View Full Version : Hiring standards lowered

11-10-2016, 11:05 PM
A 20 year old "yes 20 years old" African American, Gay "yes another gay deputy" BSO Deputy arrested for sexual assault on a man. Israel has lowered the hiring standards and look what the fukk we are getting. I wonder who really hired him and who he was related to ?
His name is Trazell "yes Trazell" McLeod. 20 years old and this guy has already graduated the policy academy.
Yes Sheriff keep lowering the hiring standards and hire the Pastors Godchildren (chillrens) and family.

Watch. http://www.local10.com/

11-10-2016, 11:29 PM
Looks like he has packed more fudge than the Keebler elves!

11-10-2016, 11:47 PM
Absoulutely unfreaking belivable! Heads should roll on this hire!

11-11-2016, 02:03 AM
So who's at fault for the white deputy who was getting high on duty? Stop with the racist stuff

11-11-2016, 02:13 AM
Does he like nuts in his fudge??? I do

11-11-2016, 02:48 AM
Best sheriff ever! We need more gay deputies!


11-11-2016, 05:25 AM
20 years old wow.... I wonder how many people they Dq for the smallest crap to hire this kid. BSO hire applicants 25 years and over, life experience is a plus!!! College or Military!!! You're a Broward Sheriff's Office not Sweetwater Police.

11-11-2016, 05:51 AM
Coming soon! Are you gay? Transgender? Bisexual? Not sure? Please come to our job fair this weekend. Free turkeys and ice cream cones with rainbows balloons to the first 100 people!

11-11-2016, 08:30 AM
Affirmative action hires at their finest. Shows how well those psych tests work. Hahaha.

11-11-2016, 10:29 AM
Looks like he has packed more fudge than the Keebler elves!

I'm sorry, this was a pretty funny comment

11-11-2016, 10:55 AM
ask LT G why he wasn't fired after his poor performance in the academy

11-11-2016, 12:25 PM
while this is a witch slap in the face of bso and as usual bso has never had a period of time w/o egg on it's face.
there are gay deputy's ( known - out and unknown - keeps their business to them selves ) with all the time this kid
spent in the explorer's and during the back ground check, how much info was known before he was hired that did not send up flags ? can't pin the blame on a democrat sheriff ,let alone a republican sheriff - each one has enough nonsense in their tenure they can'y be proud of the agency or their time in office.
hopefully bso hires a better crew in h.r. sworn or unsworn so this will not happen again.

11-11-2016, 01:36 PM
Him and Blewiess should be a two man unit!!!!!! LOL!!!

11-11-2016, 02:58 PM
Probation is for weeding out problems. This guy got past backgrounds, psych, graduated academy. If the signs were so obvious, you loser morons, it would have been detected then. And anyone who knows BSO knows the Sheriff doesn't ever get involved in hiring cadets/rookie deputies. Way below his pay grade. Only some loser civilian would suggest something so stupid.

11-11-2016, 03:12 PM
This has nothing to do with being gay and everything to do with proper screening, minimum standards, and thorough background checks. To those idiots saying its about being gay, what do you have to say about the Costa disaster? Whats that? You have nothing to say about it? Figures...

11-11-2016, 03:53 PM
This has nothing to do with being gay and everything to do with proper screening, minimum standards, and thorough background checks. To those idiots saying its about being gay, what do you have to say about the Costa disaster? Whats that? You have nothing to say about it? Figures...

How about blow boy Bleiwess. Was he an isolated incident too??

11-11-2016, 04:01 PM
gay - open- good looking = no problem

gay-open-unattractive = problem

gay- known/ plain jane = no problem

d.o.d. had one that was gay and brought in mcdonalds for a locked up potential boyfriend ,
his gass was booted to the unemployment line.

11-11-2016, 08:01 PM
HR turned him down as an applicant. The marching orders came right from Sierra 1. He is the grandson of the Pastor from Mt.Olive Baptist church.

