View Full Version : Retargado does not want to uphold the law

01-29-2017, 02:52 PM
Retargado is mad at Gimenez for enforcing the law and abiding by the constitution and the oath of office that he took.

Retargado took this oath, I solemnly swear or affirm that i will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the state of Florida against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That oath is specific and to the point in regards to enforcing the law. But as a Cuban, he retains allegiance to Cuba while living off the American taxpayer. Hold them for the feds, and deport the "Illegals" The above oath applies to us police officers too.

01-29-2017, 05:36 PM
Retargado is mad at Gimenez for enforcing the law and abiding by the constitution and the oath of office that he took.

Retargado took this oath, I solemnly swear or affirm that i will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the state of Florida against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That oath is specific and to the point in regards to enforcing the law. But as a Cuban, he retains allegiance to Cuba while living off the American taxpayer. Hold them for the feds, and deport the "Illegals" The above oath applies to us police officers too.

Relax dude; is all politics.
Regalado is just playing to his base and he could care less about who gets deported.
Besides, this entire process occurs at the jail and we have nothing to do with it. . . . . .09-39 and let it take its course.

01-29-2017, 06:26 PM
Who cares let the illegals run free... at least they don't commit the crime black thugs commit

01-29-2017, 06:28 PM
The only thing trump executive order is asking is for the county jails to hold people with deportation or ice orders. This is a county issue. Regalado has no control over the jail policies. Que clase de come pinga.

01-30-2017, 02:25 PM
To build his highly touted deportation force, President Donald Trump is reviving a long-standing program that deputizes local officers to enforce federal immigration law.

Get ready to arrest the "Illegals"

01-30-2017, 05:09 PM
With that, I do no agree! One thing is calling ICE when, as a result of our fact finding process when completing the Arrest Affidavit Form and as a result we suspect the arrestee might be an illegal migrant; going out with ICE “hunting” for illegal migrants is another. Such practice would erode what little confidence ethnic minority communities might have in the police to be there to serve and protect them. Beside, it is not that easy; first selected officers would have to be trained and crossed-designated ICE agents. This means that likely such officers would be removed from daily operations in patrol and investigation; thus further depleting an already decimated police agency. Should that come to pass, Mayor Regalado and entire Commission must oppose it. Calling ICE when we arrest a suspected illegal migrant is what is needed to remove the worst-of-the-worst from our community in general and the ethnic neighborhoods in particular. Imagine had MPD done that when agency officers twice arrested Reynaldo Elias Rapalo for two separate felonies; before he evolved into “the shenandoah rapist?” All the women, girls he savaged would have been spared the horrors he inflicted upon them.

01-30-2017, 05:37 PM
With that, I do no agree! One thing is calling ICE when, as a result of our fact finding process when completing the Arrest Affidavit Form and as a result we suspect the arrestee might be an illegal migrant; going out with ICE “hunting” for illegal migrants is another. Such practice would erode what little confidence ethnic minority communities might have in the police to be there to serve and protect them. Beside, it is not that easy; first selected officers would have to be trained and crossed-designated ICE agents. This means that likely such officers would be removed from daily operations in patrol and investigation; thus further depleting an already decimated police agency. Should that come to pass, Mayor Regalado and entire Commission must oppose it. Calling ICE when we arrest a suspected illegal migrant is what is needed to remove the worst-of-the-worst from our community in general and the ethnic neighborhoods in particular. Imagine had MPD done that when agency officers twice arrested Reynaldo Elias Rapalo for two separate felonies; before he evolved into “the shenandoah rapist?” All the women, girls he savaged would have been spared the horrors he inflicted upon them.

My brain hurts and my eyes are bleeding; I get this way whenever I read stupid feces.
PLEASE; show me where it is written that we are going to do any of the things you claim?
And while you are at it, put the crack pipe down before you hurt yourself.

01-30-2017, 06:10 PM
My brain hurts and my eyes are bleeding; I get this way whenever I read stupid feces.
PLEASE; show me where it is written that we are going to do any of the things you claim?
And while you are at it, put the crack pipe down before you hurt yourself.

This might help you.

