View Full Version : How is Miami Pd still afloat??

11-17-2016, 03:24 AM
Let me get this straight... The DOJ hit you with some agreement mandate due to a series of serious use of force issues, had a sergeant fired then rehired and promoted after lying on official arrest documents, a ghetto porn star who after that scandal broke got to keep her job only to get fired for also falsified paperwork, rehired two other worthless cops back because your IA can't figure out how to be proper investigators... Mind you the same investigators who are now fumbling with a "who done it" involving 8 missing firearms from a "secure" property vault. With the lead investigator who is one of the most unprofessional and vulgar liers at at MPD Several instances of subordinates sleeping with supervisors and staff member affairs. Let us not forget a FOP "president" who prides himself as being ignorant and obnoxious as reality show cast member. Who was promoted to a position of leadership while regularly proving he couldn't lead himself out of a wet paper bag. Officers just barely off probation, working as FTO's A deputy chief who is a few cards shy of a full deck in a constant state of undermining the chief. A chief who was held past his retirement AS A REWARD for "exemplary leadership" because the city leadership "didn't want to have turmoil with a revolving command staff" only to create turmoil by having a chief that has driven your departments credibility straight into the ground. However that's call it what it really is, a city council that is too damn lazy and apathetic to search for someone with a demonstrateda true level of professionalism and integrity. Then once Llanes's errors in leadership are revealed, resulting in the tainting of over 500 Homicide cases through indisputable, documented evidence, with his signatures all over it, he shows a degree of unprecedented ignorance by attempting to lie as if he believes we the public are dumber than he is. Furthermore multiple items were identified concerning the alarming issues with the MPD property unit over the course of 5 years. Not one was fixed until after this latest story leaked and even then only the container issue was addressed and done so incorrectly. You seriously can't make this stuff up. There is a multi million dollar book just waiting to be written about the daily blunders that is the MPD. Get it together, right now you are by far one of the most ineffective law enforcement agencies in America.

11-17-2016, 05:22 AM
Wow! You got it 100% right. I'm surprise your very inform. Only problem is that the city manager and commissioner will do nothing about it.

Now having said that I guarantee you something big will happen soon. This place is running rampant. Either some young rookie is going to accidentally kill someone or some major corruption will appear.

11-17-2016, 01:52 PM
This place will never change

11-17-2016, 04:46 PM
We have guys that got their education from watching the sapranos running this place

11-17-2016, 05:13 PM
You are forgetting the so called union president has been caught lying several times and the SAO refused to investigate. He also has more lawsuits pending against him than any other officer in the city of miami.

Is this a criminal organization or law enforcement?

11-17-2016, 05:35 PM
Don't worry we have some young cops coming in and the old farts will be out the door soon...

11-17-2016, 07:13 PM
The only way for this department to change. Is to bring a professional police chief, with the experience an education and let him or her choose the entire staff. Even if it means bring in outsiders from other departments. To fill staff positions. As long as you have city hall, picking those in rank. We will always have trouble. They should only have a say on who the chief is and nothing more. Everyone blames, everyone else here for something. Instead of taking responsibility. The new guys want to be noticed and have all the answers. Like get rid of the old frats. How the moron who made this statement got on here. Shows we really lower our standards. That should piss him off and send him over the edge with replies. Honesty, I'm surprised DOJ. Hasn't done anything to correct this place in the 30 years I've been here. Sure we get a slap on the hands once in a great while by them. Then it's back to business as usual. The leadership, find officer that violated some department rule and fire them to appease the DOJ. Yet, the same thing some are getting fired for. Many on staff did and do. Yet it's overlooked. Our union has no backbone! We all see it. Live it and know it. It's our own fault for letting it go on for so long. No, I'm not running or interested in a union position, so save it. Everyone's worried about there own piece of the pie and can care less over the next guy. The infighting and backstabbing that's go's on here is unbelievable. People get put into unit's not on experience but whom their sleeping with or ratting on. I try not to sit in judgement of my fellow officers, were human and make mistakes. Yet I can see why those that been here awhile are the way that they are. Race! OMG, I have to say we are the most racist department in all of Florida. Not against the community. Against each other. We promote people based on the racial makeup of the community. Stupid doesn't even get it justice. More then half of staff doesn't have a clue on what their doing or how to go about running a major unit. Just produce number (arrest) and all is alright. That's how we are judged here. On how many arrest we can make. Tickets we can write. I liked the post MPD should be disbanded. It will never happen. Yet one could dream.

11-17-2016, 11:04 PM
How is Miami P.P. still afloat. We have a bunch of Cuban rafter. Running this place.

11-17-2016, 11:11 PM
How is Miami P.P. still afloat. We have a bunch of Cuban rafter. Running this place.

If they can turn a car into a boat, float over on inner tubs tied together and the countless other ways. Thi splace will remain above water.

11-18-2016, 07:55 PM
All the things that have been stated are correct, but when the Police Department Command Staff is either afraid or just doesn't care (it's about what I can get) nothing will change for the better. The Unit that is charged with investigating and keeping MPD out of trouble, have been given commanders by the Chief or City Hall that shouldn't be in charge of the parking lot. Example Sanches for those who are young, he should have been terminated for an incident from his K-9 days (ask around), then Alfonso..do I have to say anything more and currently Rodriguez who as a Police Officer could only work south, because he was afraid and never did any police work. He became a Sergeant and did the school work of a Assistant Chief and was assigned to Internal Affairs. He will never make a decision against the Chief, even if it's correct afraid. I could go on and on about each and every Staff Member, that the only thing that counts are Friend and Family Plan or you are the right color. It's sad that the Department has several individuals, who would be qualified to hold a Staff Member position, but just not on the right team. Don't get more wrong when I say color, because the white Assistant Chief is smart; but has NO BALLS and will do anything to keep or get promoted.

The change has to stated at City Hall with a NEW Mayor(not a current commissioner) and then we will see changes, just like when Manny Diaz was Mayor.

So as a group we need to push the Union in this direction.

If anyone has an idea how we can make MPD better or great, please post.

LOL--If you know where the guns are please return them to keep the FBI out....