View Full Version : Deputies still out for good shoots

01-02-2017, 06:29 PM
We are trained to meet deadly force with deadly force. Jeff Bell please answer why deputies involved in good clean shootings are sitting in time out. Why are you allowing this to go on. Are we now to assume that instead of the normal three days and back to work that we are going to be sitting out for a couple years while Mike Satz, FDLE, and other idiots play politics with deputies lives. I have supported our sheriff and I will continue to support him because I believe he is a good man. But I can not support this and I blame the union because your supposed to be representing us and this is dog sh!t. Jeff, quit trying to be nice and start doing your goddamn job.

01-02-2017, 06:57 PM
That decision has nothing to do with the union. Because BSO involved shootings are investigated by FDLE now, supposedly deputies won't be returning to work until their investigation is completed.

01-02-2017, 07:06 PM
Wonder if other agencies are taking their folks off the road for months, waiting for FDLE? Or is that another BSO special?

01-02-2017, 07:12 PM
Eat my cream filled twinkie!

01-02-2017, 07:17 PM
This has nothing to do with our union. The garbage decision to bring FDLE in to be the lead in our shooting investigations was made by our pandering sheriff. It is stupid to see these Deputies still on admin duty, the 5th floor needs to make this right and let these guys return to work. If they want FDLE to be lead then fine, but they do not have command over BSO employees and the sheriff can allow them back to full duty.

01-02-2017, 09:23 PM
This post proves that you are not an employee. If you were, this question was already answered in an email from the union. Nobody will be sitting out for years. Only until FDLE completes their investigation.

01-02-2017, 09:59 PM
That decision has nothing to do with the union. Because BSO involved shootings are investigated by FDLE now, supposedly deputies won't be returning to work until their investigation is completed.

Nice try but the union agreed to this without so much as a peep. If BSO homicide can investigate these things in a week why can't FDLE? What is left to investigate? Can we expect all of our deputies to be out for months if they have to defend their lives in the line of duty? This needs to be corrected because this is nothing but pointing the finger at cops and making excuses for criminals. It's cowardly as hell.

01-02-2017, 10:40 PM
Nice try but the union agreed to this without so much as a peep. If BSO homicide can investigate these things in a week why can't FDLE? What is left to investigate? Can we expect all of our deputies to be out for months if they have to defend their lives in the line of duty? This needs to be corrected because this is nothing but pointing the finger at cops and making excuses for criminals. It's cowardly as hell.

The union had nothing to do with this decision. It was not until R.T shooting did anyone find out about FDLE being involved. Not even homicide knew. 30 minutes into the investigation, they were told to stop and FDLE would be taking over. FDLE then reached into the past and took over a shooting that happened 3 days earlier and they were never there. The Sheriff even put a memo out that this was his decision alone. You need a reality check PBA.

01-03-2017, 12:15 AM
When the rest of the Lauderdale heros are in place and they resume using BSO as their personal political ATM, sadly, this will be the least of our worries.

01-03-2017, 08:25 PM
That decision has nothing to do with the union. Because BSO involved shootings are investigated by FDLE now, supposedly deputies won't be returning to work until their investigation is completed.

What do you mean it has nothing to do with the union? It's well established past practice three days and back, no? So if you don't feel like standing up for well established past practice, your response is it has nothing to do with us and just move on? This is a union issue and you're not doing **** about it. I am not a PBA guy, I supported you Jeff, now it's your turn to do the hard work.

01-03-2017, 08:29 PM
Wonder if other agencies are taking their folks off the road for months, waiting for FDLE? Or is that another BSO special?

Another agency pbso just had a very similar shooting. Let's see if they leave if they leave their guys out for months waiting for fdle or the sao to find their ass from a hole in the ground.

01-03-2017, 09:53 PM
What do you mean it has nothing to do with the union? It's well established past practice three days and back, no? So if you don't feel like standing up for well established past practice, your response is it has nothing to do with us and just move on? This is a union issue and you're not doing **** about it. I am not a PBA guy, I supported you Jeff, now it's your turn to do the hard work.

First of all, don't shoot the messenger just because you don't like what is said. It really doesn't have anything to do with the union. Now before I go any further, I will say this, I also don't agree with the current practice, but as long as FDLE is investigating our shootings, this will become the current practice. So yes, you are correct it was a PAST practice.....as in the past. Now just from a layman's point of view I'll explain why. If BSO brings someone back in three days because they feel it was a good shoot, what happens if FDLE decides it's not? Or lets say BSO doesn't bring someone back because they felt it wasn't a good shoot, then FDLE says it was justified...then what? Either way do you think the upper echelon of BSO want to deal with that? In case you haven't noticed it's not about what's best for the deputies. So with that said, BSO will treat every situation the same until the investigation is over. Also, FDLE is only doing the investigation, it will still be up to the Grand Jury to clear the deputy since the SAO sends all police involved shooting to them. Heaven forbid Satz actually make a decision on his own. But if he did that he wouldn't be a true politician pandering to all the groups out there.....BLM comes to mind when thinking of Satz.

01-03-2017, 11:06 PM
First of all, don't shoot the messenger just because you don't like what is said. It really doesn't have anything to do with the union. Now before I go any further, I will say this, I also don't agree with the current practice, but as long as FDLE is investigating our shootings, this will become the current practice. So yes, you are correct it was a PAST practice.....as in the past. Now just from a layman's point of view I'll explain why. If BSO brings someone back in three days because they feel it was a good shoot, what happens if FDLE decides it's not? Or lets say BSO doesn't bring someone back because they felt it wasn't a good shoot, then FDLE says it was justified...then what? Either way do you think the upper echelon of BSO want to deal with that? In case you haven't noticed it's not about what's best for the deputies. So with that said, BSO will treat every situation the same until the investigation is over. Also, FDLE is only doing the investigation, it will still be up to the Grand Jury to clear the deputy since the SAO sends all police involved shooting to them. Heaven forbid Satz actually make a decision on his own. But if he did that he wouldn't be a true politician pandering to all the groups out there.....BLM comes to mind when thinking of Satz.

