View Full Version : who is the jailguard?

01-03-2017, 01:56 AM
who the hell ios this jailguard? there is more crap posted about this person than lamberti, the castillos and isreal combined. im retied years ago, but there must be something real,what gives. is this a real person? what is the story with him? some of these post clearly allege criminal offenses, but if they are true how can he still have a job?was he really promoted from a corrections deputy to acaptain with no experience?in 40 years Inever heard of such a thing

01-03-2017, 02:12 AM
You are a real drama queen, pretending to ask a legitimate question while your lying ass already knows the answer! You are retired after 40 years, bullshit! Walmart has no retirement plan and you only worked at BSO a short time. Do you really think some one is going to engage with you? You are truly a moron!

01-03-2017, 09:28 AM
You are a real drama queen, pretending to ask a legitimate question while your lying ass already knows the answer! You are retired after 40 years, bullshit! Walmart has no retirement plan and you only worked at BSO a short time. Do you really think some one is going to engage with you? You are truly a moron!

i dont know you and wanted to know if you were a real person or just someone's imagination. but you are an idiot, if not you would have kept wiet learn to comprehend what is written . ive been here nearly 40 years....

girloy men like you can only call names.. jail guard, stop talking so much like they say about a fish... if it would keep its mouth shuti t would not get caught its too late for you but others should learn if you have had all the affairs what does it say about you spouse? youo will bury this sheriff count on that do you know how to follow any rule ?you are a disgrace and the dummest person in the room must have touched a nerve.

01-03-2017, 02:16 PM
Calm down little lady! You are a liar! If you were here 40 years you would know the answer to the question you ask! Oh, and I am not a jail guard Queenie!

Capt. Obvious
01-03-2017, 03:10 PM
i dont know you and wanted to know if you were a real person or just someone's imagination. but you are an idiot, if not you would have kept wiet learn to comprehend what is written . ive been here nearly 40 years....

girloy men like you can only call names.. jail guard, stop talking so much like they say about a fish... if it would keep its mouth shuti t would not get caught its too late for you but others should learn if you have had all the affairs what does it say about you spouse? youo will bury this sheriff count on that do you know how to follow any rule ?you are a disgrace and the dummest person in the room must have touched a nerve.

To be honest, this thread means nothing to me. In fact this is pure entertainment, nothing more. However, I find it interesting that the people on here are supposed to be adults, and yet half can not speak or write the English language. Then they have the nerve to call the other poster "the dummest person in the room"? Those who live in a glass house should not cast the first stone! So the next time you want to criticize someone, please take an English / grammar class first!

01-03-2017, 07:59 PM
To be honest, this thread means nothing to me. In fact this is pure entertainment, nothing more. However, I find it interesting that the people on here are supposed to be adults, and yet half can not speak or write the English language. Then they have the nerve to call the other poster "the dummest person in the room"? Those who live in a glass house should not cast the first stone! So the next time you want to criticize someone, please take an English / grammar class first! it was done on purpose , boy.

01-03-2017, 09:15 PM
Sure thing "Girloy Man"! Learn to spell retard!

Capt. Obvious
01-03-2017, 10:05 PM
it was done on purpose , boy.

You keep repeating that to yourself, one day you might even believe it, because nobody else does. But it's okay because one day you too can graduate the 5th grade. If not, don't worry, we can at least give you a participation trophy, like they do in sports now. We wouldn't want you to lose at something and have to work harder for it.

01-03-2017, 10:20 PM
jailguard = Whitey Bunghole

01-04-2017, 03:48 AM
The jail guard is the McDonald clown Ira G.

01-04-2017, 10:43 AM
Calm down little lady! You are a liar! If you were here 40 years you would know the answer to the question you ask! Oh, and I am not a jail guard Queenie! THE QUESTION WAS A JOKE. CLOWN. TGUVE ME ANOTHER EXAMPL OF THIS EVER HAPENING IN THIS AGENCY. NOT SGT. OR LEIUTENANT. BUT FROM A SUB STANDArd deputy all the way up to a captain. THI WAS THE ORST MOVE THE SHERIFF HAS MADE AND IT WARRANTS REVIEW BY THE GOVERNOR.. THE 4million dollars in campaign funds in exchange for the promotion. this demands an investigation. the fun raisers at his home and never being at work, ut getting a full pay check. these are not allegations that are unsupported. take a look at his face book page. this guy post pictures and brags about all the time he has amassed. a few year ago he was out if time. now he is maxed out, which is impoossible, when you take a week off to go on cruises twice per month. hope willie jones has the sense to pursue this, because it is a winner. doesn't pass the smell test what a mistake. county commissioners are caaling for a reveiw of this clown and his promotion. sheriff can't justify it. he made a wrose mistake than Runcie whowill be fired over his promoting a n administrator to a top position in e scjhool [police department. israel is on deck. ang this jail guard and his son are sayin gthey will be a mjor and sergeant. which would be a real joke even in this circus. it will be a rough year at bso.

01-04-2017, 01:12 PM
Hey retard, try writing it in crayon first,and have your boyfriend check the spelling!

01-04-2017, 09:51 PM
Come on 28ers plus one,IG is a good Dude that helped his buddy get elected twice.IG is a certified Corrections Officer ,which allows SI to swear him in or any certified person in at any rank he pleases...

Good Job SI and Ira....

01-06-2017, 03:37 AM
Ira you are a dead giveaway cuz you are always saying you are a good dude.
But got to give it to you- Good reply hahaha

01-08-2017, 09:38 PM
Somebody has to say,Ira is a Good Dude...