View Full Version : Why do they allow IA investigators to drop off their kids at school in a city veh.

12-06-2016, 05:45 AM
I see it everyday, Mon - Friday the same IA investigator passing by my house dropping off her there kid at school. Who is watching these people.

12-06-2016, 06:08 AM
Take pictures prove it make a case

12-06-2016, 08:58 AM
Aren't the IA investigators supposed to be our departments very best.
Aren't they personally hand picked by the Chief of police?
Aren't they supposed to have clean records with the highest professional & ethical standards.

Oh I forgot family and friends plan
Cover up and corruption

12-06-2016, 11:36 AM
And the problem is? I always dropped my kids and their friends off at school in the city car. Isn't that what the car and city gas is for?

12-06-2016, 12:53 PM
And the problem is? I always dropped my kids and their friends off at school in the city car. Isn't that what the car and city gas is for?

Well the problem is that it's against DO and if you do it you would get a heavy penalty.

12-06-2016, 02:55 PM
Well the problem is that it's against DO and if you do it you would get a heavy penalty.

Ask Erik Smith and Paule Villard who got nailed for dropping off their kids at school in their city cars.

I've always been disgusted with the double standard with IA. Nailing officers for speeding then blowing my doors off on the 874, etc. it's time for their major who I've always known to be an honorable person to hold his people to a higher standard.

12-06-2016, 03:40 PM
First thing they should do is clean house. You have to much family and friends investigators there.

12-06-2016, 04:18 PM
Yeah like the Maritza Alfonso accidental shooting of her hand. Everyone knows she was at Applebees drinking on duty.
Cover up Cover up Cover up

Check her credit card records
Tx Messages
phone and towers gbs
P sheet change
Sun pass tolls
Since this was reported as a on duty injury
Check her Medical records including blood work results
Check the intake nurse observations records what did she observed
Why wasn't she given a drug or alcohol test?
If that was me or you we would had been fired.
Look at the scene pictures she was so intoxicated that she parked in her brothers command parking.

This was a cover up because of her brother being the commander. This woman has no place being in The department especially in internal affairs. She is known to cover up sh.t.
That's Why when Crespo exposed she was part of the missing gun investigation they moved her out immediately.
Re interview witnesses ask them the real questions.

This costed the City hundreds of thousands of dollars

Like the man says

It's Miami *****es

12-06-2016, 07:08 PM
Yeah like the Maritza Alfonso accidental shooting of her hand. Everyone knows she was at Applebees drinking on duty.
Cover up Cover up Cover up

Check her credit card records
Tx Messages
phone and towers gbs
P sheet change
Sun pass tolls
Since this was reported as a on duty injury
Check her Medical records including blood work results
Check the intake nurse observations records what did she observed
Why wasn't she given a drug or alcohol test?
If that was me or you we would had been fired.
Look at the scene pictures she was so intoxicated that she parked in her brothers command parking.

This was a cover up because of her brother being the commander. This woman has no place being in The department especially in internal affairs. She is known to cover up sh.t.
That's Why when Crespo exposed she was part of the missing gun investigation they moved her out immediately.
Re interview witnesses ask them the real questions.

This costed the City hundreds of thousands of dollars

Like the man says

It's Miami *****es

Theirs so many stories like this, in this place.. that I can write a book. Then these staff members walk around here like we don't know any of their dirt.

12-06-2016, 10:24 PM
The Swinks are the masters of a cover up, they even had a sgt transferred to patrol cause he told her to stop.

12-06-2016, 10:44 PM
Do as we say not as we do.

12-07-2016, 01:14 AM
Yeah like the Maritza Alfonso accidental shooting of her hand. Everyone knows she was at Applebees drinking on duty.
Cover up Cover up Cover up

Check her credit card records
Tx Messages
phone and towers gbs
P sheet change
Sun pass tolls
Since this was reported as a on duty injury
Check her Medical records including blood work results
Check the intake nurse observations records what did she observed
Why wasn't she given a drug or alcohol test?
If that was me or you we would had been fired.
Look at the scene pictures she was so intoxicated that she parked in her brothers command parking.

This was a cover up because of her brother being the commander. This woman has no place being in The department especially in internal affairs. She is known to cover up sh.t.
That's Why when Crespo exposed she was part of the missing gun investigation they moved her out immediately.
Re interview witnesses ask them the real questions.

This costed the City hundreds of thousands of dollars

Like the man says

It's Miami *****es

Eventually the truth will come out. Now the only question I have is who's going to go to jail and loss their job.

12-09-2016, 01:46 PM
Well the problem is that it's against DO and if you do it you would get a heavy penalty.

Not if you're on the F & F plan. I don't have any worries.

12-09-2016, 03:49 PM
Panky is on the case he will resolve the issue soon

12-09-2016, 03:57 PM
I would like to be an IA investigator but i have 17 controls in 2 and a half years i been here, also 3 complains. Can i still make it?

12-09-2016, 04:52 PM
Only if your part of the family and friend plan. The level of corruption in this place is so out of control.