View Full Version : Motor pool crisis

Cuban pete
10-12-2016, 09:16 PM
Why are there a bunch of new vehicles and FTO SUV in the motor pool collecting dust , why don't they give them out . I came across a officer driving a spear vehicle and it was a safety issue, u told him if you get hurt in that vehicle sue the city . Again where the union ! And who the the LT in charge of the motor pool he must not care

Leroy black
10-12-2016, 09:20 PM
And some of those spares are leaking carbon monoxide big-time guys please crack your windows someone is going to get hurt

10-12-2016, 09:23 PM
Hey Cuban pete " who you is " go back to the tree you monkey azzzz came from . And what high school you go to Da West. Lmao

10-12-2016, 09:50 PM
That's Funtes he thinks he is God over there . - and ( Funtes ) can you pull your pants up

10-12-2016, 10:21 PM
Have you ever seen Funtes wit a spare !!!!!

10-12-2016, 11:42 PM
And rookies with brand new cars, and hôes with brand new cars. The president of the union jas a brand new car amd also his boy lugo. So they dont care

10-13-2016, 12:00 AM
Those are for the new recruits that have family in the department!

10-13-2016, 01:34 AM
As long as lugo, maxi pad and Whortiz have new cars and the friends and family are watched after no one gives a Fck about about the non plan members

10-13-2016, 02:31 AM
Hey fuentes tell us how you have a new car every 2 or 3 years. You dont need a brand new car when you work as a bítch secretary thinking you own the cars. How about you give your brand new car to a detective that actually needs it more than you. You only go home and work 46's.

10-13-2016, 11:42 PM
Hey fuentes tell us how you have a new car every 2 or 3 years. You dont need a brand new car when you work as a bítch secretary thinking you own the cars. How about you give your brand new car to a detective that actually needs it more than you. You only go home and work 46's.

Hey, you spineless f**king monkey. I can drive whatever the F*ck I want. And come over hear and identify yourself you little Pus*y, if you have the balls, which I doubt you don't.

10-14-2016, 12:16 AM
Hey, you spineless f**king monkey. I can drive whatever the F*ck I want. And come over hear and identify yourself you little Pus*y, if you have the balls, which I doubt you don't.

Lmao what are you going to do??? Hahah with your miniature size what are u going to do? I put you in your place once dont know if you recollect. Get the fûck out of this place already you corrupted ZERO. HAHA!

10-15-2016, 07:01 PM
Ok everyone the motor pool runs itself. Meaning if they have vehicles available you will get one if not you won't , it's not Funtes actually is you all idiots that crash and the city that at time are cheap and won't buy vehicles

10-15-2016, 08:21 PM
Ok everyone the motor pool runs itself. Meaning if they have vehicles available you will get one if not you won't , it's not Funtes actually is you all idiots that crash and the city that at time are cheap and won't buy vehicles
The motor pool does not run itself. Be real with yourself. Folks in the in crowd get a new car consistently. Lugo, max, Javi, Natalie, Ralf, nerley, academy staff, staff members kids... The Herbello kids, Ford's kid. Now do we crash cars too?? Sure we do, most of them are under serviced, over milage, out dated and probably part of the reason the crash occurred in the first place. I had a 17 after my car stalled while making a left turn under normal operating conditions. An issue mind you, that I had serviced several times before the17. The problem is too many jack asses have there hands in how the vehicles are dealt out and Ralf either rolls over like a good puppy and plays along for a belly rub or acts like there is nothing he can do for you unless he sees some benefit for himself. It's a joke and some day, after Ralf retires he will see all the friends he thought he had will want nothing to do with him now that he can't do anything for them. The whole department operates this way. Then we ***** about the "me mentality". There are very few people here who haven't succumb to this disease. So few that I could count them on one hand. Y'all need to man up and start taking care of each other. We are really all we got, instead we stab each other in the back and finish with a jugular slash.

10-17-2016, 09:47 PM
Those vehicles are getting ready for all those recruits that are in the academy. Man, so many of them coming through. Not sure if we have enough FTO's available.

10-18-2016, 01:22 AM
Those vehicles are getting ready for all those recruits that are in the academy. Man, so many of them coming through. Not sure if we have enough FTO's available.

Don't think so you don't get. Car till AFTER probation is over. So logic says if they are in the academy no they don't get off probation till next November at the earliest. Nice try azz wipe.

10-18-2016, 02:09 AM
Don't think so you don't get. Car till AFTER probation is over. So logic says if they are in the academy no they don't get off probation till next November at the earliest. Nice try azz wipe.

Those vehicles are for the recruits in the academy that are F and F plan cara de culo

10-18-2016, 02:10 AM
Don't think so you don't get. Car till AFTER probation is over. So logic says if they are in the academy no they don't get off probation till next November at the earliest. Nice try azz wipe.

If those vehicles been sitting there now, what makes you think they would not be there by then as well.