11-11-2016, 08:23 PM
Previously, he was employed at Kilwin's Chocolates in Lauderdale By The Sea, as a fudge packer.

11-11-2016, 08:35 PM
HR turned him down as an applicant. The marching orders came right from Sierra 1. He is the grandson of the Pastor from Mt.Olive Baptist church.

Total BS. On all these "facts"

11-11-2016, 08:40 PM
Here's the problem.....those of us that have been around for a while were hired under stricter guidelines. That's not saying a few who shouldn't have been hired didn't make it past all the checks and balances. In today's environment, public perception, and the fact that our pensions keep getting worse, thank you Governor for that one, only a few follow their passion for a career in law enforcement. Look at our agency, we r so understaffed in almost all the districts, jails, and comm center that we r forced to lower our standards to fill positions. All that does is hurt us (the workers), the community, and the agency; bc now we have to lower the standards to fill positions. Now, where someone's head should roll is the person that decided to wait until the last minute to hire for the positions we absolutely knew we were going to need filled.....hello more than 200 people went into the DROP around the same time. Did we think they were kidding or not leaving? So bc of that we get this BS. Although I do agree the probation period weeds some of them out.

11-12-2016, 12:00 AM
Here's the problem.....those of us that have been around for a while were hired under stricter guidelines. That's not saying a few who shouldn't have been hired didn't make it past all the checks and balances. In today's environment, public perception, and the fact that our pensions keep getting worse, thank you Governor for that one, only a few follow their passion for a career in law enforcement. Look at our agency, we r so understaffed in almost all the districts, jails, and comm center that we r forced to lower our standards to fill positions. All that does is hurt us (the workers), the community, and the agency; bc now we have to lower the standards to fill positions. Now, where someone's head should roll is the person that decided to wait until the last minute to hire for the positions we absolutely knew we were going to need filled.....hello more than 200 people went into the DROP around the same time. Did we think they were kidding or not leaving? So bc of that we get this BS. Although I do agree the probation period weeds some of them out.

Dude looks like Fat Albert.

11-12-2016, 01:11 AM
Go away Carl

11-12-2016, 10:05 AM
This little Queen Bee,Butterfly,Tooth Fairy Deputy McLeod is a Deputy at 20 years of age carrying a gun (also carrying a ****** fetish). He had to be 19 when hired, as it took time to complete the hiring process, attend the police academy and the FTO program. Maybe even 18 yoa. In this disfunctional place nothing surprises me. Don't tell me the fix was not in on this hire. It has the smell of political influence peddling all over it. This guys on the street threatening to plant drugs on an innocent person if the innocent person won't let this fudge boy suck him off. There are more scandals in the last four years than in the entire history of BSO. This used to be a great agency what the hell happened ? Male deputies committing sexual battery's on male civilians, minority (Hispanic) deputy driving around with all his illegal narcotics in his marked unit.
Why the big push to hire queers ? Then they start a conversion process "Ditch the ***** and make the switch" What everyone needs to see as all these political and friends hired don't care. The figure they are here for eight years and getting fat on the extra $$$$. We are the laughing stock of LE Agencies.
Why are our hiring standards so low ? Why aren't we looking at a terrible jailer who goes from Deputy to Captain overnight and buys a 1.3 million dollar home ? I'm going to collect my check, connect to McDonalds Wi-Fi and watch NetFlix.
I'm just very cautious about my male co-workers. I look at each one and wonder what their sexual orientation is. Now this days nothing surprises me.
Why the big push for minorites that don't meet standards ? Placing a gun in the hands of a 19 yr old queer who is trusted to make life and death decisions WTF !!

