View Full Version : Are you kidding me Lisa Castillo????

10-30-2016, 01:46 PM
I just read Lisa Castillo's bio. Are you kidding me. This woman couldn't tell the truth if her children's life depended on it. She NEVER, and I mean NEVER held any management position for the city of NEW YORK. She was an intern, that's right, an intern. The most difficult part of her work day was getting ready and commuting to work. Someone should research that. Because, I know for a FACT, that she never held a position other than that internship. These Castillo's make Hillary's email debacle look like a Saturday flag football game.

10-30-2016, 02:01 PM
I just read Lisa Castillo's bio. Are you kidding me. This woman couldn't tell the truth if her children's life depended on it. She NEVER, and I mean NEVER held any management position for the city of NEW YORK. She was an intern, that's right, an intern. The most difficult part of her work day was getting ready and commuting to work. Someone should research that. Because, I know for a FACT, that she never held a position other than that internship. These Castillo's make Hillary's email debacle look like a Saturday flag football game.

Getting ready for work takes a long time for her. She needs to pack in her purse the different faces that she will wear depending where she is. She has also a device that helps her big mouth stay shut. Her medications to humble her and a pill for her huge ego. Must be hard to be her. Be gentle. Deep inside she's lovely and sweet just like Amy and Angelo.

10-30-2016, 07:03 PM
Lisa Castillo, like Ira Goldberg, are the Rodny Dangerfields of BSO. But, they are to stupid to figure out why. In all honesty, can someone please tell me what she's qualified to do. She has never held a position throughout her life that qualifies her to be where she is. But here is big problem, she thinks she's qualified, and she thinks this because she tells everyone. When she talks, all you see is the back of her throat because her mouth is so big. You should see her when she's had a few drinks, it makes you want to jump in front of a train.

10-30-2016, 08:06 PM
She's pretty cute though, it's the only reason why I'll tolerate her.

11-02-2016, 09:43 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but can she make a sammich?

11-02-2016, 10:51 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but can she make a sammich?

She knows how to cook TV dinners in the microwave too!

11-04-2016, 02:36 PM
She knows how to cook TV dinners in the microwave too!

She knows how to cook grilled cheese!😆

11-05-2016, 04:08 PM
She's good cooking Campbell soups too!