View Full Version : TRUMP HAS WON!!!!!!! Stupid, liberal, whiney crybabies can go to hell!

11-12-2016, 11:04 PM
There is a God!!!!! Trump has won!!!! No more Obama!!! HA HA HA!!! It is almost over! The eight years of our terrorist, rioter, cop killer loving president has come to an end! We will not have to put up with welfare sucking ,crime committing dirtbags and illegal aliens. Too bad all of them will have to work for a living now! I hope Trump makes all of these low life parasites build that WALL!!!! All of you butt hurt crybabies need to chill out.

We have won The Presidency, The House, and The Senate! I cannot wait to the house cleaning begins. And the coming investigations will be a sight to behold! All of you Hillaryites and Obamaites can go to hell. Now run along and burn, loot and riot!!!!!

P.S If black lives matter, why do you all keep killing each other?

Ricardo A Tubbs
11-12-2016, 11:23 PM
That's a very good question. Answer one for me. Why have there been more whites arrested than blacks during these post election protests and riots? I'll be waiting

11-12-2016, 11:35 PM
That's a very good question. Answer one for me. Why have there been more whites arrested than blacks during these post election protests and riots? I'll be waiting

Because LA, Oakland, Portland, and New York are all run by bleeding heart liberals that are afraid to arrest blacks and show the world how these savages really are! Also the media lies and makes false statements all of the time. They will do anything to make whites look bad! Now run along and quit being a whiney *****! You era is just about over! Justice has been served!

11-12-2016, 11:47 PM
That's a very good question. Answer one for me. Why have there been more whites arrested than blacks during these post election protests and riots? I'll be waiting

Hey dumbazz, this has noting to do with race, as you know.....

I am just glad that there were enough piszed off patriots to send the lying, thieving, liberal anarchists packing. I didn't see any riots when O'Bama slithered into the WH eight LONG years ago. I guess those people had to work.

These vengeful members of the Democrat party are doing us a favor. They are reminding us that there is no middle ground in their agenda. Any opposition to their obvious superiority is illegitimate, and therefore its proponents deserving of punishment.

11-13-2016, 12:45 AM
There is a God!!!!! Trump has won!!!! No more Obama!!! HA HA HA!!! It is almost over! The eight years of our terrorist, rioter, cop killer loving president has come to an end! We will not have to put up with welfare sucking ,crime committing dirtbags and illegal aliens. Too bad all of them will have to work for a living now! I hope Trump makes all of these low life parasites build that WALL!!!! All of you butt hurt crybabies need to chill out.

We have won The Presidency, The House, and The Senate! I cannot wait to the house cleaning begins. And the coming investigations will be a sight to behold! All of you Hillaryites and Obamaites can go to hell. Now run along and burn, loot and riot!!!!!

P.S If black lives matter, why do you all keep killing each other?

I hears Rapper Ric Ross Is giving the obamas a copy of his song " I puts a molly in her drink an she aint even know it" as a going away gift!!

11-13-2016, 02:48 AM
Thank G*d that we finally have a racist, xenophobic, sexist, narcissist in the White House! He has a long history of taking care of the working class and supporting unions. He is our savior! Trump will force the thugs to stop killing us and help us to support our families. Funny thing about lower taxes, there is less money to pay government employees. Good job voting against our own interests, white males who hate minorities!

11-13-2016, 03:11 AM
Bowel movements matter!

11-13-2016, 02:06 PM
Thank G*d that we finally have a racist, xenophobic, sexist, narcissist in the White House! He has a long history of taking care of the working class and supporting unions. He is our savior! Trump will force the thugs to stop killing us and help us to support our families. Funny thing about lower taxes, there is less money to pay government employees. Good job voting against our own interests, white males who hate minorities!

White males that hate minorities? Blacks have killed and injured far more whites than vice versa. The lying, liberal, pro nig media never reports the truth. People should read the book and watch the documentary "White Girl Bleed A Lot". People are sick and tired of blacks getting their own way. The minute anyone disagrees with you you call them racist. Blacks screw up up everything that they touch. That is why your neighborhoods are crime ridden and filthy! You get all of the State, County, Municipal, and Federal Jobs just because you are black. Then you are lazy and do not even do the job handed to you. You are never disciplined because that would be considered racist! You all show up for work late and then do nothing all day but hang out on Facebook Iming your fellow gold toothed Ooga Boogas!

11-13-2016, 02:18 PM
White males that hate minorities? Blacks have killed and injured far more whites than vice versa. The lying, liberal, pro nig media never reports the truth. People should read the book and watch the documentary "White Girl Bleed A Lot". People are sick and tired of blacks getting their own way. The minute anyone disagrees with you you call them racist. Blacks screw up up everything that they touch. That is why your neighborhoods are crime ridden and filthy! You get all of the State, County, Municipal, and Federal Jobs just because you are black. Then you are lazy and do not even do the job handed to you. You are never disciplined because that would be considered racist! You all show up for work late and then do nothing all day but hang out on Facebook Iming your fellow gold toothed Ooga Boogas!

Why you guys even responds to the most pathetic person here after Stephen Greenbie? Tubbs is a fake profile of a di** sucking cronies that gets paid to be a cheerleader. Ignore that loser.

Ricardo A Tubbs
11-13-2016, 02:49 PM
Still not a fake. Still a deputy and still provoking you dumb azzes. Hahaha

11-13-2016, 04:41 PM
That's a very good question. Answer one for me. Why have there been more whites arrested than blacks during these post election protests and riots? I'll be waiting

They are being paid by the same people who were behind the Trump protests where people were beat up, cars vandalized, and people waving Mexican flags. Most were paid professional agitators. If you recall most were white with some black lives matter people. Stop your race baiting.

11-13-2016, 04:56 PM

11-14-2016, 02:12 AM
There is a God!!!!! Trump has won!!!! No more Obama!!! HA HA HA!!! It is almost over! The eight years of our terrorist, rioter, cop killer loving president has come to an end! We will not have to put up with welfare sucking ,crime committing dirtbags and illegal aliens. Too bad all of them will have to work for a living now! I hope Trump makes all of these low life parasites build that WALL!!!! All of you butt hurt crybabies need to chill out.

We have won The Presidency, The House, and The Senate! I cannot wait to the house cleaning begins. And the coming investigations will be a sight to behold! All of you Hillaryites and Obamaites can go to hell. Now run along and burn, loot and riot!!!!!

P.S If black lives matter, why do you all keep killing each other?

BOLLLLL!! It kills me how incredibly happy u so called republicans are. REALITY CHECK...if you go to work to make money u r a WANNA BE REPUBLICAN! If your money makes money while awake and asleep u r a REAL republican! I can't wait to sit and watch u blue collar wanna be republican idiots suffer at the hands of our new president. P.S. I actually think trump is going to very well as president. HAHAHAHAHA!!

11-14-2016, 04:32 AM
BOLLLLL!! It kills me how incredibly happy u so called republicans are. REALITY CHECK...if you go to work to make money u r a WANNA BE REPUBLICAN! If your money makes money while awake and asleep u r a REAL republican! I can't wait to sit and watch u blue collar wanna be republican idiots suffer at the hands of our new president. P.S. I actually think trump is going to very well as president. HAHAHAHAHA!!

THANK YOU!! Finally!! Someone SAID IT!!! Financially..Republican = your money MAKING money! NOTHING MORE OR LESS. Anything less is a "wannabe" a "hope to be one day"