View Full Version : FDLE: Petty treatment of it's employees

03-08-2017, 06:47 PM
We are in an organization that supports targeting people that aren't liked... All it takes is an over zealous supervisor on a power trip and a ASAC or SAC that gets off on ruining people. We're not talking even about someone who doesn't work or violates P&P.. just people that aren't popular. It's happened several times under RS's watch in several regions, more so than under past leaders.

This speaks volumes as to the future of this organization.. no acceptance or respect for everyone as a member anymore and members will only be the ones that are validated by a few arrogant/narcissistic/egotistical people. You can be sure that ASAC's and SAC's will continue to intimidate the good Supervisors in our organization and possibly ruin them if they don't go along with their plans. If a Supervisor says a targeted person is working, productive, not a problem, etc., then the Supervisor becomes the target also. He/she will be expected to twist the facts of things/lie to help get the ball rolling on destroying someone.. or be destroyed themselves.

Digging up things from the past seem to be the new thing.. how this organization even has the time to be this petty is amazing, but an agenda is an agenda.

The worst part of this? The ability to lie, cheat, mistreat, bully by sworn SAS's, ASAC's, and SAC's in order to get done what they want. This should be the biggest red flag of all to the integrity and accreditation of this organization.. if these types of actions are supported against their own good people, what are they supporting against alleged criminals, public officials, and other Officers they are investigating?

Why anyone would leave another organization to come to FDLE is suspect at this point.. of course unless they are troubled there and probably going through the same thing and are thinking that FDLE is above the low class tactics. We can understand why Senior guys from other agencies come, however, they are given the golden ticket because this administration respects their accomplishments and experiences more than their own peoples.. They are immediately given the best squads to go to while they stick their own people in the least desired places. Imagine an FDLE Agent retiring and immediately being given the keys to the kingdom or the best position at a large Sheriff's Office over all the guys that have been there their entire lives.

03-08-2017, 07:30 PM
You act like this is something new at FDLE! Friends of Gerry (FOG) were promoted and those who they didn't like and thus he didn't like were driven out. Bringing up the past, intimidation, building paranoia is a way for them to make enough BS surrounding you to get you to resign or at least Fire you knowing you won't get a lawyer. Don't expect PBA to help, EI and PBA in Tallahassee have each other on speed dial.

As a good friend of mine was told during his EI investigation: "there is no statute of limitations on a policy violation".

03-08-2017, 07:33 PM
With all the things RS has in the closet, you think we would play nice with people around him.

03-08-2017, 08:28 PM
This is what I hate about reading anything on this site. The first post is paragraphs of accusations without ONE single example containing any facts regarding an actual incident. Just a bunch of vague blah blah blah about "petty treatment" digging up past dirt, new hires getting plum assignments...etc. I don't care about what either administration did or didn't do but you lose all credibility when you can't even provide facts.

Although I have only been with this agency about 8 years I think it is light years better now than when I got here. Many times these postings sound like a disgruntled employee with an axe to grind. Maybe if you gave examples and facts your story would be more believable. Give an example of someone who has been unfairly targeted, someone who has ad something unfairly dug up from their past!

03-08-2017, 08:40 PM
So spill the ASAC or SAC you are talking about?

03-08-2017, 09:54 PM
Why anyone would leave another organization to come to FDLE is suspect at this point.. of course unless they are troubled there and probably going through the same thing and are thinking that FDLE is above the low class tactics.

Answer: because outsiders don't know that and it can take years to learn it (anywhere from 15 to 20+ years). It's an imperfect and broken system. And regarding there not being a statute of limitations on policy violations -- that speaks volumes on how imperfect and broken the system is.

On the surface, law enforcement is good and pure. However, once politics is mixed in with law enforcement, it becomes putrid -- and it damages or totally destroys many careers.

Law enforcement + Politics = Putrid Broken System

03-09-2017, 12:29 AM
Remember those behind the badge, the conduct you do day to day TODAY maybe the policy that is the "hot button" item in 10 years. This equals your career being done! The difference between when I came up is the IA agent would recognize this and not shove it up your a55 to make him/her look good.

03-09-2017, 12:50 AM
So spill the ASAC or SAC you are talking about?

No problem!!!!

J Massey, M Perez, T Walker ( who should be in jail), Addy, Breeden, Mr Electra Bustle, Pape, Causey (coward / Spinless) , (unqualified) Rick Ramirez, Brutnell ((Signed off on a major crime and his subordinate tales the fall), Hidalgo, etc.....

Bailey, Madden, Cookie!

Need me to go through SAS's?

03-09-2017, 12:58 PM
No problem!!!!

J Massey, M Perez, T Walker ( who should be in jail), Addy, Breeden, Mr Electra Bustle, Pape, Causey (coward / Spinless) , (unqualified) Rick Ramirez, Brutnell ((Signed off on a major crime and his subordinate tales the fall), Hidalgo, etc.....

Bailey, Madden, Cookie!

Need me to go through SAS's?

How about Mulvey? I understand she is not a SAC or ASAC, but why about after a federal judge Denied her Immunity on a South Florida case that she conducted, and after (2) two separate certified received complaints. Why has RS and OEI McInerney not opened an investigation? If you or I sneeze wrong were being investigated. These were serious alligagtions sent to RS and OEI.

03-09-2017, 02:42 PM
All females ! Rules only apply to men!

Example: Kathy Smith, Addy, Renee Hatton, T. Frost

03-09-2017, 07:19 PM
All females ! Rules only apply to men!

Example: Kathy Smith, Addy, Renee Hatton, T. Frost
True shame my friend. Looks like maybe there should be a few more whistleblowers. Rules should apply to ALL!!!