01-30-2017, 06:12 PM
My brain hurts and my eyes are bleeding; I get this way whenever I read stupid feces.
PLEASE; show me where it is written that we are going to do any of the things you claim?
And while you are at it, put the crack pipe down before you hurt yourself.

Stand down sailor that's an order.

01-30-2017, 08:23 PM
You clowns don't get it and don't understand politics. He says all this caca because it doesn't have anything to do with him or the city.

01-30-2017, 08:49 PM
You clowns don't get it and don't understand politics. He says all this caca because it doesn't have anything to do with him or the city.

Stand down sailor that's an order

01-30-2017, 09:16 PM
Stand down sailor that's an order

Hopefully one day someone will figure out who you are beat your azz so take your order and shove it where the sun don't shine.

01-30-2017, 10:14 PM
Hopefully one day someone will figure out who you are beat your azz so take your order and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Submarine Airborne OOHRAH

01-31-2017, 03:57 AM
You clowns don't get it and don't understand politics. [Regalado] says all this caca because it doesn't have anything to do with him or the city.


02-12-2017, 10:37 PM
groovy man... Very groovy!

03-13-2017, 06:18 PM
You clowns don't get it and don't understand politics. He says all this caca because it doesn't have anything to do with him or the city.

The City of Miami Police Department is a professional law enforcement organization dedicated to providing unparalleled service to its diverse local community.

We are searching for gifted individuals of unquestionable integrity who can demonstrate sound judgment and decision-making skills.

Description of Work

Police work entails the protection of life and property through the enforcement of local, state and federal laws.

Local, State and "FEDERAL LAWS" That means arresting the illegal aliens and hand them over to the "Migra".

03-13-2017, 07:02 PM
The City of Miami Police Department is a professional law enforcement organization dedicated to providing unparalleled service to its diverse local community.

We are searching for gifted individuals of unquestionable integrity who can demonstrate sound judgment and decision-making skills.

Description of Work

Police work entails the protection of life and property through the enforcement of local, state and federal laws.

Local, State and "FEDERAL LAWS" That means arresting the illegal aliens and hand them over to the "Migra".

Miami police is far from a professional law enforcement agency. Searching for individuals, with unquestionable integrity? When, did this start? When you force stats on officer. Who, in return make questionable arrest. Where the integrity? Sound judgement? All staff cares about is looking good. Not for you or I. City hall and staff want there cake-n-ice cream. They want high arrest with no drama. Miami P.D. is and will always be a 3rd world P.D. as long as you put morons on staff and city hall. Runs the day to day operations of this place. Illegal? I won't hunt them down and if I come across one, that's not committing a crime. He's free to walk away. Do I care if this offends you? NOPE! As far as forcing the law. I do. If a crimes committed I will take action. Proactive, is a term of yesterday year. You could make dozens of good arrest each month, get padded on the back as the greatest cop to grace our department. 1 a shi-t, is all they will remember you by and as. Each time your names is mentioned. With Miami P.D. all they want is a numbers maker. Get the arrest, get the tickets. Doesn't matter if our actions are warranted or not. Did you ever stop for a second and think, that you mandatory actions. You have to follow. Caused more damage to a family? Your ticket,, which you more then likely committed the offence yourself. The money now spend. So you could look good. Child, I see great possibility in your future here at M.P.D. your what they want a blind follower, with no self control or mind for themselves. If you can easily fall under the crap, they spew everyday and accept it. I almost feel sorry for you. If I had any emotions left.

03-14-2017, 02:00 AM
alfonso says get back to work he wants to see arrest stats

03-14-2017, 12:04 PM
I run across illegals all the time and I must say they actually treat you with respect and actually stop to talk. I go to Home Depot and see them there all the time, dozens of them sometimes I even buy them coffee and we talk. Poor people can't even hurt a fly, but do wake up every morning to find work. They want to wok, unlike the many Cuban and Blacks who sit on their ass all day to collect welfare. I voted for Trump, but can care less what he thinks about people looking for a better future in a free country. Trump doesn't know that feeling... everything was handed to him. Relax people just do your job and enjoy it... we're not robots and they are not paying us per arrest or ticket.