View Full Version : Fact about the Primary votes

11-07-2016, 07:46 AM
All this hoop-la about the Sheriff catering to the African Americans and how they love him is Bullshit.
Did you know the Sheriff lost in every African American precinct during the Primary in the north end of the county?
Go to www.soe.org and check it out.
He's so loved is in his imagination just like he keeps telling everyone his employees love him.

11-07-2016, 10:49 AM
All this hoop-la about the Sheriff catering to the African Americans and how they love him is Bullshit.
Did you know the Sheriff lost in every African American precinct during the Primary in the north end of the county?
Go to www.soe.org and check it out.
He's so loved is in his imagination just like he keeps telling everyone his employees love him.

Not true. The Sheriff is loved by all of us. I get a salary for saying this all day all night on here. All of you know me. I go to over eaters anonymous because I can't stop eating and I have mental issues too. When you disagreed with me I find that a sign of some handicap you might have because all I do and all I think is Scott Israel.