View Full Version : trump post-election protestors

11-10-2016, 03:43 PM
Oh, by the way,
these are not protestors nor demonstrators.
THEY ARE RIOTING. The difference is-- violence and/or property destruction.
Protestors don't interfere with other people/businesses' daily activities, nor destroy property, nor injure innocent people, nor actively attempt to injure and/or kill "peace keepers (LEO's).
EVERYONE of these people who are engaged in criminal actions, law breakers-- rioters -- need to be arrested, charged, participate in trials, and upon conviction be sentenced to maximum terms of incarceration and FINES. Otherwise, the nation will decline and lose civility like, well, South American nations, Greece, etc.

11-10-2016, 05:54 PM
It's called "rent a riot" and it's being financially orchestrated nationwide. Many (or most?) of the rioters are not even eligible to vote.

11-10-2016, 07:47 PM
One simple question, Who "inherited" the bigger "Mess?" Obama or Trump? I can come up with almost 20 trillion reasons why Trump has his work cut out for him.... Good job Obama....

11-10-2016, 08:20 PM
They are exposing themselves again! I think that many of them are eligible to vote, illegals rioting are the minority imo. They will end up assaulting the wrong person, rioting in the wrong side of town, and they'll win a one way ticket for the cemetery. These people are a disgrace, exactly the kind of idiots who can bring you a dictator and screw a whole nation for decades! Thy couldn't respect rallies, they cannot respect the ballots, but many will continue to call themselves tolerant, peaceful, and intelligent.

11-10-2016, 08:22 PM
One simple question, Who "inherited" the bigger "Mess?" Obama or Trump? I can come up with almost 20 trillion reasons why Trump has his work cut out for him.... Good job Obama....

You are correct. And, let's be realistic, the clinton criminal family and oliar will do everything they can to make bad things happen during Trump's term. I expect that the first major adverse event will be a major, not a little, but perhaps a 1/2 % (50 basis points) increase in short-term interest rates by the Marxist FED chair next month to screw up the financial markets.
IF Trump is smart, he will IMMEDIATELY clean house, I mean CLEAN OUT all of oliar's appointments and hires because they will poison every thing of Trumps. It doesn't matter how dead a snake seems --even after it's head has been cut off with an ax, YOU NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON AN APPARENT DEAD SNAKE.

And, unlike the lies by oliar about problems being Bush's fault, Trumps problems will be caused by the outrageous behaviors of the oliar admin during the previous 8 years.

IRS, DEA, DOJ, FBI, State DHS, etc., ---Donald, get rid of every one of the people in those areas, they will "snake bite" you every chance they get.

11-10-2016, 08:45 PM
You are correct. And, let's be realistic, the clinton criminal family and oliar will do everything they can to make bad things happen during Trump's term. I expect that the first major adverse event will be a major, not a little, but perhaps a 1/2 % (50 basis points) increase in short-term interest rates by the Marxist FED chair next month to screw up the financial markets.
IF Trump is smart, he will IMMEDIATELY clean house, I mean CLEAN OUT all of oliar's appointments and hires because they will poison every thing of Trumps. It doesn't matter how dead a snake seems --even after it's head has been cut off with an ax, YOU NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON AN APPARENT DEAD SNAKE.

And, unlike the lies by oliar about problems being Bush's fault, Trumps problems will be caused by the outrageous behaviors of the oliar admin during the previous 8 years.

IRS, DEA, DOJ, FBI, State DHS, etc., ---Donald, get rid of every one of the people in those areas, they will "snake bite" you every chance they get.

He needs to put a good team together, Christie's name came out in the medias for an important position and I don't trust this guy. Also, Trump needs to be very careful with all the Republicans who dreamed to see him fail. Paul Ryan was very shaky during his speech Tuesday, he needs to be very careful with these snakes, there are Democrats in Congress who are probably more trustworthy than some Republicans.

11-12-2016, 12:20 AM
It's a recurring event. The media hypes it because people tune in and or click on their sites and create ratings / web traffic = $. The underclass gets to throw their massive violent fits every 65-90 days when something doesn't go their way. It's the new America

11-13-2016, 03:47 PM
It's a recurring event. The media hypes it because people tune in and or click on their sites and create ratings / web traffic = $. The underclass gets to throw their massive violent fits every 65-90 days when something doesn't go their way. It's the new America

The media is inciting it. Then you have George Soros who's Moveon.org once again advertising for people to protest and paying them $1500. They have a schedule and everything. It is advertised on Craig's List. Someone showed it to me. Who ever stated that many are ineligible to vote is correct between those underage and those who are here illegally you have a large number of ineligible.

If I were president I would have Soros arrested, shut down moveon.org and arrest those who were encouraging and paying for people rioting cross state lines, those in charge of the media who are promoting it, find out who the protestors are and if they are here illegally detain them and start deportation proceedings, arrest those threatening to kill or have someone else kill Trump, and any of those protestors who are collecting money for protesting while collecting government benefits and not claiming it lose those benefits. That would end it quick. If they just want to peacefully protest on their own which is their right, then they need to get a city permit and do it where they are not obstructing traffic.