View Full Version : Details Rates

12-27-2016, 07:32 PM
Detail Rates: $57 hourly take home $43 out of the ($14) detail office gets 3-4 lets go with ($4) per hr, I was told FRS gets $9 per hr (if incorrect do update) appx $1 per hr unaccounted for. @ $53 hourly take home $38 out of the ($15) detail gets ($4), FRS at $9 per hr $2 per hr unaccounted for. $43 hourly take home at $31 if the FRS is truely $9 per hour meaning in this example detail office gets $3 per hour. If anyone knows the updated hourly rate per dept do share.

12-27-2016, 09:49 PM
Shut up asshole

12-27-2016, 11:03 PM
Your moma #####

12-28-2016, 01:03 AM
Detail Rates: $57 hourly take home $43 out of the ($14) detail office gets 3-4 lets go with ($4) per hr, I was told FRS gets $9 per hr (if incorrect do update) appx $1 per hr unaccounted for. @ $53 hourly take home $38 out of the ($15) detail gets ($4), FRS at $9 per hr $2 per hr unaccounted for. $43 hourly take home at $31 if the FRS is truely $9 per hour meaning in this example detail office gets $3 per hour. If anyone knows the updated hourly rate per dept do share.

Refer to the memo IUPA sent out with all the breakdowns. Always looking to start stuff before contacting HR or the detail office. Just remember, this time last year, details were 37. The majority are now 57 and 52 with regular details at 43. Thank you IUPA !!!!!

12-28-2016, 01:24 AM
Sounds like a 18,000 ccn who got 1 Court detail and is crying like a baby...shut up and be lucky the pie was shared down there......

12-28-2016, 03:00 AM
Yea but the FRS amount is not set & they can go has high as they want that need to get looked at!

12-28-2016, 03:37 AM
Yea but the FRS amount is not set & they can go has high as they want that need to get looked at!

Consider yourself nominated!!!!

12-28-2016, 03:38 PM
I have been around a elwhile now and have spoken to other departments about their details. Take a detail where there is no $10 patrolling fee for example. Detail office takes $5 an hour out of my detail when I'm sitting in a bank, library, jewelry store, courthouse, etc... the detail office does the same amount of work and supply cost if my detail is 3 hours or 12. I don't understand why they get $60 if I choose to work it 12 hours. It should be a flat 3 hour (our minimum rate) of $15 per detail . This fee needs to be seriously looked at by IUPA.

12-28-2016, 05:59 PM
I think that money that everyone is saying is unaccounted for goes to the salary of the 4 people that work there. Even the employer contributions gets paid by that. Or I could be weonf

12-28-2016, 08:57 PM
For the few who refuse to read the information that was already sent out agency wide.

When you work a detail, $8 plus comes out of your slip before it ever hits payroll in order to send to the FRS. Another $5 comes out too. The majority of the $5 per hour goes to the govt for taxes. When the $8 plus per hour is sent to the FRS, it has not been cycled through payroll yet so FICA taxes are still owed. That is where the majority of the $5 hour fee goes. Another portion goes towards paying for the extra wear and tear of the car and gas. When BSO agreed to give you a car, it was to drive around town running errands. It was never intended for someone to drive an extra 10-30k miles a year to make extra money. Less than a dollar an hour goes towards the detail office and that covers supplies too. Each time the detail rate goes up, the $5 per hour rate will go up too because more payroll taxes BSO has to pay.

12-28-2016, 10:04 PM
I thought the detail fee went to Jens new RV or her new Mercedes she got for Xmas. I wonder what some deputies gave the detail office ladies for the holidays