We're talking in circles. Who gives a shit about fdle, unless there is credible evidence of wrong doing, these guys should be back to work. Otherwise, we are leaving it up to other people to make political decisions on the fate of these deputies, NOT legal decisions. In case you haven't figured it out yet, Mike Satz has no interest in the word justice. He's only interested in votes that have corrupted his vision. Peraza is all the proof you need. Satz is crooked. Go ahead and hang another deputy on BS charges. It will be the end of IUPA and you will have a full rebellion to deal with. This is ****!n bullsh!t and you guys know it and your laying down on your backs on the first date. I'm having buyer's remorse on you guys.

01-03-2017, 11:56 PM
We're talking in circles. Who gives a shit about fdle, unless there is credible evidence of wrong doing, these guys should be back to work. Otherwise, we are leaving it up to other people to make political decisions on the fate of these deputies, NOT legal decisions. In case you haven't figured it out yet, Mike Satz has no interest in the word justice. He's only interested in votes that have corrupted his vision. Peraza is all the proof you need. Satz is crooked. Go ahead and hang another deputy on BS charges. It will be the end of IUPA and you will have a full rebellion to deal with. This is ****!n bullsh!t and you guys know it and your laying down on your backs on the first date. I'm having buyer's remorse on you guys.

Yes, because the PBA is a stand up union.....not! With the PBA it's all about the union officials and what they can gain out of it, not the members. You bash IUPA because you say they aren't doing enough, yet they are doing more than the PBA, unfortunately the PBA set the bar so low you as members (I'm still a PBA member at the moment) expect everything immediately. Look it took the PBA 20 years to screw everything up, at least give IUPA a little time to fix it.

01-04-2017, 05:01 PM
Past practice was 3 day minimum of being out. It NEVER said you must be returned. You brag about the PBA, why haven't they said anything about Castor not returning ???

01-05-2017, 01:20 PM
Past practice was 3 day minimum of being out. It NEVER said you must be returned. You brag about the PBA, why haven't they said anything about Castor not returning ???

It doesn't matter what was said, all that matters is what was done. And what was done in the past is barring some wrongdoing you're back in three days or soon thereafter. Management can not change a past practice without first bargaining with the union. So either our union doesn't know this or they are too lazy to do their job. Which is it?

01-05-2017, 02:01 PM
It doesn't matter what was said, all that matters is what was done. And what was done in the past is barring some wrongdoing you're back in three days or soon thereafter. Management can not change a past practice without first bargaining with the union. So either our union doesn't know this or they are too lazy to do their job. Which is it?

This is why the PBA lost, you guys just don't get it. All you want to do is point the finger at someone else. If you were part of the solution instead of part of the problem, you wouldn't be in the predicament that you are currently in.

01-05-2017, 02:12 PM
This is why the PBA lost, you guys just don't get it. All you want to do is point the finger at someone else. If you were part of the solution instead of part of the problem, you wouldn't be in the predicament that you are currently in.

I voted fot IUPA dumbazz. Why isn't IUPA holding management to the bargaining table on paat practice? Just answer it.

01-05-2017, 02:18 PM
This is why the PBA lost, you guys just don't get it. All you want to do is point the finger at someone else. If you were part of the solution instead of part of the problem, you wouldn't be in the predicament that you are currently in.

I voted fot IUPA dumbazz. Why isn't IUPA holding management to the bargaining table on paat practice? Just answer it.

Past Practice can NOT be changed by Management without bargaining with the union. This absolutely is a collective bargaining issue and I would like to know why that has not been done. It's never too late to do your job.

01-05-2017, 03:35 PM
First of all, don't shoot the messenger just because you don't like what is said. It really doesn't have anything to do with the union. Now before I go any further, I will say this, I also don't agree with the current practice, but as long as FDLE is investigating our shootings, this will become the current practice. So yes, you are correct it was a PAST practice.....as in the past. Now just from a layman's point of view I'll explain why. If BSO brings someone back in three days because they feel it was a good shoot, what happens if FDLE decides it's not? Or lets say BSO doesn't bring someone back because they felt it wasn't a good shoot, then FDLE says it was justified...then what? Either way do you think the upper echelon of BSO want to deal with that? In case you haven't noticed it's not about what's best for the deputies. So with that said, BSO will treat every situation the same until the investigation is over. Also, FDLE is only doing the investigation, it will still be up to the Grand Jury to clear the deputy since the SAO sends all police involved shooting to them. Heaven forbid Satz actually make a decision on his own. But if he did that he wouldn't be a true politician pandering to all the groups out there.....BLM comes to mind when thinking of Satz.

You're right it's not about what's best for the deputies. Thats why we have a union. That's why it's up to you to put us on a level playing field. Honestly Jeff, this should have been sitting on a desk in Tallahassee months ago. This isn't the minor leagues, this is the prime time.. Either perform or take a seat. Oh, and by the way, I supported you Jeff because I know your heart is in the right place. But really, I can't fault the Sheriff, his job is different from yours. Your job is to represent our interests. He has to represent everyone's interests. But really these guys didn't do a damn thing wrong and your just letting them sit out for months and I'm sorry but that's not right. There has to be balnce. And frankly, management is handing you your hat.