View Full Version : We pay to fight for illegal immigrants

Truth please Bell
03-01-2017, 04:50 PM
Why are we paying to fight against illegal immigration and a "militarized" police force? Most of our dues moneys goes to IUPA International and they are in fact affiliated with AFL-CIO. Bell runs around saying this local is not affiliated. How ignorant is he? So this local doesn't pay additional fees to AFL-CIO with he little bit of money that we get back but most of our money is kept by the international and they are in FACT affiliated with AFL-CIO. So right out of our own pockets we pay for people to end deportation of illegal immigration and to defund our equipment. Unbelievable.

03-01-2017, 05:39 PM
Then why are PBA chapters part of IUPA? Should they quit too?

03-01-2017, 05:42 PM
The PBA supported Wasserman Shultz even after she was thrown out as DNC chair. And look back at 2011, 19 out of 20 PBA backed polititians voted to take 3% out of our paychecks for FRS contributions.

03-01-2017, 05:53 PM
Your statement is like playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon. You can associate anyone or anything to whatever you want, if you try hard enough. Grow up!

03-01-2017, 06:54 PM
PBA is not affiliated with AFL-CIO because they don't pay the fees to affiliate with them. Six degrees of separation? LOL our pocket to IUPA and directly to AFL-CIO. And this wasn't about PBA or has anything to do with them. It's like if you cant give constructive criticism of IUPA without the goon squad jumping up and down scared that PBA will
Come back. You won,get over it and focus on fixing issues members have a problem with.

03-01-2017, 07:56 PM
PBA is not affiliated with AFL-CIO because they don't pay the fees to affiliate with them. Six degrees of separation? LOL our pocket to IUPA and directly to AFL-CIO. And this wasn't about PBA or has anything to do with them. It's like if you cant give constructive criticism of IUPA without the goon squad jumping up and down scared that PBA will
Come back. You won,get over it and focus on fixing issues members have a problem with.

If your number one complaint is the local having no control over a paid affiliation by the international office, then we are in good shape. Our union has done more for us in one year than the PBA or FOP ever did for us !!!

03-02-2017, 02:48 PM
I, for one, am still crying that Hillary lost. We should stay a sanctuary county and Illegal Immigrants help keep the cost of our vegetables down. I'm glad money I pay goes to protect illegal immigrants. They also rage about the police but I will take the trade off.

03-02-2017, 02:52 PM
Then why are PBA chapters part of IUPA? Should they quit too?

Its a shame that someone who is obviously closely related to IUPA (board member or steward) is so ignorant or just plain lying. PBA is gone, yet they are so scared that no one can discuss any issues to make OUR union better. NO PBA chapters are affiliated with IUPA. That is just a flat out lie.