View Full Version : Walt Disney World 208

Donald Duck JC
10-18-2016, 09:51 PM
Why is Scott Keith no longer running Disney? Did Jorge Diaz back stabbed him? Now Gensler is the new Mickey Rat!!!! I liked it better when Scott was in charge. As we all know, no one trusts Jorge. He is one worthless human being. It will come back to hunt him. I'm glad im retired and no longer work for FHP. Jorge you will get yours one day. It's coming.....

10-19-2016, 10:33 AM
Why is Scott Keith no longer running Disney? Did Jorge Diaz back stabbed him? Now Gensler is the new Mickey Rat!!!! I liked it better when Scott was in charge. As we all know, no one trusts Jorge. He is one worthless human being. It will come back to hunt him. I'm glad im retired and no longer work for FHP. Jorge you will get yours one day. It's coming.....

FHP has 208 at Disney?

10-19-2016, 11:24 AM
FHP has 208 at Disney?

Well, Yeah. Who do you think wears the costumes? Parading around in a suit of silliness is second nature and the public likes you. A big morale booster. Also it pays more.

10-19-2016, 03:54 PM
Why is Scott Keith no longer running Disney? Did Jorge Diaz back stabbed him? Now Gensler is the new Mickey Rat!!!! I liked it better when Scott was in charge. As we all know, no one trusts Jorge. He is one worthless human being. It will come back to hunt him. I'm glad im retired and no longer work for FHP. Jorge you will get yours one day. It's coming.....

You must be bored, you still licking your chops from being called out the biggest gossiper, shit stirrer and being dishonest. You are worst ghan Hillary.

No one eslse would have an interest in this except for you, Keith and Delahoz.

Just be glad that when you were still employed (almost) fired, it was Jorge who gave you all the 208 at Disney even when we almost lost it because you would always show up late.

10-19-2016, 11:14 PM
You must be bored, you still licking your chops from being called out the biggest gossiper, shit stirrer and being dishonest. You are worst ghan Hillary.

No one eslse would have an interest in this except for you, Keith and Delahoz.

Just be glad that when you were still employed (almost) fired, it was Jorge who gave you all the 208 at Disney even when we almost lost it because you would always show up late.
Shows how stupid you are if you think it is Clerico. Plenty of people dislike the Troop Commanders pet Disney RAT Jorge Diaz. The reason you almost lost Disney was because your wife was being paid for not showing up. She was a ghost trooper on the payroll. I guess being the Majors pet is working out pretty good for you because he obviously is looking the other way about your off duty violations and letting you work whatever schedule you desire.

10-20-2016, 10:14 AM
Shows how stupid you are if you think it is Clerico. Plenty of people dislike the Troop Commanders pet Disney RAT Jorge Diaz. The reason you almost lost Disney was because your wife was being paid for not showing up. She was a ghost trooper on the payroll. I guess being the Majors pet is working out pretty good for you because he obviously is looking the other way about your off duty violations and letting you work whatever schedule you desire.

Must have hit a nerve troll, you sound like a scorned woman. You must hate life, you are retired and sitting in front of a computer and just be nasty. Unless you are still bitter about something.
Or gettingbold and grumpy.

Get a life.

10-21-2016, 12:42 PM
Well, Yeah. Who do you think wears the costumes? Parading around in a suit of silliness is second nature and the public likes you. A big morale booster. Also it pays more.

Best comment I've seen on this board in a long time...

10-22-2016, 04:45 AM
Does FHP get any discounts at Walt Disney, for tickets or anything?

10-22-2016, 12:33 PM
Does FHP get any discounts at Walt Disney, for tickets or anything?

Nice ethical question. The ethical answer is No.

10-22-2016, 04:33 PM
Why does Disney contract with FHP for anything? OCSO provides their law enforcement services; why not just stick with them for all the off-duty services too?

10-22-2016, 08:29 PM
Nice ethical question. The ethical answer is No.

Ummm,, dildo alert... I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, you big man'gina

10-22-2016, 10:44 PM
Why does Disney contract with FHP for anything? OCSO provides their law enforcement services; why not just stick with them for all the off-duty services too?

A simple answer - LOW BID.

10-23-2016, 12:38 AM
Ummm,, dildo alert... I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, you big man'gina

Why would you hurt my feelings by asking if Disney is offering a discount?

However, your true character is revealed by the unproved unnecessary name calling. Definitely defines what you are, immature!

10-23-2016, 12:56 AM
Clerico the biggest slob that ever wore a uniform.

10-23-2016, 04:14 PM
Scott Keith crapped in his own nest. After his OIG Investigation he was allowed to return to work with a two year probation. If u dispute that ask for his OIG Investigation, its all there. Keith will screw up in two years, hes as crooked as Hillary.

As for 10-49, they cannot handle all of the 208 plus Disney likes to keep everyone happy.

10-23-2016, 04:30 PM
John C, why don't you worry about Mears Taxis or your next gastric bypass. Are you stalking the women at Mears yet? If you get as fat as Delahoz has gotten, you will blow the band off of your last gastric bypass procedure. Nom nom.....eat up Dildo boy....since you are bored why dont you hook up with Jackie Cox, im sure you two have a lot of catching up to do.

10-23-2016, 05:20 PM
Scott Keith crapped in his own nest. After his OIG Investigation he was allowed to return to work with a two year probation. If u dispute that ask for his OIG Investigation, its all there. Keith will screw up in two years, hes as crooked as Hillary.

As for 10-49, they cannot handle all of the 208 plus Disney likes to keep everyone happy.

Really? OCSO can't handle it? Don't they have just as many Deputies in their county as we have Troopers in the whole state? It just seems odd that a company as protective of their image as Disney doesn't keep everything "in-house" so to speak with one LE Agency. But hey, whatever works, as long as everyone is happy.

10-23-2016, 06:37 PM
Diaz has been the troll under the bridge his whole career, Lopez protects him because of all the garbage he knows on him. That's why Captain Twinkle Toes won't mess with him.

10-23-2016, 08:55 PM
Disney likes to keep everyone happy. OCSO has plenty of 208 available outside of Disney.

10-23-2016, 09:40 PM
Scott Keith crapped in his own nest. After his OIG Investigation he was allowed to return to work with a two year probation. If u dispute that ask for his OIG Investigation, its all there. Keith will screw up in two years, hes as crooked as Hillary.

As for 10-49, they cannot handle all of the 208 plus Disney likes to keep everyone happy.

Diaz sorry nobody likes or trust you cause if you will turn on your best friend shows what a piece of manure you really are. Hope you are enjoying your rental home since you filed for bankruptcy and had youre last home taken by the repo man. The only persons I know as crooked as the Clintons is Wanda and Jorge Diaz just look under the rock.

10-24-2016, 03:47 AM
Diaz sorry nobody likes or trust you cause if you will turn on your best friend shows what a piece of manure you really are. Hope you are enjoying your rental home since you filed for bankruptcy and had youre last home taken by the repo man. The only persons I know as crooked as the Clintons is Wanda and Jorge Diaz just look under the rock.


When you grow up. Do we need to tell your wife about the sext texts found on your computor. I bet she dont know about that, thats why you caved.