03-10-2017, 05:55 AM
Talk to PBA, you may be enlightened if your rep is willing to talk. I heard of a case where a Supervisor lied on an Agents evaluation.. an Agent that had legitimate complaints against that Supervisor previous to the eval. When brought to light, ASAC/SAC just made it worse for the Agent under attack, to the point of severe aggression, bullying, and misconduct. EI did nothing to protect the Agent or step in to maintain integrity or respect. Disciplinary rules that are so heavily enforced on Agents do not appear to apply to Supervisors or above. Apparently the Agent asking a question to an overly sensitive ASAC who was digging for something to make a deal of was another rallying point that the Agent must be treated that way. A true disgusting set of events. These are people that will smile to your face and plot when you turn your back.

Just like in the past, the best thing is to just ride it out until the next administration takes over and hope for the best?

06-23-2017, 12:56 PM
With all the things RS has in the closet, you think we would play nice with people around him.

I see what you did there

06-25-2017, 02:11 PM
Talk to PBA, you may be enlightened if your rep is willing to talk. I heard of a case where a Supervisor lied on an Agents evaluation.. an Agent that had legitimate complaints against that Supervisor previous to the eval. When brought to light, ASAC/SAC just made it worse for the Agent under attack, to the point of severe aggression, bullying, and misconduct. EI did nothing to protect the Agent or step in to maintain integrity or respect. Disciplinary rules that are so heavily enforced on Agents do not appear to apply to Supervisors or above. Apparently the Agent asking a question to an overly sensitive ASAC who was digging for something to make a deal of was another rallying point that the Agent must be treated that way. A true disgusting set of events. These are people that will smile to your face and plot when you turn your back.

Just like in the past, the best thing is to just ride it out until the next administration takes over and hope for the best?

PBA is a JOKE! They talk to EI investigators all the time and know where the investigation is going. Meaning, EI speculates as to the members guilt prior to finishing interviews, tells PBA. PBA is lead (like sheep) to a pre-disposed outcome and does not mount a fight AT ALL. My advise to ANY member that is forced to resign is take the termination and air it publicly in the PERC. FDLE hates the laundry on display!

06-26-2017, 01:49 AM
Just stop and think what a piece of shit you'd have to be to run off someone in a subordinate position who has dedicated their life to the Agency and risking their life for the good of the State on a state salary.

Then, consider if a Supervisor/ASAC or even SAC decided to lie on any form (disciplinary, twist a story/event that happened, evaluation, etc.) to further their action. It's happened several times.

Then consider that FDLE has decided to protect these Supervisors that will be signing off on affidavits and testifying in court against criminals that they may also feel "deserve something" based on their judgement alone.

How does RS believe this is how the Agency should be under him? Is there any wonder why there are questionable actions that pop up when this is the climate?

06-26-2017, 03:59 AM
Just stop and think what a piece of shit you'd have to be to run off someone in a subordinate position who has dedicated their life to the Agency and risking their life for the good of the State on a state salary.

Then, consider if a Supervisor/ASAC or even SAC decided to lie on any form (disciplinary, twist a story/event that happened, evaluation, etc.) to further their action. It's happened several times.

Then consider that FDLE has decided to protect these Supervisors that will be signing off on affidavits and testifying in court against criminals that they may also feel "deserve something" based on their judgement alone.

How does RS believe this is how the Agency should be under him? Is there any wonder why there are questionable actions that pop up when this is the climate?

FDLE risking life and limb is a joke in itself. Pretty dangerous behind those desks creative writing. Your counterparts "troopers" are in 1000 times more danger than FDLE. The only danger you face is will you or won't you need a bandaid for your paper cut.

06-26-2017, 04:02 AM
Talk to PBA, you may be enlightened if your rep is willing to talk. I heard of a case where a Supervisor lied on an Agents evaluation.. an Agent that had legitimate complaints against that Supervisor previous to the eval. When brought to light, ASAC/SAC just made it worse for the Agent under attack, to the point of severe aggression, bullying, and misconduct. EI did nothing to protect the Agent or step in to maintain integrity or respect. Disciplinary rules that are so heavily enforced on Agents do not appear to apply to Supervisors or above. Apparently the Agent asking a question to an overly sensitive ASAC who was digging for something to make a deal of was another rallying point that the Agent must be treated that way. A true disgusting set of events. These are people that will smile to your face and plot when you turn your back.

Just like in the past, the best thing is to just ride it out until the next administration takes over and hope for the best?

For you non Spanish speaking agents when the poster writes EL he is referring to him or her Ello is him and Ella is her.

06-26-2017, 04:37 AM
First thing I would ever do as a Defense Attorney in any case FDLE was involved in is request all of the personnel records of the Agents involved, followed by any records of corrective action/discipline by them and/or their Supervisors over the past several years, and any appeal/grievance of any type by the supervisors of the case agents to see how those persons are being honest amongst themselves first before we started on any Defendant!

07-20-2017, 10:30 PM
Remember having to build your pedigree for a SW or a Wire....What do these Special Agents have? I went to college? HA! We all have...I did it on the GI bill or went to a local or county agency out of college....Got in fights and ran folks down. THEN I applied. Take the simple task of changing a tire....you want someone who has actually changed a tire or one who has Youtube it? We are a joke.....I want cops and an agency that supports them.....If I am wrong, treat me right and let the chips fall, but stand behind me....If I am right, stand side by side with me.....

Support me, RICK, SAC, ASAC, SAS!...YOU ARE BLUE COLLAR...THIS IS A VOCATION....! A degree has never made me a better cop....We are in this together..