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View Full Version : The futility of image management

02-04-2017, 10:00 PM
According to a post within the agency board – link below to thread – refer to post #28…


That post states that the Sheriff has been advised to soften his public image, to not wear a weapon or badge so conspicuously or continuously, with the reasoning that this move – which is an amateur league image management move to presumptively “soften his image” and thusly portray him as a more sympathetic defendant or party in any sort of potential courtroom situation.

“When the law is against your client, argue the evidence. When the evidence is against your client argue the law. When the law and the evidence pound the table and shout and argue everything.”

This is a great idea, if the potential jury pool would be drawn from the home court, where everyone knows everyone. This isn’t the case. Any potential jury would be from the 15th Circuit. Much more diversity, education and impartiality potential there.

If image management with the eye towards the media age advent of “trial through public opinion” is the goal, honestly speaking, it is futile.

A few weeks or months of a “kinder gentler” “more like you and me” “hometown elected official we can all relate to and like, hes just like you and me” image spin, will not change much - except whatever billable hours were spent thinking of this idea.

Hats off to whatever legal advice supposedly hes been given to do this. If there is an attorney behind that advice, that attorney is certainly doing “everything” to prepare to defend his client if there is a need for a legal defense for any reason. So he can take comfort that in the event of any charges, a later appeal on the grounds of ‘inadequate defense” is absurd.

The duty of an attorney is to protect the interests of his client, weather under any charges, or not, its why an attorney is also title “counselor”.

Just because one has an attorney, is not an admission of guilt, or indication of needing a defense against anything. People retain attorneys for all sorts of reasons.

Considering the reasons that seem to be unfolding, it makes sense. This is not going to end well probably.

02-06-2017, 12:58 AM
According to a post within the agency board – link below to thread – refer to post #28…


That post states that the Sheriff has been advised to soften his public image, to not wear a weapon or badge so conspicuously or continuously, with the reasoning that this move – which is an amateur league image management move to presumptively “soften his image” and thusly portray him as a more sympathetic defendant or party in any sort of potential courtroom situation.

“When the law is against your client, argue the evidence. When the evidence is against your client argue the law. When the law and the evidence pound the table and shout and argue everything.”

This is a great idea, if the potential jury pool would be drawn from the home court, where everyone knows everyone. This isn’t the case. Any potential jury would be from the 15th Circuit. Much more diversity, education and impartiality potential there.

If image management with the eye towards the media age advent of “trial through public opinion” is the goal, honestly speaking, it is futile.

A few weeks or months of a “kinder gentler” “more like you and me” “hometown elected official we can all relate to and like, hes just like you and me” image spin, will not change much - except whatever billable hours were spent thinking of this idea.

Hats off to whatever legal advice supposedly hes been given to do this. If there is an attorney behind that advice, that attorney is certainly doing “everything” to prepare to defend his client if there is a need for a legal defense for any reason. So he can take comfort that in the event of any charges, a later appeal on the grounds of ‘inadequate defense” is absurd.

The duty of an attorney is to protect the interests of his client, weather under any charges, or not, its why an attorney is also title “counselor”.

Just because one has an attorney, is not an admission of guilt, or indication of needing a defense against anything. People retain attorneys for all sorts of reasons.

Considering the reasons that seem to be unfolding, it makes sense. This is not going to end well probably.


02-27-2017, 12:32 PM

Interesting vibe this weekend interacting with the "golden" (badged) members of the agency. The casual conversation about nothing, was with a decent journalist. Labelle is going to be on the map again. This is how good stories are written;

First someone does something. again. again. even more eye opening. time goes on, more than once the story is heard again (essential elements the same, minor details not always a minor timeline inaccuracy doesnt change the act(s).

Second, someone sitting at a writers desk not nearby and far removed (objective) receives a phone call (letters nowadays dont happen much), and back and forth for some months, and then a list and some notes. Yes, a list, sort of.

Third, the writer apparently does some fact checking, enough lines up factually often enough for someone to say "I think this would be a good story"

..and that is how a story can happen. Especially because people love to feel important and talk about themselves.