View Full Version : The end of Black life Matters

11-09-2016, 09:16 AM
Folks get ready TRUMp will entertain Black life matters.

11-09-2016, 09:17 AM
Folks get ready TRUMp will entertain Black life matters.

Will not entertain

11-09-2016, 01:31 PM
He will not end nothing he is all about the money , why you all want to end it for anyway you scared black peoples scared you

11-09-2016, 02:17 PM
BLM is a terrorist group. Same time next year this will all be indicted

11-09-2016, 02:42 PM
First thing trump needs to do is get his deplorables and education.

11-09-2016, 04:40 PM
First thing trump needs to do is get his deplorables and education.

I guess you don't have an education... it's an* not and comepinga

11-09-2016, 05:57 PM
He will not end nothing he is all about the money , why you all want to end it for anyway you scared black peoples scared you

Try again, and in English this time.

11-10-2016, 03:48 PM
Thing's will change with Trump. Most not for the good of the middle class. Hug, your children close tonight when you get home. If they are of military age now or within the next 4 years he's in office. They will be on a troop transport soon. Most of all don't be the first dummy. To test the theory that Trump is pro police. Only good I see about Trump is maybe our 3rd world city hall and staff will get with the program. My son is home on leave and laughed when Trump won. I thought it was funny too. He said Trump would suspend, the constitution and place himself as President for life. I wonder if any of his children will be appointed cabinet positions or ambassadors. Well, it's done and over with. Let 's just hope for the best and work with what we got. As we always have. Just remember he'll do what's necessary to get a 2nd term. First act he will repeal the higher tax on the top 1% and that medical program our last President started will be gone. My younger brother is disabled. He's worried he'll lose he SSD and Medicare. My friend too. Which is an unusual story. Years ago he and his wife. Traded rolls. He became Mr. mom. She was the bread earning. Made a hell of a lot more then him. Once their children were grown. He would return to work. Well that plan change. His wife's company downsized. She working 2 jobs to afford all the meds needed for him, cause without he's dead. A few years back. He had a brain bleed that left him. Sorry basically a tart. Cause SS said he didn't have the work credit's after being out of work for too long. He's got nothing coming. Can't get onto his wife's SS, cause she makes more the 27k a year. Well personally hoping, for the best for them. I would like to see Trump change SS. So more can get the help they need. I found it funny, listening to some of the officers. I knew didn't want trump. Act like it was their vote that got him into office. Wow, we got a republican President and the House and Senate are controlled by republican's. This isn't a sign of the end of time is it?

11-11-2016, 12:02 AM
Don't forget George Soros gave BLM $33 million initial funding. That's a whole lot of money to organize, protest and cause chaos.

11-11-2016, 05:29 AM
First thing trump needs to do is get his deplorables and education.

And the poor losers out there protesting and threatening peoples lives who voted for Hillary are the educated ones?

11-11-2016, 04:55 PM
Nothing, no one can do now. Trump was elected and we have to deal with that. Like him or not he's your next president. Sure there are a lot of unanswered question's we all have. All pass President's, have faults, we all didn't agree with on some of their policy's. I'm sure some here are still kicking the civil war President. With what he did over a hundred + years ago.
If you stop to think about it for a second. Their are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine and what it really is. Nobody going to walk in and wave a magic wand and fix every thing. Especially with a Republican control House, Senate and President. Republican's are big business type people. When ever they are in control. The middle class took a hit. Cause their are way more of us then the top 1% earners. I can see a lot of programs and aid going to many city. Scaled back. You think our city hall if they have to choose between their F&F-vs-us. Who do you think will lose out? The city lied once about their how much money that had hidden away. When our step raise's were frozen. Now they have over 300m. They won't touch that to keep us around. They already lowered property taxes. So the only reasonable choice is to lay off. If it comes down to that. Last in first out. Sound about right? NOPE! They will continue to extend the drop for the select few. Instead of letting go those that have over 30 and making a killing. Cause in their minds our current Lt's and many other's don't have the experience to take over those ranks. Held by their buddies. Anytime a person in power makes a decision. It's not in the best interest of the lower class or workers. It's what can YOU do for me. If I keep you around.

11-12-2016, 10:46 AM
Don't forget George Soros gave BLM $33 million initial funding. That's a whole lot of money to organize, protest and cause chaos.

No worries... You can only buy so much weed, chicken, watermelon and grape soda before you go broke. That money is burning a huge whole in their pockets. Let theses morons cry like the unorganized group of retards they are. The media is quickly running out of excuses for them. Let them block traffic... It's only a matter of time before someone steam rolls through them and that behavior will stop.

11-14-2016, 12:19 AM
These anti trump protests are complete ignorance with no foundation other than what the media has been pushing. BLM will soon collaborate with these anti trumpsters when a colored person gets injured in one of these protests. I am pro America. The energy we put in these candidates should be put towards progress and the projects of others.