View Full Version : The Facts of Union Corruption

02-24-2017, 02:53 PM
This an opinion based on living through recent events in Lodge 81 with state lodge interference.
1.) Chief Carlito does not like being challenged and therefore called out to state lodge pres. bobby jenkins for help.
2.) Bobby jenkins made moves in the FOP based on the best interest of chief carlito, not the FOP dues paying members.
3.) Joey Puleo was removed as our state FOP rep to make life easier for carlito.
4.) The above was a result of mccreepie the snake and carlito making a complaint to jenkins.
5.) After a bad meeting, when membership realized finally we were sold out by the FOP organization. Operation 'Abandon Ship' commenced without warning.
6.) As an immediate attempt to stack the lodge E-Board with carlito's friendly's, mccreepie sent out his attempt to stifle the bail out.
*side note - mccreepie has always been the root cause of the problems here. anything he touches is poison and he eventually screws over those who buddy up with him. Warning, keep your distance!!!!!
7.) The bought and paid for LTs are with the chief 100% and will never back their officers whether right or wrong against the chief. Thus "Carlito's Way" appears to be rule rule of the day. NOT!!!!
8.) carlito met with fop executives and kosta the sell out, to decide what schedule is best for the road. Does kosta work the road?

Getting the picture guys? Now, don't remain silent here, we are always stronger together! And to think, mccreepie tried to sabotage carlito during his hiring process. now they are BFF's. so the struggle continues, and as usual the LT's can be blamed for so much of the problems. LT fat girl, and LT jessica mccreepie. I want some real respones to this. come on carlito you read this all the time. set the record straight!

02-24-2017, 05:21 PM
What the hell has happened to the FOP? It seems as though there was a hostile takeover of the Union by the City, or should we say the Police Chief? The hairball was voted out, wasn’t he the President? The Lt’s are still in. Weren’t they the ones that were supposed to be voted out? What happened? Was 4 foot useless? Stupid? Unresponsive to the needs of the Officers? Never around? A negotiator of terrible contracts? Out only for himself with a response of FU? Is anyone at all standing up for him?

Not even the FOP is backing him up, they told him to get his own Lawyer and defend himself on that demotion from Cpl. The FOP State Pres. told Joey P. to F off also. What a Union, they represent no one, what are the dues again?

Rumor is that D. Floyd planned the whole thing, got the (Oscar Mayer) ****** to resign, voted out the hairball, got rid of the other incompetent Board members and “SHAZAAM”, he is the head dog in this dog and pony show of a union. Way to go preacher man!

The Chief was so embarrassed by the weakness of the Union he stopped the 12 hour shift from being adopted and let the FOP save face a little.

Who are the future replacement members for Lodge #81?

How about calling up the officers that thought the FOP was the greatest thing since penicillin?! Let’s see, Capt. **** Man, the best officer in South Fl. who was one of the main organizers quit and then tried to get back. Thank God Cancer Stick back stabbed him getting the Chief to refuse the take back. I like the Chief just for that alone.

How about the Oscar Mayer ******? Nope, he quit too. Not only the Department but the Union.

I just realized something, **** man and the ******, they both got their asses kicked, quit and left. Is that all you have to do around here to get rid of people, kick their ass? Let’s all remember that thought, someday in the future, it may come in handy.

John C? Nope, he quit and left as well.

Ceasar C. Nope, he’s the new A- kisser, doesn’t want to lose that cushy detached job.

How many have quit the board? Answer: Almost everyone on the Police Department who was in the Union. No spine, no commitment no brotherhood.

Cancer stick should stepup, he was the #1 advocate to ditch the last union for his own personal reasons and gain. Where is he now? Why hiding and being the loyal snitch. If he were the Prez. he could just forward the Membership information straight to the Chief. When he hand carried that last, membership only, letter to the Chief, it caused a foot race between him and butterball. That was dangerous but entertaining to watch on camera.

Come on Johnny,YOUTUBE that footage.

The next couple of weeks will be entertaining.