11-12-2016, 11:55 AM
This little Queen Bee,Butterfly,Tooth Fairy Deputy McLeod is a Deputy at 20 years of age carrying a gun (also carrying a ****** fetish). He had to be 19 when hired, as it took time to complete the hiring process, attend the police academy and the FTO program. Maybe even 18 yoa. In this disfunctional place nothing surprises me. Don't tell me the fix was not in on this hire. It has the smell of political influence peddling all over it. This guys on the street threatening to plant drugs on an innocent person if the innocent person won't let this fudge boy suck him off. There are more scandals in the last four years than in the entire history of BSO. This used to be a great agency what the hell happened ? Male deputies committing sexual battery's on male civilians, minority (Hispanic) deputy driving around with all his illegal narcotics in his marked unit.
Why the big push to hire queers ? Then they start a conversion process "Ditch the ***** and make the switch" What everyone needs to see as all these political and friends hired don't care. The figure they are here for eight years and getting fat on the extra $$$$. We are the laughing stock of LE Agencies.
Why are our hiring standards so low ? Why aren't we looking at a terrible jailer who goes from Deputy to Captain overnight and buys a 1.3 million dollar home ? I'm going to collect my check, connect to McDonalds Wi-Fi and watch NetFlix.
I'm just very cautious about my male co-workers. I look at each one and wonder what their sexual orientation is. Now this days nothing surprises me.
Why the big push for minorites that don't meet standards ? Placing a gun in the hands of a 19 yr old queer who is trusted to make life and death decisions WTF !!

while a lot of your writing is true, the x rated antic's or criminal activity are not restricted to anyone who is gay.
there are or were a handful that worked for the agency who kept their business to themselves and they worked out great.
we as a society are working with/ raising a different generation of boys and girls that will reach adulthood soon and
lot's are already at the age for the job market and some see law enforcement/ corrections as a viable career where all
there lives they been told all sorts of things about being 'out and proud' ' I wanna be who I am '. etc.
and this is what has surfaced but the x rated antic of str8/ married with children is often given a free pass.
I don't have the answer to this situation, but a lot of info is given out by the potential ' cop' at time of employment,
' president of his school lgbt club'...etc.
one gay guy asked me once if he could be openly gay and still be a deputy...( back in the 90's ) , my answer was direct to the point....the sheriff does not pay you to be gay, nor do you swear a oath of office to be gay 1st then a cop 2nd,
if that's the case being a police officer is not for you, of course the doosh bag was a typical snippy, snap his fingers whiney gay. I don't see it getting any better either, as far as I can tell the ones bso has now that are open seem to be
doing there jobs and no embarrassing the agency.

11-12-2016, 02:19 PM
McLeod wasn't hired as a "gay deputy" for some diversity agenda. Nobody even knew he was gay. Ask the other deputies he worked with. Was a total closet case.

11-12-2016, 05:19 PM
when he was in the explorer program, he was known as ' big shirley'.

11-12-2016, 06:06 PM
Looks like Rupaul!!!

11-13-2016, 02:19 PM
Obama just invited him to The White House!

11-14-2016, 12:50 PM
Our agency foes not require the TABE test. This is how and why we are getting many people who cant read or write. But the TABE test would not have stopped this guy. So we have to rely on good old fashion background checks. I am sure this one was missed.

11-14-2016, 12:59 PM
What's the latest on Fudgie the Whale?

11-15-2016, 05:57 AM
I wonder If RT in communications took that thing for a ride.

11-15-2016, 03:57 PM
The floodgates were opened when people who were recommended by HR to NOT BE HIRED, got hired. Don Maines, a coke dealing 5 time arrestee was hired because he juggles Bergerons hemorrhoids and plays the sheriff of Bergeron Land out there in Weston.

Gilberto Montalvo was allowed unfettered access to photo bomb the Sheriff anytime he wanted, they finally got rid of that sig. 20 parasite, but Maines is allowed to collect 80K per year as a drug counselor but all he does is ride his horsey and play like he runs the mounted unit when there is not a "paid" mounted unit at BSO anymore.

The sheriff, unfortunately, will be remembered for his "political hires" that defied the background checks that even Al Lamberti had enough sense to adhere to the hiring guidelines.

