keep trying but youre going to have to be up all night to beat Al... Guess youre scared he is moving up in the polls and the likes of Isreal, Tony, Stallling,Jones and Vasquez are unable to gain the speed.. Hicks is definitely a non factor..

10-30-2019, 09:08 PM
If you only have that to add and trying to destroy a candidate so sad for you. Hes done more good than you could but since youre a keyboard comando keep trying to smear as you can tell your tactics arent working...
Al Pollock knows more about the inner workings of the agency than any of the other candidates inclusive of the current sheriff.
Kiss the ring finger in 2021.

10-30-2019, 09:34 PM
No need to defend AP. The Hillbillies PAC is sure to make the other candidates eat a shut up sandwich.

10-31-2019, 12:42 AM
If you only have that to add and trying to destroy a candidate so sad for you. Hes done more good than you could but since youre a keyboard comando keep trying to smear as you can tell your tactics arent working...
Al Pollock knows more about the inner workings of the agency than any of the other candidates inclusive of the current sheriff.
Kiss the ring finger in 2021.
I just have hit a nerve Alvin lick boy!!!!! Do you flower his sack every morning so he will give you a no show job like Richie Williams had????? Has????
Hahaha 🔑 key board commando!! SOOO ORIGINAL you helmet wearing inbred mildly retarded mutant.

10-31-2019, 02:26 AM
I just have hit a nerve Alvin lick boy!!!!! Do you flower his sack every morning so he will give you a no show job like Richie Williams had????? Has????
Hahaha 🔑 key board commando!! SOOO ORIGINAL you helmet wearing inbred mildly retarded mutant.

Seems you're totally petrified Bud.. guess your licking that ring really well. But inbred hardly my smarts and your dumbness shows everytime. Im a real one youre a fake wanna be important non-factor. Only retards are the two that created you.

10-31-2019, 03:41 AM
Seems you're totally petrified Bud.. guess your licking that ring really well. But inbred hardly my smarts and your dumbness shows everytime. Im a real one youre a fake wanna be important non-factor. Only retards are the two that created you.
But inbred hardly my smarts........im a real one youre a fake wanna be important non-factor.
Please tell us you are not employed by a company that expects employees to have an understanding of the English language. I was actually embarrassed for you. You are either new to our country , or you're a six year old on mommy's smart phone!

11-01-2019, 01:47 AM
Bud.. your dumbness keeps popping it's ugly head cant tell the difference between you looking like your mother a sheep or your father a donkey. But hey Bud its ok we all know that youre ignorant its shows everytime you post and attempt at displaying that a donk-sheep is smart and important. Take your ignorance and bigotry and go back to your pasture..graze a bit at least Early September because as of now you remain a nonfactor.. Ignorant is Ignorant Do and So Are You!

Say it over until it sinks in Al Pollock 2020 is going to be the Next Sheriff of Broward County.. Now Bud do us all a favor lay on your mothers lap and suck on some dry powdered milk..

11-01-2019, 06:05 PM
Al Pollock is a lowlife backstabber only concerned about himself and stepping on so called friends backs to get ahead. Lowlife.

11-01-2019, 06:29 PM
Broward County's law enforcement community can't argue the fact that Al Pollock has endured a lengthy career. But, so did Suddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin. What's the connection? None of these men did anything for the masses, they only cared about power, and they would do anything to get it. Once they had it, they wreaked havoc on their people, enjoying all the fruits of their labor, and most of all having as many women as they wanted. And if you were a woman and chosen by these ruthless dictators, and said no, you were done.

Now, the Al Pollock that only a few of us know, and the rest should be aware of. Al Pollock just recently interviewed for the Miami Gardens Chief position, and of 15 candidates he placed number 15. When appointed by Sheriff Israel, there were high hopes for Al, but Al quickly failed the time test. As he made blunder after blunder. Maybe when he visited a district to hear the concerns of the troops, he should have paid attention instead of being distracted by Suzy Q. So the Sheriff had to reduce his responsibility until he had no choice but to ask him to retire. But, Al left a wake of distruction in his path that is just now being repaired.

In conclusion, Al at least deserved a hand shake when he left, which the sheriff graciously offered. I have a feeling the Sheriff's handshake was one of relief, that the Broward County Sheriff's Office survived any major lawsuites because of Al's mistakes or OTHER THINGS. 2020 will make for an interesting smorgasbord of robo calls, TV commercials, and mailers, if Al decides he wants to run for sheriff. Just hope Al has the stomach for it. For me, I love my wife and children!!!!
You said Al left a wake of destruction? That's hilarious considering what the last goof and his henchmen did

05-10-2020, 08:59 PM

05-11-2020, 08:31 AM
Yes Al is going to bring tremendous humiliation to BSO with other working sheriff in the state of Florida. 66 sheriff don't want to even talk to him.

05-11-2020, 11:44 AM
The former and current last Sheriff of Broward County have and are troubled with Incompetence, umtruthfulness, murder, scandal, lack of judgment and unfit to lead.

For the record Isreal base is a mere 10% and that's marginal with a 1-2% error his votes are primarily from North Broward Inner City and most of the time their voting is dismal. His latest failed upper court appeal and ruling knocked him significantly down in the polls. Every court has upheld that his suspension was justifiable. - The guy is grabbing for straws right now.

The GT fiasco probably will give him 3% with a error of about 1%. He's got a heck of a ladder to climb even with money his reputation and lack of judgment has crushed his opportunity to be elected. (The two names Toney/Tony, his lack of truth on his applications, this 🔥 and sizzling outside activities will quench the church folks and the older seniors will say lacking maturity).

Guess who comes in from 3rd and takes the cake, this election is All Al Pollock giving him a 74% base win with an error of 2% up or down. If he can pull in major endorsements and strong visible advertisement this will be hook line and sinker. It then closes the door on anything but a victory lapse for this 30 plus years former Broward Sheriff's Office Colonel.

05-11-2020, 11:53 AM
The former and current last Sheriff of Broward County have and are troubled with Incompetence, umtruthfulness, murder, scandal, lack of judgment and unfit to lead.

For the record Isreal base is a mere 10% and that's marginal with a 1-2% error his votes are primarily from North Broward Inner City and most of the time their voting is dismal. His latest failed upper court appeal and ruling knocked him significantly down in the polls. Every court has upheld that his suspension was justifiable. - The guy is grabbing for straws right now.

The GT fiasco probably will give him 3% with a error of about 1%. He's got a heck of a ladder to climb even with money his reputation and lack of judgment has crushed his opportunity to be elected. (The two names Toney/Tony, his lack of truth on his applications, this 🔥 and sizzling outside activities will quench the church folks and the older seniors will say lacking maturity).

Guess who comes in from 3rd and takes the cake, this election is All Al Pollock giving him a 74% base win with an error of 2% up or down. If he can pull in major endorsements and strong visible advertisement this will be hook line and sinker. It then closes the door on anything but a victory lapse for this 30 plus years former Broward Sheriff's Office Colonel.