11-16-2016, 01:46 AM
I think you're wrong. The Sheriff won't be remembered for a bunch of guys he hired that 99% of employees couldn't pick out in a six pack. He will be remembered as the guy who whipped Lambertis butt and then defended his title against Lambertis minions. You 28ers please go away. It's over.

11-16-2016, 12:14 PM
This little Queen Bee,Butterfly,Tooth Fairy Deputy McLeod is a Deputy at 20 years of age carrying a gun (also carrying a ****** fetish). He had to be 19 when hired, as it took time to complete the hiring process, attend the police academy and the FTO program. Maybe even 18 yoa. In this disfunctional place nothing surprises me. Don't tell me the fix was not in on this hire. It has the smell of political influence peddling all over it. This guys on the street threatening to plant drugs on an innocent person if the innocent person won't let this fudge boy suck him off. There are more scandals in the last four years than in the entire history of BSO. This used to be a great agency what the hell happened ? Male deputies committing sexual battery's on male civilians, minority (Hispanic) deputy driving around with all his illegal narcotics in his marked unit.
Why the big push to hire queers ? Then they start a conversion process "Ditch the ***** and make the switch" What everyone needs to see as all these political and friends hired don't care. The figure they are here for eight years and getting fat on the extra $$$$. We are the laughing stock of LE Agencies.
Why are our hiring standards so low ? Why aren't we looking at a terrible jailer who goes from Deputy to Captain overnight and buys a 1.3 million dollar home ? I'm going to collect my check, connect to McDonalds Wi-Fi and watch NetFlix.
I'm just very cautious about my male co-workers. I look at each one and wonder what their sexual orientation is. Now this days nothing surprises me.
Why the big push for minorites that don't meet standards ? Placing a gun in the hands of a 19 yr old queer who is trusted to make life and death decisions WTF !!

Calm down Francis. Just a tad homophobic.

11-17-2016, 09:41 PM
it seems the democrat gay out and proud deputies are going to protest the election of Donald trump and they will
be in full drag at the village pub this Saturday as a meeting point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
capt ira more than likely will be leading this F- TROOP OF impersonators.

11-18-2016, 07:40 AM
Typical YID. What a disgrace to to the LE profession

11-18-2016, 12:34 PM
Fudgie the faggot!!

11-18-2016, 08:19 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2700304]I think you're wrong. The Sheriff won't be remembered for a bunch of guys he hired that 99% of employees couldn't pick out in a six pack. He will be remembered as the guy who whipped Lambertis butt and then defended his title against Lambertis minions. You 28ers please go away. It's over.[/QUOTE

WOW! BSO mentioned on The Kelly File last night! We've made it to the big time! Thanks Fox News!

Ricardo A Tubbs
11-18-2016, 08:59 PM
Wow. You sure are dumb. NOWHERE in that video was BSO mentioned. What he said was his Deputy Director is a "Sheriffs Deputy". He didn't mention a department not once and neither did the anyone else. In your search to hurt BSO you are starting to lose touch with reality. Go away. Dumb azz

11-28-2016, 04:30 AM
The floodgates were opened when people who were recommended by HR to NOT BE HIRED, got hired. Don Maines, a coke dealing 5 time arrestee was hired because he juggles Bergerons hemorrhoids and plays the sheriff of Bergeron Land out there in Weston.

Gilberto Montalvo was allowed unfettered access to photo bomb the Sheriff anytime he wanted, they finally got rid of that sig. 20 parasite, but Maines is allowed to collect 80K per year as a drug counselor but all he does is ride his horsey and play like he runs the mounted unit when there is not a "paid" mounted unit at BSO anymore.

The sheriff, unfortunately, will be remembered for his "political hires" that defied the background checks that even Al Lamberti had enough sense to adhere to the hiring guidelines.

Gilbert Montalvo was a volunteer and he's been working full time for another agency and that's why you don't hear about him. He's making 6 figures, yes 6, much more than you 😂